So far I've only been drafted by SF Giants in one, I haven't reached draft in the other two I started as I started diving deep into Diamond Dynasty... hoping to get into RTTS more along with Franchise this weekend since the official Opening Day is today.

this gets said every year about every game... in particular sports... relax and breathe
I think at most they probably should've put that first pack in there like they did with programs last year... has anyone found one in the Spring Conquest map?
Live Series cards get Supercharged to 99 this year and there is also Insiders Edge... not to mention the captains that are available... long story short if there is a Live Series Captain Card and/or you want Jeter, Sosa and/or McGwire you might want to get to collecting... I'll collect as I go like I usually do and then if I see I'm close to completing a collection I'll hit the marketplace to see what I'm missing and if I have enough stubs to get the collection done.
@TheWooderBoy__MLBTS said in Field of Dreams:
Would be cool if they replaced it with the Williamsport little league game if that’s the case.
I would love it if they did that and allowed the ability for players with "nicknames" to have those nicknames appear on the back of the jersey... similar to how everyone wears 42 on Jackie Robinson Day and the pink bats for Mothers Day and blue bats (I think) for Fathers Day.
I guess they would need to add "Nickname" to the programming but it would be a fun addition in my eyes.
@romeischillin said in Missing Twitch Packs!!!:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Missing Twitch Packs!!!:
Have you gone to your account page at
Made sure that they were still connected there and that there are no warning on the left side of the page?
Last year, or maybe the year before I stopped getting them and when I went to the page it gave me an error about needing an account on I created that and reconnected everything (can't remember if I disconnected them first) and I started getting drops again.
BTW, Twitch does not realize if things are not right on It will say you are connected and let you claim all day long but you will not get your packs. I also don't think relinking everything will retroactively get you anything.
You could look on the bright side. The packs suck every bit as much, if not moreso than standard packs so overwhelming odds are that you missed out on some common and bronzes.
Interesting... Twitch shows me that I'm connected but when I went to your link it shows that I'm not connected to Twitch... guess I have to re-connect from Sony's side because everything looks fine on Twitch's end.
okay so you have to sign into your "The Show" account, not your console account to link back to Twitch. I just did
unless I missed something Jazz Chisholm Charisma is the collection reward.
@LuvMyXBOX_XBL said in Does everyone get Jeter 86 Diamond?:
because I did not preorder or anything. What a nice surprise!
yup 86 Jeter is in the store for free and will probably be there awhile. can also get 72 Jeter in Starter Missions... I want to say he's All-Star so can get boosted by Bryce Harper's All Star Captain card and David Wright's Cover Athlete Captain card... just depends on who you activate.
Austin Riley was mine... huge pull considering I started Team Affinity with NL East. Actually got him from pack that is in Season 1 XP Path if I recall.
Also need to double check and see if I got my Twitch packs... I didn't notice any in my inventory.
Live Series will play a larger role once the season starts and we get Supercharged, Insider Edge and Upgrades/Downgrades every three weeks.
For me the Live Series collections are more so about the Team Captains collection rewards than the overall rewards although I do want that Jeter even though getting the 92 Jeter isn't a bad consolation... not to mention the Free 86 that can get boosted with the David Wright Cover Athlete Captain card that I opted to grab from my free Captains pack.
@garyjuehrs_MLBTS said in Wild card?:
Am i reading it right that the main roster I use tops out at 87 and I need to use the wild card feature? And if you add another roster its lower?
Wild Card will not come into play until Season 3.
@garyjuehrs_MLBTS said in Player XP Missions Checklist:
Where is this app? on the show web site?
App is on the site and in the respective stores for Apple and Android however Apple has not approved the new app (general consensus of what everyone is thinking) therefore 23 App is only live on Android.
It just dawned on me that I still have a tablet and phone that are Android but since I haven't started RTTS yet I didn't think to see if I can atleast get the app on one of those two devices... guess l'll try that if Apple doesn't have the new updated app by this weekend.
@jcassaro44_PSN said in Conquests:
The only issue I have is that I’ll win a strong hold and four turns later a team is no longer dormant and attack the strong hold. Last year I remember when I took out a stronghold the team was dead, it’s two steps back playing hall of fame games, I don’t remember it being like that last year. However, besides that the game is awesome this year.
If the team still has fans and gets lucky enough to get more territories and eventually another stronghold they can stay in the map... you have to get their strongholds and their territories... if a team reinforces or moves fans while they have a stronghold they can end up having tons of fans still on the board... I've had this happen to me where I have taken a stronghold from a team and went to focus on another team meanwhile the other team moves back in on the territory and takes it right back from me because I didn't reinforce the stronghold... Conquest is all about keeping your eyes open... me personally I get tunnel vision once I'm fully immersed in a particular objective during Conquest and sometimes it comes back to bite me.
@Nickc22_MLBTS said in Conquests:
I feel like they’ve ruined conquest this year so far. That whole mode should be for grinding and getting stats completed. There should be no reason the cpu should be able to run the map how it does. I don’t understand how they always have unlimited fans and never seem to run out of stuff. Last year I could complete a map quick this year it’s been tough and it shouldn’t be
They don't have unlimited fans... they gain and lose fans the same way you do.
@lckdb_XBL said in The Show 23 companion app:
I logged in and back out on Apple. Still can’t access 23 but now I am getting notifications (that I can’t turn off) for sell orders I am executing on the 23 website.
Notifications for 23 have come in for me on the app ever since 23 went live for Early Access... I'm not sure if it's a SONY issue but this feels more so like an APPLE issue unless SONY/SDS says otherwise.
@BRETTSANT05_PSN said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@Finn_Scotus_MLBTS said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
Agreed. I was getting hammered by someone early yesterday and quit but I didn't realize it was taboo. They still got points for the win and their stats/xp I assume so why should it be a major deal every once in a while?
From my perspective, I think it is more than the win. I would prefer to have a homerun derby off whoever I am facing and get a bunch of Ks to get more XP. Also lots of people who do program missions in games and need xp and/or innings. I am usually expecting to go 9 innings so it can be frustrating when people quit, especially if its multiple games in a row. With that being said, I would rather quitting be allowed than to get penalized for freeze offs
I think that's the reason for the Ranked Seasons Program... to incentive people to play til the end... I've only played two Events games so I have limited experience this year with H2H but I'd imagine players would want to see games through although I get why some would quit because sometimes your emotions get the better of you and you just don't want to play anymore... hopefully situations such as the one OP was in don't happen often this year as so far I haven't seen a lot of this or not being able to get online being reported... atleast not on social media as I wasn't on the forums during Early Access.
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@tmichae10_PSN said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@BRETTSANT05_PSN said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
5 minutes isn't long because that was the first one I ever received. It goes up from there, so if it happens multiple times it will eventually be a long wait
I believe in a stream they said it would compound for chronic quitters. Don’t recall the particulars if that was “quitting x games in a y period”, but don’t think it was for “cumulative sum of quits”.
I missed that part of the stream. Is there a cool down for regular quits (from the game menu) or just dashboarding?
Unfortunately OP wasn't in a position to quit using the menu but basically if you quit on your own you get penalized, but if you quit via the menu as a team you don't get penalized.
@NWOStunna_PSN said in Update - Companion App & iOS:
Kinda crazy my app isn’t updated because I have an IPhone. Giving me notifications but not updated. Wtf?
Same... I get the "pull" notifications for 23 same as 22 but at this point it has to be Apple dropping the ball... smh.
not going to jinx it but I had one issue where I couldn't log in and then I selected Diamond Dynasty and I was in the game... definitely recommend checking your internet connection if you couldn't get on at launch... there was a message about maintenance for earlier today so not sure if that's when you tried to get on but as far as PS5 I have had zero issues outside of that one brief moment.
at this point its Apple has to approve the app is what I'm thinking... what's taking them so long I do not know.
Drafted by the same 2 teams EVERY TIME
Worst launch ever for a video game
Egg hunt program
Is it as important to complete the LS as it used to be?
Field of Dreams
Missing Twitch Packs!!!
Do Charisma players get any boosts or anything special?
Does everyone get Jeter 86 Diamond?
First Diamond pull….
Anybody thinks the Live series collection isn’t worth it?
Wild card?
Player XP Missions Checklist
The Show 23 companion app
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
Update - Companion App & iOS
Fix your Servers
The Show 23 companion app