@raesONE-_PSN said in perfect timing and I pulled it foul
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in perfect timing and I pulled it foul
This is highly common in baseball.
This is a videogame. Where you're supposed to get rewarded for doing the "correct" thing. Like hitting a perfect/perfect, that is as "correct" as it can be, heck it is PERFECT. Sure you can line out, or fly out or whatever. But pulling one foul should never be one of the outcomes when you have PERFECT input and anyone who tries to defend this is worse than the coding of this game (no offense to you personally, just your mindset in this specific case).
While this is a fun thought, many issues come up by changing from physics to situational based hitting. Besides, this was only one "perfect" - timing. And even if there were two perfect (perfect/perfect) criteria met, it is not THE perfect hit because only two parts of the equation were met. There are five basic criteria. Timing, Contact, Launch Angle, and Exit Velocity. (even more, if you want to take in barometric pressure, wind, temperature, etc). The fifth isn't a realistic criterion, but if you want to guarantee a hit, you need to take the fielders out of the picture (have them sit around the mound and talk about pizza or something).
One of the minor issues is: there's no reason to have attributes. All hitters have the same ability, and it depends on the situation to get a hit.
Yes, this is a video game. We are not standing behind the plate hitting 100 mph fastballs (or in my case watching them go by). There needs to be a balance between physics (realism) and arcade (situational). This game leans more towards realism than arcade (and that pisses a lot of people off), but there is still some arcade in it (and that pisses a lot of people off).
Personally, if I want to play arcade baseball, I'll pull out Little League World Series Baseball 2022, or Super Mega Baseball 4.
I saw another post recently where someone said (sorry, I don't remember who) that there is nothing majorly wrong with this game, but there are a lot of little things that are wrong (paraphrase - sorry). I don't know if wrong is the right word. Maybe the correct word is preferences... there are little things that don't meet my preferences, but they are only my preferences and I have the option of not playing the game if I don't enjoy it.
Each year we buy the game hoping the little things are ironed out, and sometimes they are, but other things emerge...that's the beast of programming.
All we can do for now is make SDS aware of the issues we find and hope they get fixed...if not, we have the option of not playing or even buying the game ever again.
Sorry for the tome, but my dang OCD was repeating this over and over in my brain and I had to put it somewhere to get it to stop. Maybe I should just begin seeing a therapist.
What in heavens name are you talking about? I never said a perfect/perfect should always be a homerun, in fact I even specifically mentioned it, I said a perfect/perfect should never result in a foul ball. And it shouldn't, I 100% stand by that. Also you imply that he only got 1 perfect (timing) and my question to you would be how do you know this?