Smashed my controller
Man, you are an angry person. If you destroy anything due to a video game, stop playing it and seek some professional help.
I got issues, correct. Mental health problems. Laugh all you want, couldn’t care less. But when I pay 100$ for a video game I want to enjoy it and have fun. Why am I punished by the game, when I do everything right according to how the game plays by intent? How come I keep losing games on rookie yet I have perfect frame-by-frame PCI placement on the ball, and I strike the ball with almost perfect timing every time - why am I being punished by the game for doing good?? Punish me when I swing at pitches outside the zone - good. Punish me when I try to steal - Even better! Punish me when I throw bad pitches - The way it should be. But ffs, award players for doing good why don’t you SDS? I’m out. God bless.
@freshcope86_xbl said in Smashed my controller:
I got issues, correct. Mental health problems. Laugh all you want, couldn’t care less. But when I pay 100$ for a video game I want to enjoy it and have fun. Why am I punished by the game, when I do everything right according to how the game plays by intent? How come I keep losing games on rookie yet I have perfect frame-by-frame PCI placement on the ball, and I strike the ball with almost perfect timing every time - why am I being punished by the game for doing good?? Punish me when I swing at pitches outside the zone - good. Punish me when I try to steal - Even better! Punish me when I throw bad pitches - The way it should be. But ffs, award players for doing good why don’t you SDS? I’m out. God bless.
I didn't laugh, never hinted at that. I said if you are that mad at a game and smash a controller, it's time to stop and look into your anger issues. I have no idea what to say to if you are losing constantly on rookie. Rookie is basically a homerun derby and I smoke balls on it regularly and rarely lose on rookie. I am not a very good hitter at all so if I can hit on rookie, anyone can
HAAHAA all these poor Xbox fools who have no clue about the SDS RNG in gameplay... Poor souls
Batting practice is free!
Stop your Whining!!!!! 1 post after the other you ungrateful MoFo’s this isn’t FB to post your thoughts every 3 min if u don’t like the game don’t play ..and I bet it’s more than half of the people crying that are just garbage at the game hit the BP cages and save your rants for someone who gives a flying F**k
Brooooo. Go take a break and celebrate 4/20 a little early lol. Hitting isnt that bad. Give them some time.. They almost always tune the hitting throughout the year. Exit velos are a little meh sometime in my opinion but other than that, hitting isnt terrible.
Its a game guy. Get some help.
@freshcope86_xbl said in Smashed my controller:
So, wtf is up hitting you mother f#%^*s SDS? I’m on Xbox One S here and let me tell you something is OFF. Zone hitting - one of the 3 best views - PERFECT, (i’d like you to read that again), PERFECT PCI alignment - MOST of the TIME I’m in the green when hitting and every single time the outfield either catches it or its foul. There is something in the coding or port to Xbox One that is not right, I have lost almost every game so far! Is that fudging fun for a game I paid 100$ for?? You greedy aholes just want money, worst garbage I’ve ever played. I enjoyed playing PGA once more than I ever this bs of a game. Its baseball!! I want to hit dingers! And I want to hit them and watch them fly when I DO EVERYTHING RIGHT ACCORDING TO HOW THE GAME WAS DEVELOPED WITH THE PCI AND ZONE HITTING. TF WHY DO YOU PUNISH ME AS A PLAYER OF YOUR GAME AND A SUPPORTER OF YOUR GAME. freaking done nothing wrong and I paid out my freaking wellfare nose abroad for this?? Go [censored] yourselfs SDS go [censored] [censored] yourselfs for this garbage. No hits my [censored], I’ll just refund this trash. Enjoyed playing RBI more too at least there I can get a hit when I do things right.
emotional intelligence is something you gotta learn my dude
Ask real baseball players how often a ball hit on the screws is caught. It's a lot.
@theronjvr_psn said in Smashed my controller:
Ask real baseball players how often a ball hit on the screws is caught. It's a lot.
This all day long
Grow up dude
Oooooo my first of the year.....
Bye Felicia...
I say this not as a insult but as advice, take a break from gaming and relax.
This is a bit much. I’ve played every conquest map thru and I had my fair share of perfect perfect outs. Nothing worth smashing a controller over. Controllers aren’t cheap my guy, buy a stress ball and squeeze that
@freshcope86_xbl said in Smashed my controller:
I got issues, correct. Mental health problems. Laugh all you want, couldn’t care less. But when I pay 100$ for a video game I want to enjoy it and have fun. Why am I punished by the game, when I do everything right according to how the game plays by intent? How come I keep losing games on rookie yet I have perfect frame-by-frame PCI placement on the ball, and I strike the ball with almost perfect timing every time - why am I being punished by the game for doing good?? Punish me when I swing at pitches outside the zone - good. Punish me when I try to steal - Even better! Punish me when I throw bad pitches - The way it should be. But ffs, award players for doing good why don’t you SDS? I’m out. God bless.
Curse of the Bambino??!!
The mob mentality of the people in here is worse than any frustrated rant.
$100 says it's your TV.
I played on an old Vizio for the last 4 seasons and couldn't even use Zone hitting because of the latency. Fast forward to this year and I got a brand new 65" LG with GAME mode and instant game response and it's like being in the sunshine after being stuck in a cave for 4 years. I'm killing it. Make sure your game mode is turned on. If you don't have game mode I would suggest getting a TV that does (or a monitor.)
This is why we can't have nice things...