I expect it to be Jose Altuve. From prior seasons predicting these things, I found that wrc+ correlates best to POTM selections - better than WAR. And Altuve last time I checked was 3rd in the month in wrc+. Then you factor in positional considerations (1B was last month) and there you have it.

@imdfc_psn said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
@vk_ratliff_psn said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
the bronx ain't the bronx since Geroge died. The Bronx is now LA. Yeah, he'll go to the dodgers. Baseball is the worst.
that's what I love about the Angels though. They are the one team that doesn't just say "meh, we could make more profit by sending our best players over to the Dodgers." They are the one team that says F DAT NOISE
The idea remains the same. He'll be another star player that leaves a small market because a small market can't compete. And I'm a team that would benefit from Bobby Witt leaving in 6-7 years time to join my big market phillies
The economic state of baseball is a travesty, I agree. I have a bunch of family in Kansas City and they barely even follow the sport cause they know if they get a good player (like Witt), he'll just bounce to LA.
remember the first year SDS had the rights to Ohtani and they made him like 15 speed? Then they found out he's really fast and had to release new cards. lulz. i member.
the bronx ain't the bronx since Geroge died. The Bronx is now LA. Yeah, he'll go to the dodgers. Baseball is the worst.
that's what I love about the Angels though. They are the one team that doesn't just say "meh, we could make more profit by sending our best players over to the Dodgers." They are the one team that says F DAT NOISE
@killerpresence4 said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
@codywolfgang_xbl said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
@killerpresence4 said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
@vk_ratliff_psn said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
Statcast has BWJ as the fastest recorded runner in the game of Major League Baseball. There will NOT be a 99 speed card released of him. But if sds was smart, they would have made him 99 speed to begin with.
Fastest runner in MLB according to physics is unplayably slow according to SDS. 88 speed, no.
This is false. He might have the fastest sprint speed in one particular play but he is certainly not the fastest by averages player in baseball. That would be Trae Turner and Byron Buxton who go back and forth as the fastest by average over the past few seasons. I mean Ronald Acuna jr had a sprint speed in one at bat that exceeded 31 feet per second just last week but he certainly isn’t that fast routinely which both Turner and Buxton are.
What are you talking about? Pure top speed is pure top speed. This is his first year anyways, so who cares about average fastest player the last two years?
They are talking about the stat that shows what every players top speed was for the year (which can be accomplished once or accomplished multiple times) The stat that matters is the stat that averages every single time they sprinted which would encompass plays where they are trying to beat out a play whether it be multiple bases or home to first. Sprinting 32 feet per second one time doesn’t mean they can do that every time. Trae Turner and Byron Buxton are the only players in Major League Baseball that average over 31 feet per second on average. There is a huge difference between the two.
geez man you sound dumb. how fast you can run is how fast you can run. it isn't variable. if you got speed, you got speed. if you don't, you don't. I'm in no hall of fames anywhere but I ran track in high school. Fast runners are fast runners, there's not a lot of variability in it. Our record holders didn't just have a good day at the track, bro.
@splattz35_mlbts said in Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB:
88 speed in unplayable?
yes it is if you want to steal a base. come on now, junior.
Statcast has BWJ as the fastest recorded runner in the game of Major League Baseball. There will NOT be a 99 speed card released of him. But if sds was smart, they would have made him 99 speed to begin with.
Fastest runner in MLB according to physics is unplayably slow according to SDS. 88 speed, no.
This game is riddled with DDA
Its so they can keep the game scripted. Back in 16, you had full control of your runners. They went to war over that.
P5ing cards quick in this game is kinda like speedrunning, but a version of speedrunning that requires no skill at all.
I'm up to P9 in lying in bed watching youtube lets goooooo
@random_schmuck_psn said in What is with the wierd Twitter clues?:
Using the Caesarian code I typed in the names of players with multiple cards.
Seaver…a musical notation.
Perhaps we are getting mediocre Mets pitcher Frank Viola.
Frank Viola was not mediocre, sir.
When I post cyrptic things like that on Twitter, where you have to figure out what code I'm using to figure out my message, people never actually try to solve it. They just call the cops and I get one of my "mental health checks" from officer Cody at the local police department. I always offer him coffee, tea, or beer, hoping he'll take the beer, but he always goes with coffee.
Moral of the story: don't tweet really weird stuff like SDS just did just on your own.
Wind is known for completely ruining games. Back in the day, I only played in the Metrodome cause it is the only park with no wind. Then they turned wind off for RS and the people were pleased. The people were happy. The people were content.
So they turned it back on, huh? #metrodome4lyfe
Did they keep the elevation high at laughing mtn? I will check that out
8,000 yuan yepez in my binder, for full disclosure. They will be downgading him.
Its so much simpler than this. I have Yepez and anyone with visivility to my binder will agree. Is sds gonna make me sub oligarch? No.
He was okay in 17 Eric. We know what we're getting with that card. It isn't "end game" like the 4th horseman.
Want in my fantasy football league Eric? It's free, just for fun.
I still play ranked but not for the gameplay. I hit up dudes and invite them into my fantasy football league. Its a league I created from scratch called "MLB Exiles". 7 out of 12 spots filled and now I got people I dont know asking for a spot.
But yeah RS isnt great for gameplay.
@ikasnu_psn said in Best park for hitting this year?:
@vk_ratliff_psn said in Best park for hitting this year?:
All of these stadiums seem like such B-, C+ options. Ugh. The takeaway I'm getting is, if you want to hit at a high elevation park, run over your PS4 with a steamroller or a T-34 tank procured from the soviet bloc for that reason, then buy a PS5, and you'll be able to see the ball and hit a ball at a high elevation park: Coors.
$800 for a PS5 and I can get access to:
playable Coors Field
Elden Ring
Countless other games where all you do is kill straight white menMEHHHHH nah @ikasnku PS5 gonna have to come out with an Elden RIng 2 and 3 and even 4 before I can on board with all that. I aversion to woke gaming just ain't getting me there. Times change.Go Chiefs.
T-34 brought me back to the glory days of Battlefield 3.
I'll admit I got a bit late-night rambly on that one. I edited it to clean it up some. But if you like a good tank discussion, I've lately been obsessed with two youtube channels, both of top-notch quality, both very British, and both with a large library.
One is "lindybiege", whom has videos on everything (even ballroom dance) but a main area of expertise of his is tanks and history, so you can find some of his videos on that and I promise you won't be disappointed. He's one of the finest orators of the modern era - he speaks hours at a time without a single edit, like a really good professor, with incredible detail, all memorized.
Another is "The Tank Museum", which is the rebranded name of what used to be called "the Tank Museum at Bovington". They have a bunch of videos of experts about "top 5 tanks ever" and "bottom 5 tanks ever". Lindybiege himself has the best of those videos.
May's POTM
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Congratulations to Bobby Witt Jr. Fastest player in MLB
Serious question
Why do my runners immediately run back to first??
Finally Got My First 1/1 P5
What is with the wierd Twitter clues?
What is with the wierd Twitter clues?
Wind and 2022
Best park for hitting this year?
How did SDS completely ignore Juan Yepez?
How did SDS completely ignore Juan Yepez?
Unpopular Opinion
Got to say
Best park for hitting this year?