Official grade: B-
Weekend Classic rewards (2) are sellable! First one is April 11th.
If you miss out on them, you can get them in lower tiers of WC next season.
Each game you lose removes rewards you're eligible for.
Ohtani revealed as the highest LS card (91 overall)!
Diamond Quest, stats and PxP all count during DQ games. Main goal is to move towards to bosses in stadium icons. uncover the board before doing final stadium boss.
DQ rewards sellable!!
- They show the "rare" reward for the first DQ board to be a 79 Juan Soto. Seems like a crappy reward for all that time it should take!
- Wish they talked more about Weekend League and or the combined online mode rewards track.
- Diamond Quest seems like a time sink, but good for offline players I guess? TBH conquest seems like a better bang for your buck.
N's (Not Sure):
Diamond Quest, lots of time, luck and skill required. You use your own DD squad, there can be squad restrictions.
Zone Sweeper is the toughest challenge, biggest risk / reward (angry baseball icon)