Aww that’s what it was. Sorry guys I’m getting old lol. Appreciate the help

Trying to complete the career tribute program but I can’t find Blackmon when I try to equip him to the lineup. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated
That’s the least of my issues with the game. I get what your saying but with the use of all cards now, it’s kinda irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. I’m more focused on how for 3 straight years they basically bail on us 5 months early.
I don’t mind the moments. My thing is it’s basically a waste of time. These chase packs should be guaranteed at this point. Mantle still being 450000 stubs is ridiculous. You would think they would want to give people an incentive to still play this game but just like last year they basically quit on us 5 months before the new game. Next year will be the first time I don’t pre order it and just wait until it gets super discounted at some point towards the end.
0 for 11 so far. Not surprised though with this years game
@fubar2k7_PSN said in What are the odds?:
@Scar_USMC77_PSN said in What are the odds?:
No they won’t throw us a bone at all this year. They know everyone wants that Trout and if you don’t gave 800 thousand stubs which most normal people don’t , then you can always drop 600 bucks in the game and get him. It’s a money grab basically. If this were last year and you could sell the stuff you going for then people could afford it. They don’t want that. Just amazing they can keep putting out sub par recycled content and expect people to keep playing the game. It’s bad enough the good cards are behind a pay wall
Please don’t be offended but you mean the cards you deem as good. There hasn’t been a single card in a pack I felt I had to have or else. Definitely not the Trout card. He wouldn’t get past Junior or Commerce Comet as my CFer.
Not offended at all. I get what your saying . Don’t need have trout on my team. It’s more like he’s a fan favorite and has a great swing on the game. It’s more i want him on my team as do a lot of people. I’m just saying it’s terrible of them hide the cards people WANT in packs behind and equivalent of around 600 bucks. What you said isn’t wrong at all I’m just looking at it a different way than you do
No they won’t throw us a bone at all this year. They know everyone wants that Trout and if you don’t gave 800 thousand stubs which most normal people don’t , then you can always drop 600 bucks in the game and get him. It’s a money grab basically. If this were last year and you could sell the stuff you going for then people could afford it. They don’t want that. Just amazing they can keep putting out sub par recycled content and expect people to keep playing the game. It’s bad enough the good cards are behind a pay wall
@MrBojanglees_XBL said in Thank you pack in inventory?:
@Scar_USMC77_PSN said in Thank you pack in inventory?:
Yes sir it’s the survey pack. 2 reasons I won’t be taking anymore surveys. 1 they don’t listen to the input anyways and 2 the packs are literally common and bronze. Not worth the effort
Mine had a diamond equipment and an 85 diamond player…
That was the scouting report pack my friend
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in Thoughts on new McGwire:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Thoughts on new McGwire:
@Oreo-Thomas_XBL said in Thoughts on new McGwire:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Thoughts on new McGwire:
I have not played mlb since 9/8/23. I bet Crappy Sosa and McGuire still have terrible swings
If you haven’t touched it in days, SDS needs to realize what they have done to this game and the hardcore user base.
It's pretty stale buddy. Yet those SDS streamers go through a whole broadcast about how these 97's they just gave out can play. LOL They can't even make my Rookie grinding team.
Yea but im not gonna grind a conquest map, showdown some moments and a cpu game to get one 97 card that moght be useful. Not nomore, noway, no how, no sir. Done with that.
Come on now, those 97’s are very useable!!! In conquest…. on rookie
Yes sir it’s the survey pack. 2 reasons I won’t be taking anymore surveys. 1 they don’t listen to the input anyways and 2 the packs are literally common and bronze. Not worth the effort
Season 4s goal is to make everyone blow all their stubs on Mike Trout. I guess they don’t care that it’s pissing people off hiding it behind a 900’000 stub wall. Combine that with the dry content consisting of terrible 97 overalls I’m gonna say….NO not enjoying the game at all anymore
@baseball229056_XBL said in Just to pile on.:
I checked the age on the Willie mays cards thinking based on the ratings it must have been very late in his career. He is 26 on the card. That year was 4th in mvp voting, had 35 home runs, led the league in triples and stolen bases, and slugged 626. SDS please at least change his age on the card to 41 and change the team to the Mets. Then the card actually would make sense.
They know people will possibly buy stubs to buy that trout card. They have no interest at all in giving us a card that would equal it. I don’t understand the Willie hate this year at all. All I know is they do everything they can do to make sure you can’t load up on stubs like previous years. Every grindable rewards is no sell which for normal players makes it impossible to come up with nearly a million stubs to buy that card. They know this. That’s why they won’t release a card Willie deserves because they can’t make money off it. I personally would run a decent mays in center over trout any day
@msacks11_PSN said in Ok SDS I’ve learned my lesson:
I don’t often open packs because there doesn’t seem to be a real point to it at this stage of the game so they just sit in my inventory. But I just had 201 standard packs, 25 BIAH, 3 jumbo, 4 Diamond duos and a retirement pack. Rough calculation based on “pack odds” should be 7ish diamonds including the retirement pack. Through all of it I got LS Josh Hader, LS Kyle Tucker and a base round.
So SDS I’d like to officially release my apology statement for my last few posts about how stale the content has been. I will forever and always Stan for this game regardless of how it actually is if I can get at least the bare minimum pack odds.
I promise you aren’t the only one that has terrible pack luck this year. All my years of playing this game this is by far the worst as far as getting anything from packs which is alot of the fun for me. It’s designed that way this year with those Chase/Bait packs especially. Between that and the mid content I’m pretty burned out this year
@Tuke7-1_PSN said in Absolutely Ridiculous:
I just opened the following:
70 Show packs
1 Jumbo
9 Diamond Duo.Pulled 1 LS 85 Chisholm.
Yeah it’s absolute terrible this year with the odds. I haven’t pulled a chase card all year out of probably 75 packs. Yet I saw a streamer pull 3 trouts in 5 chase packs. They don’t want normal players having anything this year. Having a card cost 800k is ridiculous. If this were previous years it would be ok because you could sell what you grind for but everything being no sell makes stubs a lot harder to come by. Unless you buy them of course. Wonder if that’s the plan
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Who was in the meeting when season 4 was discussed.:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Who was in the meeting when season 4 was discussed.:
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Who was in the meeting when season 4 was discussed.:
Wife: What are you doing?
PennStateFencer: Flipping on the market to get 99 Trout.
Wife: We have 99 Trout at home.My wife said last night "I thought you were supposed to be starting a new series or something on your stupid game".
I said "I'm not even interested. And yes, now I consider it to be a "stupid game" too".
For one of the few times in the 25 years we've been married, I left her speechless. So, we just sat quietly with Netflix's "Quarterback" in the background and worked on a puzzle. That was way more satisfying than TA4. Finding a random piece and placing it perfectly? Just as good as a Perfect/Perfect.
BTW - if you haven't watched it, "Quarterback" is good. Even my wife likes it, so...
P.S. I'm sure someone at SDS is monitoring the game activity right now, and a red alert went up. "Why isn't arvcpa playing TA4? He always jumps right into the new content". They're probably using my MLBTS app to listen in on my conversations with my wife. "He's working on a JIGSAW PUZZLE??? Good Lord, what have we done with this "sets" thing?!?!".
Probably not. But I like to think that's what's happening.
See? This is why having no wife is lovely….or a girlfriend…
Do you guys think I’ll ever find happiness?
Lol not on this game you won’t
@SportsFan3826 said in New 99 Mike Trout:
Anyone know how you obtain the new 99 Mike Trout card?
Well of course you have to buy it my friend. As per the normal this year.
@Skarmaen_PSN said in TA 97, HR race of 98, Clemente Day:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in TA 97, HR race of 98, Clemente Day:
@Skarmaen_PSN said in TA 97, HR race of 98, Clemente Day:
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in TA 97, HR race of 98, Clemente Day:
I think sets and season is still a cool idea in theory, it's practical application has been far less cool.
I don't think sets can work unless they add a ton of new legends (which is unlikely due to the cost). With a limited pool like they have now there is far too much repetition.
What you say it true but you had to know from the beginning that we were going to see rinse and repeat cards with the lack of Legends in the game. Whose idea was it to put Jerry Hairston Jr in the game as a Legend? That is beyond laughable.
You're right, I did expect repeats but this is worse than I thought it would be. Everything is dupes now, only the picture changes.
And they are statistically worse
@ArGenTin32_XBL said in Sure is frustrating:
It sure is frustrating running into goons in the allstar range while playing ranked. That is all.
For now.
Yeah it’s bad but you should see the event. That’s literally all I’ve played all day.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Lol some people:
So I’m out of town this week took my switch and picked up the show on it for 50% off. I’m playing on the hot spot from my phone. Finished up all the programs and have been playing events. I’m about 5 and 8 or so. I literally had a guy playing me on Xbox beat me 4-3 go to switch and message me about how bad I am lol. Really? This community
Yeah this yeah has been the most toxic player base I’ve ever seen. Rarely have a game where someone isn’t R2 spamming or buntdancing right off the bat.
@iBonafideScrub_ said in I would give my first born to have a hitting engine actually determined by input:
- No top spin, you can hit a liner and watch it hang until an OF with below average speed tracks it down to the gap
Where’s Charlie
Where’s Charlie
What else is new?
Weekly Wonders
Your Record In The Weekly Wonders Career Tribute/Pennant Chase Packs
What are the odds?
What are the odds?
Thank you pack in inventory?
Thoughts on new McGwire
Thank you pack in inventory?
Anyone actually still having fun?
Just to pile on.
Ok SDS I’ve learned my lesson
Absolutely Ridiculous
Who was in the meeting when season 4 was discussed.
New 99 Mike Trout
TA 97, HR race of 98, Clemente Day
Sure is frustrating
Lol some people
I would give my first born to have a hitting engine actually determined by input