Hey guys!!! Are you terrible at hitting? Hardly ever get hits or home runs? Batting .200 or lower with all your hitters? Play me!! You are guaranteed to smash everything over the fence! Regardless of timing or where i throw the pitch. BOOM!!!! Have a high ERA?? Afraid of giving up hits and homeruns??? Play me!!! Ill square up balls and they will go nowhere guaranteed!!! Even my perfects are guaranteed to go nowhere!!! In closing, if you are 100 games under .500, have a completely dismal batting average and era then look for me online!! Ill be here to help! Despite all my efforts you will play way above your stats guaranteed!!! Catch me in ranked or events!! Kick my [censored] today!! Limited time only

I was happy for you until you started calling people pansies. Now I just hope you get a nasty case of the herps buddy.
What is the deal SDS? Why are you guys nerfing the [censored] out of lower level guys? Every time i play someone who is silver or bronze i can literally do nothing in the game. Just lost to a silver level player who has a team average of .175 and he blasted hrs like crazy and was literally throwing meatballs at me know i wasnt going to hit it anywhere. I dont mind losing but to do it to players i should be beating easily because of of a slider nerf or whatever it is sucks. Ive seen alot of streamers having trouble beating lesser comp as well. Im a .275 hitter, which is not great but im 100 percent certain this game is nerfing low level player abilities. Id rather play 2k at this point and i hate 2k. I cant be the only one dealing with this BS.
I don’t use it at all and I agree with you 100 percent but I almost see why people use it. Especially above all star. Pitch speeds are insane and the pci is tiny. I never remember hitting ever being this difficult. Playing guys with insane records and seeing most of their hitters having like .130 batting averages is saying something. Takes the fun out of the game for me personally. If you made CS or World Series you really earned it this year more than any
@mrad2010_xbl said in They Did Pedro Dirty...:
I don't think they did him dirty. I think the card actually looks really good. Glavine is still usable and Pedro is a lot like Glavine. Great control with nasty break.
Glavine is unreal good especially on HOF and legend. One of my best pitchers
Definitely wouldn’t buy packs. I haven’t pulled a diamond in my last 238 packs. Feels kinda personal at this point
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Wonder why people complain?:
If you enjoy baseball, and this is an amazingly brilliant animated simulation, then you turn on the game expecting to have fun. At least an enjoyable experience. But more times than not, the game leaves you frustrated, puzzled, bored and sometimes even angry. So you turn it off. But you love baseball, so you turn it back on, hoping to have fun. It is a game, right? Games should be fun. Imo, the game needs drastic changes to appeal to the majority of the ones who spent money on it. Maybe SDS could start by listening to the ones playing the game. And their complaints.
Unfortunately they don’t care bro. Not unless someone else drops a decent baseball game, we will always get this copy and paste mess every year. We can either stop buying it or deal with it unfortunately
@theninjaraven_psn said in My Stats for current Ranked Season:
Who cares really?
For someone who claims they have a life etc, you sure run your mouth on this forum pretty frequently. And you cared enough to comment ya little B. Dude is rated over 800. What are you? 500’s? You should probably stfu forum tough guy. Find something to do or go fill that valtrex prescription little guy
@joshjays44 said in I went back to 19:
The hitting is better in 20, more in tuned with user skill...you prolly like 19 because its for beginners prolly...I guess we all had to start from somewhere. Keep practicing and maybe when you're gonna enough you'll graduate to 20.
Maybe one day you can graduate elementary school and learn how to spell or complete basic sentences....prolly
Nice lost an hour of progress. At least this doesn’t happen often. Oh wait…
His topps now is already beast. They are gonna have to make his hitting attributes almost perfect. Also his speed needs to be upgraded. He’s a lot faster than given credit
Is it just me or is it way to sensitive? I mean I farted near my controller and the pci jumped. That’s a little too sensitive.
Could at least change the card art. Same old copy and paste cards
In all the years I’ve played this game I’ve never seen odds this bad. Hundreds of packs opened and not 1 diamond since release night. Is anyone else having this bad of luck or is it just me?
Wait…. You pull diamonds???
@tear4eddy_PSN said in True story
Hilarious! That stupid idiot at SDS is looking at “data” and using his years of experience that have led him to making hundreds of thousands of dollars developing one of the best sports video games ever made! What a loser. Dude should open his eyes and listen to a bunch of biased half-wits that don’t know how to hit. The community wants “MLB The Show Tee Ball” next year and we won’t stop until you listen!! (although even then people would still put the PCI a little low, hit the tee, and then [censored] about how they hit the tee…)
Man I get your a huge fan of the game and I respect that but calling people half wits? What warranted the name calling. And making fun of peoples hitting abilities when your hitting .236? Maybe you need to hit off the tee my guy
@mubby_33_PSN said in Hitting working as intended = RNG working as intended:
@HustlinOwl_MLBTS said in Hitting working as intended = RNG working as intended:
What y’all crying about today
Not crying at all just an observation. You can't honestly say the hitting mechanic this year is great can you?
Don’t pay any attention to captain summers eve. He has nothing to do but troll
Tape them digits up and get back to it
@msacks11_PSN said in Ok SDS I’ve learned my lesson:
I don’t often open packs because there doesn’t seem to be a real point to it at this stage of the game so they just sit in my inventory. But I just had 201 standard packs, 25 BIAH, 3 jumbo, 4 Diamond duos and a retirement pack. Rough calculation based on “pack odds” should be 7ish diamonds including the retirement pack. Through all of it I got LS Josh Hader, LS Kyle Tucker and a base round.
So SDS I’d like to officially release my apology statement for my last few posts about how stale the content has been. I will forever and always Stan for this game regardless of how it actually is if I can get at least the bare minimum pack odds.
I promise you aren’t the only one that has terrible pack luck this year. All my years of playing this game this is by far the worst as far as getting anything from packs which is alot of the fun for me. It’s designed that way this year with those Chase/Bait packs especially. Between that and the mid content I’m pretty burned out this year
Im in no way saying im a great player at all. Hitting .275 and normally get near championship series. However lately i get matched up with bronze/silver players with sub records and hitting low .200 averages and getting spanked. If i play someone of relative rank and level it seems to be a pretty fair game. My question is are they buffing lower level players up when they play higher ranked opponents? I mean i just gave up a grand slam to James paxton with my nate pearson. Its really taking the fun out the game for me. I know they want new players to keep playing but something isnt right here. Is this happening to anyone else?
Play me....
Fernando Valenzuela most dominate pitcher in game!!!
This game is getting ridiculous
Contact swing
They Did Pedro Dirty...
If you had 75K in stubs
Wonder why people complain?
My Stats for current Ranked Season
I went back to 19
Network Issues?
NLCS PS21 cards
PCI sensitivity
Pack odds
Diamonds from packs color
True story 😂
Hitting working as intended = RNG working as intended
Medical bill
Ok SDS I’ve learned my lesson
Come on SDS