Not letting me in

If it’s a hexagon you’re missing, one suggestion is to go to your team details and make your team’s primary colour a very obvious one like white, or a fluorescent colour. Then go back into it and all your hexagons will be really bright. It’ll make finding your missing space far more obvious.
When you change the colour, if you have a custom uniform, just don’t select the “initialize uniforms” option or whatever when you leave. When you’re done, go change the primary colour back to normal and you should be good to go.
You can choose update later, but you cannot access online without the latest patch (I.e. can only play offline single player modes)
If you’re looking for really good hittable curves/screwballs, you need to look for ones that arc well above the top of the zone to start. Those ones you’re talking about start near the top of the zone but always fall off below the zone or in bad hitting locations. Wait for those hangers that arc well above the zone to start. If you’re comfortable fighting off pitches, do that till 2 strikes.
Yeah just happened to me too exactly as you say. I had one Friday but it was a bit different. Didn’t get the unhandled error note. It showed the normal animation for a win, but it showed me going from 10 wins to 11 when it should’ve showed 11 to 12. If I look at my wins total from the main page, it shows 11 wins, but if I go to the leaderboard, it shows me with 12.
I feel like that’s a bit easier for me to submit a bug and get fixed, but these unhandled exceptions where nothing records are the worst cause I bet they won’t be able to give me the win or all the stats I accumulated.
It can be any of the 42 series pitchers obtained through TA
I don’t think they’ll lock prior seasons. In terms of whether it will be gated the way it was last year or if you can start 2 without completing 1, the fact they’re calling them seasons instead of stages makes me think they won’t be gated.
TA has very distinct tasks that are not interdependent so I think it’s possible to make the seasons separate without locking them or gating the seasons. They’d just have to make each season its own “program” starting from 0 as opposed to adding awards onto the progression of season 1.
For now I’m treating it like it will be gated, but I’d be fine if it wasn’t.
@lucas8181_psn said in Showdown:
@lord_blumpkin35 said in Showdown:
@lucas8181_psn said in Showdown:
You had 8 AB's to get him home, and you didn't. When it was his turn to hit again, he came up to bat. There aren't ghost runners in MLB the show....
his defense there was repeat runners last year, but yet again yeah shoudlve scored him by then.
Maybe? I never had that happen last year. Showdown is on ROOKIE and VETERAN. If people can't get their PCI squared up to hit a sac fly, maybe they don't deserve the 42 cards? There are 50 posts here of people crying about this. If you can't hit the ball, you honestly don't deserve free diamond cards. Practice and get better at the game. Like, ya'll 15 or something? You have to earn stuff in life my friends. Reminds me of the college student emails I get.
"Dear Professor, I know I haven't been in class for the past 15 1/2 weeks, what extra credit can I do to pass the class".
Nada dudes, try again next year.
I have not lost a showdown this year but doesn’t mean I havent struggled to get hits at times. I had this happen to me one time. I could have scored my runner but strategically left my runner on third because I had the lifeline perk that is dependent on having a runner on base.
And even if that wasn’t the case, not everyone has played the game for years, not everyone is good at video games. Guy is just asking why his runner disappeared which is a fair question since last year in the same situation, the runner would be replaced by the last out. If you’re gonna give someone a hard time on these forums, I can think of a lot more comments that are reasonable to criticize than this one.
My buddy wasn’t getting double XP, but was getting some. Then he reinstalled and now he isn’t getting any at all. He has never played MTO or the HRD
I’m in the same boat but haven’t reinstalled, though now I’m reluctant to try.
@deadphish1976 said in Showdown glitch - missing runner?:
Yup, I had this happen to me last night in showdown, I had a runner on third and then all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. I thought maybe I was just wrong and didn't have a guy on third or I was going crazy so in some ways it's good to know this has happened to others.
If you can remember (or anyone else who has had this issue), by any chance, whichever runner you had on third, did they disappear when they also would've been coming on deck? (i.e. you've almost batted around the order).
In my earlier post I said I was in a mini-boss game and Ramos disappeared off third when he came up to bat gain, but after looking at the replays I realized it was actually when Ramos came back on deck. Seems everyone has lost their runner when they've been on third, but I'm curious if it's also when the game tries to bring the same player into 2 places (on base and on deck).
Either way I submitted a ticket and included video, so hopefully they can resolve the issue, but I figure if we can pinpoint what triggers the issue, we can at least try to avoid it and avoid the frustration while we're waiting for a fix.
@kdclemson_psn said in SDS Support:
I pulled diamond Kirby Yates about 5 days ago and lost him to a server error. I messaged SDS support to tell them this and since then I have heard absolutely nothing back. Feels like I'm just being ignored tbh.
It's really frustrating knowing that there's a good chance I won't get a card that I actually pulled and evenmoreso that I'm straight up not getting a response from support.
Totally agree it’s crazy that you lost a card, but I don’t think they’re ignoring you. Think about how bad things have been with the servers, the number of people that have the same issue as you, all the other bugs. I think you’re just complaint/bug report # 90,553 on the list cause there’s been so many problems and that’s why you don’t have a response yet.
Yes happened to me this morning. Not sure if it’s the same case for you guys, but for me it was when my runner on base was coming up to the plate again. I had Ramos on base and I was holding off on letting him score cause I had a perk with a RISP. Then when it was Ramos’ turn to come up to bat, he disappeared off third base. In 20, they would replace the runner with the last out. But this time, no replacement
I'm gonna get the specifics wrong, but if anyone remembers from the Show 16, there were like 3 or 4 bosses or categories. You'd pick one or assign it as your 'live' category and any XP (or whatever the measurement of progress was for 16) you'd earn would get attributed to progress under that particular category. You were in complete control and could change it at any point and start earning progress in one of the other categories.
A similar concept might be helpful for these programs. i.e. if we get to the second inning and you missed completing the first inning program, you could assign the first inning program as your 'live' program. All in-game XP that is earned would accumulate under the first inning program. Any program-specific things such as conquest maps or showdown would only apply to the inning program they were created for, but this would allow people to go back and complete programs they might not have had time for previously.
Inning programs offer progressively better rewards with each inning so the incentive would still be to have the current program as your 'live' one for in-game XP, but this would allow people the flexibility to go back and complete things if life/work gets in the way.
I don’t know how it works on Xbox but playstation has a way to save a video clip of up to the past 15 min of play time (it’s always running for PlayStation so you don’t have to “start” it) If you get screwed over by a disconnect like that, save a copy and send it to the show team through their support page and they’re pretty good at resolving those things. Might take a bit since I’m sure they’re swamped right now at release, but they will get to it.
Yeah it’s non existent on ps4. It sounds more like a temporary dead spot of sound followed by a half crackle for me. Hopefully that’s something they can fix on ps4 without it affecting the other consoles.
@arvcpa said in My "to-do" list for day 1 in MLB 21 - please edit:
Let me know what I'm missing. Thank you
My advice is for the person that plays a decent amount (can grind some things) and doesn't buy a [censored] ton of stubs, rip packs etc., but:
- The first few days, sell most LS golds that you get in your packs. Prices are always high, particularly in the first 24 hours because content creaters / the rich are buying up LS cards left and right to get collection rewards. Buy some back once prices start to drop to field a competitive team for online.
- after a week or so, aim to buy all the low commons and bronze players needed to collect 25 on each team. If you do this with buy orders and show patience, you actually earn more stubs from rewards than you pay for the cards. Plus you'll get XP.
- Look at where you can earn sellable cards, such as events. If you can grind those rewards before others, you can sell them for a good amount of stubs and can always buy them back later when more people have earned him and the price goes down.
- Flipping/investing: Flipping works if you can watch the market for extended periods. Investing works if you have lots of disposable stubs (because sometimes those investments are locked up for weeks or months).
- Grind some RS games. Based on what you said in #5, I'd say get yourself up to the PR or WC (as high as you can get to with a good win % so you are efficient because there's lots of content early on). The first ascent takes a bit, but after that you only drop 1.5 tiers, so you'll automatically earn the associated XP/rewards from those lower levels. Then you only have to play a couple games that next season to get back to that same level. Rinse and repeat. (Note: If you play your games later in the season, you're more likely to avoid the high quality players which means you'll win more and it won't take as much time to reach that level)
- Lastly, depending how close you follow the game and related news and content, the market goes INSANE on content days for the first half or 2/3 of the year. If you can anticipate what is coming out, you can profit big time from this even aside from investing in LS cards that might go diamond. For example, will the new content create a significant demand for certain cards (i.e. will new programs require exchanging AL east players, or catchers or something). If yes, you can invest in those types of players well before the release and then sell them for 2-3x the price when content is released.
- Anything you grind offline, set your roster in a way that allows you to knock off multiple tasks at the same time. i.e. if you're doing conquest, use players needed for daily missions or team affinity. You can do this online too, but as you mentioned, first goal should be making sure your team is good if you're online.
I mentioned this idea a long while ago but why not shrink the pci when it leaves the zone? I know they attempt to limit it based on the range of how far your pci can go outside the zone, but any diamond card usually has high enough vision/contact that their outer PCI still extends to unrealistic lengths.
For any part of the pci that’s outside the zone, have it shrink by 30-40% (whatever is fair) to reflect the fact that once you start leaving the zone, your chance of making contact decreases.
@Oachs83 said in Pitches in the middle:
Had a painful frustrating game yesterday and could not catch a break. Was pitching with Walter Johnson who has over 90 control. Was striking out my opponent a lot and his change up had a full circle around it. Then Griffey comes up to bat, I place the change up bellow the zone awesome release and that thing went right down the middle. Ummmm okay? Did it again and almost exact same result, hmmmmm? Couldn’t believe this guy didn’t swing. Well after a 10 pitch AB of foul ball after lunging early animations and “how the heck is he fouling these off?” It was easy to see what was next. Inside pitch gets pulled for a homer.
Next batter Johnson has no control issues. It’s puzzling sometimes but that game was one of the more puzzling frustrating games I’ve had in awhile.
I don't know what pitching input you use, but I use meter and I find if I'm trying to throw changes below the zone, it's actually more likely to get sucked back into the zone with perfect input. I actually try to get the meter close, but actually miss the meter when I throw changes below the zone and I find it helps. Of course, that's a huge flaw in the pitching system itself. I can't speak to analog though if that's what you're using.
@thinkbluedgr said in 99 Kershaw:
Got him for 142k. he's now up to 200k. whats the deal?
will he continue to go up or will he eventually fall back around 140?There’s just so many stubs out there. I would expect prices to continue to inflate. Only way he might go down is if the final inning program offers a few past inning choice packs like they did last year and if kershaw’s is in there. Otherwise, expect it to continually rise till the game ends.
Yeah happening to me too. I reset and it allows me back in but I get the error message after games.
Servers down??
West TA2 conquest
Patch question
1st Inning Showdown
W's not counting in Events. Again.
TA showdown bosses
Team Affinity
Showdown glitch - missing runner?
SDS Support
Showdown glitch - missing runner?
There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Showdown Vouchers
Perfect/perfect sound on ps4
My "to-do" list for day 1 in MLB 21 - please edit
Brainstorming the fouling off issue
Pitches in the middle
99 Kershaw
Unhandled server exception??