To state again, I dont like a daily cap, it should be cumulative in some form. I think they should change it for season 2 because people don't like it, but I also expect a decent chunk of the community will be better off under this system than the old by the time the season is done.
But right now we have seen the first 30 minutes of a 90 minute movie, and so far it is boring. We are jumping to the conclusion that this is the worst movie ever without seeing most of it. if the first 30 minutes sucks there is a fair chance that the next 60 will too, but sometimes things start slow and get better. And the director has already said it is designed to start slow and get better.
I still think the fixation on one form of progression towards three cards is absurd though. Its like everything else, all 397+ other cards in season 1, are invalidated because we wont get these cards until the last month of the season.
But the player base has obviously spoken, and we will find out in season 2 if SDS has listened