You’re not necessarily a troll; you just have too much time on your hands. There are many like you though, so you’re common like the lineup that you used.

@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in What are the odds?:
@Write-To-Shawn_PSN said in What are the odds?:
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in What are the odds?:
Mathematically speaking, the odds of hitting one of the diamonds are 50/50, because it’ll either happen or it won’t happen.
Exactly. 50% of the time, it works every time. It’s science.
Not really. With a Chase pack you have a 100% chance of getting a diamond. It's an 85 but it is a diamond. Now if you want the Chase pack headliner there is a 1% chance of hitting that pack.
I was just throwing out an Anchorman quote by the legendary Brian Fantana. I quit collecting digital cards when Set 4 came out.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in What are the odds?:
Mathematically speaking, the odds of hitting one of the diamonds are 50/50, because it’ll either happen or it won’t happen.
Exactly. 50% of the time, it works every time. It’s science.
You wrote an 18-paragraph memoir about your health maladies in a video game forum to cap it off with advice to people complaining about the game?
The irony is palpable - you’re on your 5th username because of incessant comments like “can’t stand people and their 3rd world internet” and “I lost cuz some idiot bunted,” which were insufferable to many.
Your situation in no way makes your pontificating more palatable to me. Regardless, I wish you a solid recovery.
@eatyum_PSN said in It's done, most grinding I've done in awhile:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in It's done, most grinding I've done in awhile:
@eatyum_PSN said in It's done, most grinding I've done in awhile:
Also I stayed up way later and used 20 energy drinks to do it, it's bed time
How do you sleep after 20 energy drinks?
Wow typo lol, 2 energy drinks
Monster? Red Bull? Bang? What’s your drug of choice?
@FellsPointGuy_PSN said in Sometimes you just have to let go....:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Sometimes you just have to let go....:
That's a brutal story. I would seriously consider leaving this franchise in the rear view mirror after something like that. It's not worth the stress, time, and money anyway for most people, but especially for you having to go through all of this nonsense. I doubt they will resolve your issue in a timely matter also, sadly they do not seem to care one bit.
I think there are so many people who spin a story when they get banned and that may stop SDS from looking into these types of issues as thoroughly. But what about those of us that are telling the truth? I haven't even received any communication that my issue is being worked on. Nobody owes me anything, but I essentially bought something that I am now restricted from without representation of any kind.
Sometimes an occurrence as brutal as this one becomes the revelation a person needed and is the catalyst for some much needed change.
This year’s game was the best thing that happened to me. I no longer want to grind and I cancelled my PS membership (it’ll expire in a couple months).
Consequently, my relationship with other aspects of life have improved.
@Adro97-_-_PSN said in What are your thoughts on this:
Would you like if DD implemented some type of trading system? It would obviously have some program to monitor it so you’re not trading commons for 99’s. I think it’d be a cool addition.
I really like your idea. Trading cards would bring nostalgia and a youthful joy. So even though a method hasn’t been discovered to make it work, I’m totally behind you on the general idea.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Miniseasons question:
@AudeScire_XBL said in Miniseasons question:
Fixed! Just generated best S3 squad and it lets me now, thank you and sorry if this seemed stupid.
Dude, ignore anyone who gives you grief. This should be a place to get help. I was new two years ago and thanks to….. (gratuitous name dropping)- @TEXAS10PT_PSN, @Oreo-Thomas_XBL, @arvcpa_MLBTS, @SaveFarris_PSN, @write-to-shawn_MLBTS and several others, I learned the ins and outs of the game. Feel free to ask anything. Most of us are happy to help.
I’m still kinda feeling out the Wild Card thing too.
You’re the kind of dude that makes anyone wanna “pay it forward.” All I’ve seen you do since then is help others and bring levity to antagonistic threads.
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in TA 3- Bosses or Henchmen- what are we seeing here?:
@lucas8181_PSN said in TA 3- Bosses or Henchmen- what are we seeing here?:
If you aren't on Threads, they explained a lot more about TA.
Shoot... Another social media platform? Can you just check it every few hours and report back to us? That would be greeaaaattttt.
99 Flashback Lumberg
@lil_ramram12_PSN said in Double XP ended today:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Double XP ended today:
@lil_ramram12_PSN said in Double XP ended today:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Double XP ended today:
The announcement for double XP said it ends Wednesday July 5th at Noon PT.
I’m well aware, BJDUBBYAH, it’s just dumb.
It’s dumb to announce at start and end time for a program, and then end the program at the set time, how? How is that dumb?
Sorry Ramone Russell, didn’t mean to offend you. Just seems dumb to have 2 filler days with normal XP gains you know. And on top of that I’m losing my precious Mike Trout, Shohei Ohtani, Fernando Trentis Jr., Mitsubishi Murakami, and Bob Gibson. This is just like Fortnite when they got rid of the chapter 1 map.
“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts and the stupid ones are full of confidence.” - Charles Bukowski
Even though you fall into the latter category, there’s something to covet about it - like a feisty turkey in the wild.
This is not just poignant, but sorrowfully accurate (and hilarious at the end there).
Just in a short span of less than 4 years (I showed up in 2020), I’ve seen this community forum devolve from one where members would converse and have nuanced dialogue to one where it seems that not only people come to make hasty assertions, but others peruse the topics for their opportunity to beat someone down with words and pile on with others in order to tear someone down.
I was an active member of this forum (2020-2022), but stopped visiting in order to prevent the daily vitriol and schadenfreude from corroding my own spirit. This is also the reason why I don’t engage in other forms of social media.
Our reliance on social media and virtual communication has led to the erosion of empathy, social intelligence, and basic respect for fellow humans. I wanna thank @SchnauzerFace_MLBTS for bringing something up that resonated with me and giving hope to me about the people among us.
This was compelling and I thought it deserved its own thread so that it’s not buried and dormant.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS wrote:
“Does it feel to anyone else like nuance or shades of gray are looked down upon in this day and age? Very few people are willing to say “the game took a step back from last year” or “there are some frustrating changes to gameplay and content in 23.” Instead, more often I see people go to the absolute extreme — every mode is “garbage” and SDS should be “ashamed.” My goodness! I’ve played a LOT of games in my life, and I can only think of one video game that was top-to-bottom “garbage” and should be a source of shame on anyone’s resume (ET for Atari 2600 — now THAT game was a disaster!). And here’s the other thing — I don’t believe for a second that the OP actually feels or believes what he’s saying. If you truly, truly hated this game, then you wouldn’t waste precious moments of your life on a game (and forum for a game) that you despise so much.
Is it fair to say there are some disappointing aspects of this installment? Well.. duh! There are still a lot of minor bugs (ex: the uniform glitch in MS) that should have been fixed a couple months ago. The content schedule is overwhelming, scattershot, and frustrating. The new model feels like “Grind 97 / Buy 99.” I think gameplay is as good as it’s been in years, but there still are some annoying quirks. Pinpoint pitching is still not what we were promised, and (while significantly better this year), I still feel the RNG more than I’d like. Superhuman CPU fielders are still a problem, and they haven’t made any meaningful improvements to RttS or Franchise in years. I could go on, but no matter how long my list of grievances gets, it would never be fair to call this game embarrassing garbage. Come on, man…:
If you think SDS is listening to off-the-rails posts like this then I have some bad news for you. If you came up with a measured, specific, objective list of realistic grievances then they might be willing to take your criticisms to heart. But when people make these “the sky is falling and the universe is about to implode and it’s all Ramone’s fault!!” posts then I can’t imagine SDS developers pay it the least bit of mind. And who can blame them?
And it’s absolutely 10000% not just the OP, and it’s not just MLBTS gamers, and it’s not just any corner of society. Over the last decade or so, this blindingly all-or-nothing attitude feels like it’s coming from everywhere and everyone about everything. How often do you hear someone say “that (movie/game/tv show/whatever) had some decent moments, but it was overall a missed opportunity. While A, B, and C were interesting ideas, I felt like ultimately it fell short because of X, Y, and Z.” No, instead it’s got to be “this movie was the worst thing in history and everyone involved should be jailed.” I don’t understand how people live like that, to be honest. Just walking around amped up like Tony Montana or something. It just sounds exhausting and detrimental to your mental health.
I don’t know, dudes. It just feels like everyone is afraid of their opinion being overlooked if it doesn’t feel balls-to-the-wall, over-the-top, definitive and authoritative. I feel like this extremism is a result of social media — it’s like people think there’s no time (or characters!) for a nuanced, justified, measured and well-reasoned opinion. People seem less concerned with making a cogent, defensible argument and much more concerned with being the biggest and loudest in order to cut through what they perceive as the white noise of other people’s opinions.
In the end, wouldn’t the world be a tiny bit better if we stopped aiming to be so wildly extreme in our opinions? (Btw — sorry for typos. My phone’s keyboard is the absolute worst piece of feces ever conceived by the unholy demon spawn developers who should be knifed in the soul and forced to play ET for all eternity whilst getting clubbed in the nuggets with an elephant tusk dipped in evil)”
OP has some solid points. I care about my record. I play this game purely to fantasize that I’m a manager of a dream team. It would be hard to immerse myself while conquering imaginary baseball territories with a subpar record.
@Earths-Flat_XBL said in When did Oprah Winfrey take over "The Show"?:
and you get a 99 and you get a 99 and hey you in the corner you get a 99. It just reached May and this game is more stale than week old popcorn.
I see your point. Just don’t let it drive you past the edge (of the Pacific Ocean).
@dap1234567890 said in account banned:
@NYGxNYMxFan68_XBL said in account banned:
@dap1234567890 said in account banned:
@Replayz-Fantasy_XBL said in account banned:
@dap1234567890 said in account banned:
@Replayz-Fantasy_XBL said in account banned:
@dap1234567890 said in account banned:
@Replayz-Fantasy_XBL said in account banned:
@dap1234567890 said in account banned:
I'm feeling like there's something missing from your story!!!
like what
Like what actually got you banned!
If you are trying to sell me and everyone else on that selling Ohtani got you banned for market manipulation, I would wave the
flag on that!
There was 200 LS Ohtani cards sold on the market between 7:13AM to 7:01PM (PDT) and who knows how many since the start of this game, but some how we are supposed to believe you got banned solely for selling this same exact card?
C'mon man!!! You know darn well that you aren't telling us what you really did to get banned!
i didn’t do anything! you think you know everything, but i literally didn’t do anything. ridiculous you’re accusing me of doing something ( i don’t even know what could’ve gotten me banned). think what you want but if the community is like this then i’ll just put the game down bc i just came here for some help and i’m getting accused of a banned label offense
HAHA! Because I know you aren't telling the whole story doesn't make me think I know everything. I know I don't everything. I know that I don't know what you did to get banned, but I do know that it wasn't for selling LS Ohtani on the market!
it definitely was, i went from 75k, to nothing, up to 150k, back down to like 10k, and they probably thought i bought stubs. quit acting smart, i did nothing to get banned, just shut up if u aren’t tryna be a good person u just start problems in all of ur postsAwwww, poor baby, sounds like someone got banned and had to jump onto a second account! Maybe one day you will learn to be a good person!
Grow up man, you don't know what this guy did or didn't do. What if you didn't do anything that you knew was against TOS and got banned? SDS read these forums , man .
HAHAHA!!! You got banned!!!! You know why got banned? Of course, circumventing a ban by creating another account would be another violation of TOS! But, hey, one day when you grown up, you will learn how to be a good person! Maybe you should take your ban and take a break from the forum, buddy!
Bro, get yourself a Snickers bar.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in Only Way To Score:
@Dudeman22__PSN said in Only Way To Score:
There's one way to score and one way to score only. 80-90% of runs come from home runs. Half of my games every single run is from a homer. It just gets old and boring. I highly doubt this would ever change, I don't think there has ever been an MLB TS game that was any different. Just kinda stinks every game is a glorified home run derby and theres never been any other way that the game plays. Oh well
Only one way to score. Yet 80-90% of runs scored are home runs. Then half of your games every single run is a home run.
Maybe you should put the controller down and pick up a Gen Math book.
Cognitively, this comment of yours would be categorized as “concrete thinking”. However, just for giggles, in OP’s original statement, it is statistically conceivable for 80-90% of runs to be homers and then for every single run to be scored by a home run in half of the games.
Don’t be an a-hole for absolutely no reason at all. I know that this is a norm online, but you don’t have to mindlessly follow.
I’m finding huge success with a handful of pitchers - Anderson Espinoza, Jesse Hahn, Josh Osich. Use their breaking balls to keep them off balance and you’re golden.
I, for one, found that the bunt dancing made the videos much more entertaining than otherwise.
@theexgoose_xbl said in Universal profile:
I know I am probably late to this… but is there the same issue as last year? I can’t see my own stats on my universal profile, and it also doesn’t show my stats from MLB 21… love looking back and seeing those so it’s really frustrating it’s not working properly.
Yeah, it’s the oddest thing. Last year, I was never able to see my stats. Now they show up for last year and don’t show up for this year again.
@the_dragon1912 said in Trevor Bauer LS price:
@jacky-chan1_xbl said in Trevor Bauer LS price:
Well, as a Giants fan, I don't really like his antics but he was pretty good on the field. Also I think MLB treated him unfairly since the investigation cleared him of wrong doing. Seems MLB decided he was guilty regardless. I think his suspension was rediculous. He was already out for awhile. Loss of income during investigation, time served. Let him play.
He actually sparked the Giants Dodgers rivalry. He was good for baseball.I'm not excusing his actions either, but Manfred had it out for him for years. How Bauer got twice the suspension of Marcell Ozuna, Roberto Osuna, and Aroldis Chapman combined for a similar offense is ridiculous imo
Were they similar offenses though? (I have no clue)
Am I a troll?
What are the odds?
What are the odds?
You know what kinda sucks?
It's done, most grinding I've done in awhile
Sometimes you just have to let go....
What are your thoughts on this
Miniseasons question
TA 3- Bosses or Henchmen- what are we seeing here?
Double XP ended today
Topic Raised by SchnauzerFace
Topic Raised by SchnauzerFace
Idea to get more action in Ranked?
When did Oprah Winfrey take over "The Show"?
account banned
Only Way To Score
Who are the must use starters and relievers for this Forever event
Toxic Play
Universal profile
Trevor Bauer LS price