I just started my draft franchise and see potentially some issues, looking for others input. 1: I bought and equipped 3 diamond sponsorships and don’t see them in game where I should, what gives?? 2: after 2 played games with said sponsorships equipped I expected to see my income go up and deficit go down (slightly) however all my budget numbers are the exact same after 2 games. This is making me think the sponsorships are not working????

I got no answer despite many views in the DD section. so here I am.
I am interested in doing the grind to make my ballplayer a stud pitcher, and ultimately a 2 way player, but I have one question that I am hoping someone has the answer to. Has any one who has maxed out both a position and a pitching position tried to pitch a game, then the next game play as a position player in their "non pitching" days? Curious to see if the pitcher part of the ball player regenerates pitching stamina while playing say SS for a few games. If I had to choose one or the other I would rather have that stupid bat every game. BUT if I could be a Shohei Ohtani....YES PLEASE. But I know the Picther grind is a lot longer then position player so I don't want to do this grind if i can't pitch one game then regen stamina while playing 2-3 games at SS.
I am interested in doing the grind to make my ballplayer a stud pitcher, and ultimately a 2 way player, but I have one question that I am hoping someone has the answer to. Has any one who has maxed out both a position and a pitching position tried to pitch a game, then the next game play as a position player in their "non pitching" days? Curious to see if the pitcher part of the ball player regenerates pitching stamina while playing say SS for a few games. If I had to choose one or the other I would rather have that stupid bat every game. BUT if I could be a Shohei Ohtani....YES PLEASE. But I know the Picther grind is a lot longer then position player so I don't want to do this grind if i can't pitch one game then regen stamina while playing 2-3 games at SS.
@stryder_28_psn said in Outfield after you get chipper:
@hoboadam_psn said in Outfield after you get chipper:
Finley is the human glitch. Whatever the reason, he stings the ball both ways and has perhaps the quickest swing through the zone I've seen thus far.
Perfect. I went ahead and put trout on the bench as I’m batting better with Acuna then him at the moment. But I might switch out buxton for trout
This would be a mistake, a big one. you also need to look at things like fielding speed arm strength and accuracy. My team is currently Finley/Buxton/Trout LF CF RF Chipper CAP Soriano Ortiz and Posada 3B SS 2B 1B C i have stupid speed and rockets all over except C lol
@lazy_toast_psn said in Keep or sell:
I pulled him and ran him in RS when I was in the 600s and sold immediately. Plenty of options right now and could always use the stubs. Wasn’t very impressed at all
then no offense, but you did not use him right imo cause despite his rating, he the best reliever in the game right now.
@jbiss23_xbl said in Buff Mike Trout:
I recently pulled Mike Trout and I honestly think he just sucks. His PCI is always too small and he hits shallow pop flies all day long. Honestly, he isn't deserving of his 95 due to his real life play. Back to the card, he can't field that well but his hitting is just mediocre. The Show needs to make his card better.
You clearly have zero clue what you are talking about. It is the best LS card, literally. just because you can't produce results with the card does not mean the card "sucks". I t means YOU suck with the card. Last few years we have had 99 Cal Ripkens and I have sucked with all but last years. Means I sucked witht he card, not that card itself is bad.
@chuckclc_psn said in Sick amount of PS5/XboxX released today!:
@hoboadam_psn said in Sick amount of PS5/XboxX released today!:
@chuckclc_psn said in Sick amount of PS5/XboxX released today!:
Still easier to get then a pc graphics card.
You gotta buy a pre-built just to get a decent card right now.
Bought a Lenovo Creator i5 tower a few months ago.
I got my evga rtx 3080 ftw back about 2 weeks after it launched. Lucky. A lot of hours staring at New Egg. It was 819.99 back then, about 900 after tax and shipping. Now it makes me about 300 a month in mining and is an awesome gamer.
Someone is mining that doge
@grizzbear55_psn said in Ballplayer and Equipment Q&A:
@sgmrock_xbl said in Ballplayer and Equipment Q&A:
You are saying you had a 100% success getting your equipment to work in RTTS?
I would love to know how, me and about 6 other friends are all having the same issues. Batting gloves being reset to one hand every day. Compression sleeve being reset to left arm every day. Colors being changed every day.
@savefarris_psn said in So where are all the server crashing posts now?:
If $60 is "good money", then perhaps you should be spending less time playing and more time devoted to school/work.
If the "good money" you speak of is purchased stubs ... well ... that's on you, buddy.
Does not matter how much he or any other player spent on the game and on stubs, his point is valid. We paid for a game that WHEN playable is great...but that when has been so spuratic it is ridiculous. The problems that plague this game EVERY year are problems that flat out should not exist, period.
@hunter_savv_psn said in Complain on social media, not on this forum:
Complaining here has gotten us all nowhere.
By expressing negative opinions on social media for the world to see, it somewhat forces their hands to acknowledge us.
Ignore and override is SDS motto, complaining just falls on deaf ears....
I play on the Samsung G9 and while PS5 does not yet support 1440 resolution, I can say I have not seen any pixelated issues. Nor have I seen any other complaints like this, so without being an a$$ how are you sure it is not on your end? Bad HDMI? TV issue? Just asking.
Tom Glavin is absolutely filthy as is Feller.
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
Should there be a warning in-game? 100% absolutely but fact is twitter has always been where they consistently post it every time. If you are on the forums you have the ability to take 10 seconds yo look at Twitter. Should you have to? No but if you know its there and choose not to look I can't feel too bad.
The amount of defending SDS on any issue is just absurd.
It should be without a doubt an in game notification and countdown. I do not use Twitter, FB, tiktok or whatever else is around. I know a lot of people have moved away from that as well.The "well you're here sooooo" is nonsense. There shouldn't be an issue where before you decide to play a game you need to go to multiple social media sites to see if there is going to be an issue. I guess the next idiotic defense is going to tell people to set an alarm on their phone to alert the maintenance. Then make sure you have the phone, laptop and tablet all refreshing social media feeds since the thought of having IT IN GAME is crazy talk.
It should be included in the startup menu of the game. There are too many online games to list that use this approach and have since the PS3.
Do all of you who are non stop whining ever read a whole post from people or just the parts that set you off? I agree that it should be in game and there is not really an excuse for it not to be but at this point we know it is not there and we know they always post it on Twitter. You don't need a Twitter account to see it, I don't have one either. If you are on the forums, scroll to the bottom and click the Twitter link, the time it takes to make a post complaining you could have done that.
I wasn't "whining" I was bringing attention to the folks like yourself who feel the need to lash out at people who dare speak ill of SDS. I am completely dumbfounded with the recent trends in society of blindly defending something or someone just because. It is an extremely shitty situation when individuals can't admit when there is a problem so they're only recourse is to attack anyone with a different view. The obvious sign is when they ALL use the same insults to weakly attempt to validate their "higher ground".
I would like to thank you though for proving my point.
There are two sides to that coin. Look what is going on just in these forums. People are attacking SDS with nonsense like law suits and whatever else and then get all offended when people say something in disagreement with that as well so it's very much a two way street. Not saying that everything isn't a mess and I don't think that there is a single person on the forums saying that there isn't any problems at all.
There is the problem. SDS could kill ALL of this is they would get off their a$$ and talk to us.......Notice how Ramone ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SHUT UP pre launch but after launch the same "community manager" is never heard from again til december................. And SDS wounders why they get all the hate year after year. SMH
Like I asked in another thread? What do you want them to say? That they can't fix it? That they don't know what it is yet and it will take time?
uhhhhh...........YES, YES, AND YES AGAIN. I would much rather them admit they don't know wtf is going on and thus don't yet know how to fix it then them say NOTHING for 2 weeks! There are hundreds maybe thousands of people that are missing pre order stuff (myself included). there are hundreds maybe thousands of people that earned packs in the TA programs that we literally taken out of their pack inventory when the server issues happen (myself included). There are hundreds maybe thousands that had bought some cards and locked them into their collections, trying to get Chipper, just for a server error to happen that day that literally unlocked the cards they just bought, took the cards out of their inventory, AND took the stubs they used to buy said cards, making them have to grind more to get the stubs back to buy the card AGAIN (myself included) this last example screwed me out of 80,000 stubs..... And I am positive I am not the only one this issues have happened to.
Look even at the main page of this forum. They say they are doing server maintenance and a patch and people flip out because of what time it is done or that they didn't do it right at the time it was supposed to. Don't get me wrong, communication is a good thing normally but I certainly understand why they don't do it often on here because everytime they do, they are jumped on and ridiculed about everything. There isn't a single thing they can say that will calm people down other than its fixed and even then, people will move on to bashing the company for its content or player a is not a real legend or the hitting is too easy or too hard or whatever else people can find to complain about.
They really are in a no win situation and they have put themselves into it, I understand that but there really isn't much they can do to calm the masses until it is fixed.
And you are right, they do get major flak with everything they say. IDK how long you have been a supporter, like i said, I been on this train since day 1...literally. and literally EVERY year they have the same issue my dude, pre order stuff not going through, server issues out the wazoo. BOTH of these imo should not be an issue with them having been doing this 15 years. This year I cut some slack cause not only are they dealing with 2 generations of consoles but they also opened themselves up to xbox, something that should have been done long ago imo. So I personally am not on them too hard. For me the main issue is they have the same exact issues every year... It's like they either refuse to learn from the past years issues/mistakes or just out right don't care and only deal with it when it happens. This is what I personally find infuriating
I'm neither a supporter or a hater. I enjoy the games because I enjoy collecting cards and playing baseball. I agree, this is every year and it's constant. I don't care too much that it's covid and it's multiplatform. They weren't just dropped that nugget on a whim, they knew in plenty of time so if they choose to ignore the amounts they are going to get, they really shouldn't get a break. I was simply talking about why would they post and what would it take for them to calm the masses. People are all over the board asking for them to say something and every time they do, they get ripped apart by the mobs. For that, I personally don't blame them for not posting and that was all I was saying
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
Should there be a warning in-game? 100% absolutely but fact is twitter has always been where they consistently post it every time. If you are on the forums you have the ability to take 10 seconds yo look at Twitter. Should you have to? No but if you know its there and choose not to look I can't feel too bad.
The amount of defending SDS on any issue is just absurd.
It should be without a doubt an in game notification and countdown. I do not use Twitter, FB, tiktok or whatever else is around. I know a lot of people have moved away from that as well.The "well you're here sooooo" is nonsense. There shouldn't be an issue where before you decide to play a game you need to go to multiple social media sites to see if there is going to be an issue. I guess the next idiotic defense is going to tell people to set an alarm on their phone to alert the maintenance. Then make sure you have the phone, laptop and tablet all refreshing social media feeds since the thought of having IT IN GAME is crazy talk.
It should be included in the startup menu of the game. There are too many online games to list that use this approach and have since the PS3.
Do all of you who are non stop whining ever read a whole post from people or just the parts that set you off? I agree that it should be in game and there is not really an excuse for it not to be but at this point we know it is not there and we know they always post it on Twitter. You don't need a Twitter account to see it, I don't have one either. If you are on the forums, scroll to the bottom and click the Twitter link, the time it takes to make a post complaining you could have done that.
I wasn't "whining" I was bringing attention to the folks like yourself who feel the need to lash out at people who dare speak ill of SDS. I am completely dumbfounded with the recent trends in society of blindly defending something or someone just because. It is an extremely shitty situation when individuals can't admit when there is a problem so they're only recourse is to attack anyone with a different view. The obvious sign is when they ALL use the same insults to weakly attempt to validate their "higher ground".
I would like to thank you though for proving my point.
There are two sides to that coin. Look what is going on just in these forums. People are attacking SDS with nonsense like law suits and whatever else and then get all offended when people say something in disagreement with that as well so it's very much a two way street. Not saying that everything isn't a mess and I don't think that there is a single person on the forums saying that there isn't any problems at all.
There is the problem. SDS could kill ALL of this is they would get off their a$$ and talk to us.......Notice how Ramone ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SHUT UP pre launch but after launch the same "community manager" is never heard from again til december................. And SDS wounders why they get all the hate year after year. SMH
Like I asked in another thread? What do you want them to say? That they can't fix it? That they don't know what it is yet and it will take time?
uhhhhh...........YES, YES, AND YES AGAIN. I would much rather them admit they don't know wtf is going on and thus don't yet know how to fix it then them say NOTHING for 2 weeks! There are hundreds maybe thousands of people that are missing pre order stuff (myself included). there are hundreds maybe thousands of people that earned packs in the TA programs that we literally taken out of their pack inventory when the server issues happen (myself included). There are hundreds maybe thousands that had bought some cards and locked them into their collections, trying to get Chipper, just for a server error to happen that day that literally unlocked the cards they just bought, took the cards out of their inventory, AND took the stubs they used to buy said cards, making them have to grind more to get the stubs back to buy the card AGAIN (myself included) this last example screwed me out of 80,000 stubs..... And I am positive I am not the only one this issues have happened to.
Look even at the main page of this forum. They say they are doing server maintenance and a patch and people flip out because of what time it is done or that they didn't do it right at the time it was supposed to. Don't get me wrong, communication is a good thing normally but I certainly understand why they don't do it often on here because everytime they do, they are jumped on and ridiculed about everything. There isn't a single thing they can say that will calm people down other than its fixed and even then, people will move on to bashing the company for its content or player a is not a real legend or the hitting is too easy or too hard or whatever else people can find to complain about.
They really are in a no win situation and they have put themselves into it, I understand that but there really isn't much they can do to calm the masses until it is fixed.
And you are right, they do get major flak with everything they say. IDK how long you have been a supporter, like i said, I been on this train since day 1...literally. and literally EVERY year they have the same issue my dude, pre order stuff not going through, server issues out the wazoo. BOTH of these imo should not be an issue with them having been doing this 15 years. This year I cut some slack cause not only are they dealing with 2 generations of consoles but they also opened themselves up to xbox, something that should have been done long ago imo. So I personally am not on them too hard. For me the main issue is they have the same exact issues every year... It's like they either refuse to learn from the past years issues/mistakes or just out right don't care and only deal with it when it happens. This is what I personally find infuriating
I'm neither a supporter or a hater. I enjoy the games because I enjoy collecting cards and playing baseball. I agree, this is every year and it's constant. I don't care too much that it's covid and it's multiplatform. They weren't just dropped that nugget on a whim, they knew in plenty of time so if they choose to ignore the amounts they are going to get, they really shouldn't get a break. I was simply talking about why would they post and what would it take for them to calm the masses. People are all over the board asking for them to say something and every time they do, they get ripped apart by the mobs. For that, I personally don't blame them for not posting and that was all I was saying
Yea I get that. But they’re going to get ripped apart regardless, cause it’s impossible to make everyone happy. So my point is not get ripped apart doing the right thing which is communicating?
I have sent SDS 3 emails in the past 2 weeks about various missing things, ZERO responses besides the automated [censored]
@kush_coder_psn said in PLEASE fix sound of PERFECT-PERFECT...:
@dfw_texan_psn said in PLEASE fix sound of PERFECT-PERFECT...:
PERFETCT-PERFECT sound is simpy NOT correct...
I'm actually a big fan of the perfect perfect sound change, it was way over the top last year. Have you ever perfectly squared up a baseball? The feeling of lightness is almost perfectly replicated.
I am of direct opposition here. I loved PP sound in 20, and was disappointed hearing it in 21 lol
@birdmanmorin_psn said in FIX THE #%*& BASE RUNNING !!!!:
I am so sick and tired of getting eliminated from moments, events and losing runs and games because of the on base runners running the wrong direction on hits. It was so out of hand in 2020 and nothing at all has been done to correct it in 2021. What a joke !!!!
Running the wrong direction? Like instead of going 2nd to 3rd, they go 2nd to 1st? First time hearing of this, sucks broham. ADD IT TO THE IST lol
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
Should there be a warning in-game? 100% absolutely but fact is twitter has always been where they consistently post it every time. If you are on the forums you have the ability to take 10 seconds yo look at Twitter. Should you have to? No but if you know its there and choose not to look I can't feel too bad.
The amount of defending SDS on any issue is just absurd.
It should be without a doubt an in game notification and countdown. I do not use Twitter, FB, tiktok or whatever else is around. I know a lot of people have moved away from that as well.The "well you're here sooooo" is nonsense. There shouldn't be an issue where before you decide to play a game you need to go to multiple social media sites to see if there is going to be an issue. I guess the next idiotic defense is going to tell people to set an alarm on their phone to alert the maintenance. Then make sure you have the phone, laptop and tablet all refreshing social media feeds since the thought of having IT IN GAME is crazy talk.
It should be included in the startup menu of the game. There are too many online games to list that use this approach and have since the PS3.
Do all of you who are non stop whining ever read a whole post from people or just the parts that set you off? I agree that it should be in game and there is not really an excuse for it not to be but at this point we know it is not there and we know they always post it on Twitter. You don't need a Twitter account to see it, I don't have one either. If you are on the forums, scroll to the bottom and click the Twitter link, the time it takes to make a post complaining you could have done that.
I wasn't "whining" I was bringing attention to the folks like yourself who feel the need to lash out at people who dare speak ill of SDS. I am completely dumbfounded with the recent trends in society of blindly defending something or someone just because. It is an extremely shitty situation when individuals can't admit when there is a problem so they're only recourse is to attack anyone with a different view. The obvious sign is when they ALL use the same insults to weakly attempt to validate their "higher ground".
I would like to thank you though for proving my point.
There are two sides to that coin. Look what is going on just in these forums. People are attacking SDS with nonsense like law suits and whatever else and then get all offended when people say something in disagreement with that as well so it's very much a two way street. Not saying that everything isn't a mess and I don't think that there is a single person on the forums saying that there isn't any problems at all.
There is the problem. SDS could kill ALL of this is they would get off their a$$ and talk to us.......Notice how Ramone ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SHUT UP pre launch but after launch the same "community manager" is never heard from again til december................. And SDS wounders why they get all the hate year after year. SMH
Like I asked in another thread? What do you want them to say? That they can't fix it? That they don't know what it is yet and it will take time?
uhhhhh...........YES, YES, AND YES AGAIN. I would much rather them admit they don't know wtf is going on and thus don't yet know how to fix it then them say NOTHING for 2 weeks! There are hundreds maybe thousands of people that are missing pre order stuff (myself included). there are hundreds maybe thousands of people that earned packs in the TA programs that we literally taken out of their pack inventory when the server issues happen (myself included). There are hundreds maybe thousands that had bought some cards and locked them into their collections, trying to get Chipper, just for a server error to happen that day that literally unlocked the cards they just bought, took the cards out of their inventory, AND took the stubs they used to buy said cards, making them have to grind more to get the stubs back to buy the card AGAIN (myself included) this last example screwed me out of 80,000 stubs..... And I am positive I am not the only one this issues have happened to.
Look even at the main page of this forum. They say they are doing server maintenance and a patch and people flip out because of what time it is done or that they didn't do it right at the time it was supposed to. Don't get me wrong, communication is a good thing normally but I certainly understand why they don't do it often on here because everytime they do, they are jumped on and ridiculed about everything. There isn't a single thing they can say that will calm people down other than its fixed and even then, people will move on to bashing the company for its content or player a is not a real legend or the hitting is too easy or too hard or whatever else people can find to complain about.
They really are in a no win situation and they have put themselves into it, I understand that but there really isn't much they can do to calm the masses until it is fixed.
And you are right, they do get major flak with everything they say. IDK how long you have been a supporter, like i said, I been on this train since day 1...literally. and literally EVERY year they have the same issue my dude, pre order stuff not going through, server issues out the wazoo. BOTH of these imo should not be an issue with them having been doing this 15 years. This year I cut some slack cause not only are they dealing with 2 generations of consoles but they also opened themselves up to xbox, something that should have been done long ago imo. So I personally am not on them too hard. For me the main issue is they have the same exact issues every year... It's like they either refuse to learn from the past years issues/mistakes or just out right don't care and only deal with it when it happens. This is what I personally find infuriating
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
Should there be a warning in-game? 100% absolutely but fact is twitter has always been where they consistently post it every time. If you are on the forums you have the ability to take 10 seconds yo look at Twitter. Should you have to? No but if you know its there and choose not to look I can't feel too bad.
The amount of defending SDS on any issue is just absurd.
It should be without a doubt an in game notification and countdown. I do not use Twitter, FB, tiktok or whatever else is around. I know a lot of people have moved away from that as well.The "well you're here sooooo" is nonsense. There shouldn't be an issue where before you decide to play a game you need to go to multiple social media sites to see if there is going to be an issue. I guess the next idiotic defense is going to tell people to set an alarm on their phone to alert the maintenance. Then make sure you have the phone, laptop and tablet all refreshing social media feeds since the thought of having IT IN GAME is crazy talk.
It should be included in the startup menu of the game. There are too many online games to list that use this approach and have since the PS3.
Do all of you who are non stop whining ever read a whole post from people or just the parts that set you off? I agree that it should be in game and there is not really an excuse for it not to be but at this point we know it is not there and we know they always post it on Twitter. You don't need a Twitter account to see it, I don't have one either. If you are on the forums, scroll to the bottom and click the Twitter link, the time it takes to make a post complaining you could have done that.
I wasn't "whining" I was bringing attention to the folks like yourself who feel the need to lash out at people who dare speak ill of SDS. I am completely dumbfounded with the recent trends in society of blindly defending something or someone just because. It is an extremely shitty situation when individuals can't admit when there is a problem so they're only recourse is to attack anyone with a different view. The obvious sign is when they ALL use the same insults to weakly attempt to validate their "higher ground".
I would like to thank you though for proving my point.
There are two sides to that coin. Look what is going on just in these forums. People are attacking SDS with nonsense like law suits and whatever else and then get all offended when people say something in disagreement with that as well so it's very much a two way street. Not saying that everything isn't a mess and I don't think that there is a single person on the forums saying that there isn't any problems at all.
There is the problem. SDS could kill ALL of this is they would get off their a$$ and talk to us.......Notice how Ramone ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SHUT UP pre launch but after launch the same "community manager" is never heard from again til december................. And SDS wounders why they get all the hate year after year. SMH
Like I asked in another thread? What do you want them to say? That they can't fix it? That they don't know what it is yet and it will take time?
uhhhhh...........YES, YES, AND YES AGAIN. I would much rather them admit they don't know wtf is going on and thus don't yet know how to fix it then them say NOTHING for 2 weeks! There are hundreds maybe thousands of people that are missing pre order stuff (myself included). there are hundreds maybe thousands of people that earned packs in the TA programs that we literally taken out of their pack inventory when the server issues happen (myself included). There are hundreds maybe thousands that had bought some cards and locked them into their collections, trying to get Chipper, just for a server error to happen that day that literally unlocked the cards they just bought, took the cards out of their inventory, AND took the stubs they used to buy said cards, making them have to grind more to get the stubs back to buy the card AGAIN (myself included) this last example screwed me out of 80,000 stubs..... And I am positive I am not the only one this issues have happened to.
No you're not the only one its happened to, you're not the only one with problems. I'm missing cards and struggling to get on sometimes too, believe me I get the frustration but them saying we don't know how to fix it or we don't have a timeline and we are working on it isn't going to be enough. Just look at the tweets they send out, not very often but some and look at the constant bashing and jumping down their throat they get.
I completely agree that would not be good enough...for a...."competent" company/dev, which after being a customer for 15 years imo SDS is not, BUT them saying they dont know how or when it will be fixed would be wau better them what they are doing now...what they do every year, which is say nothing.
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@nasty-nats-2005 said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@rabid55wolverine said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@wargazsem_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
@kovz88_psn said in Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .:
Should there be a warning in-game? 100% absolutely but fact is twitter has always been where they consistently post it every time. If you are on the forums you have the ability to take 10 seconds yo look at Twitter. Should you have to? No but if you know its there and choose not to look I can't feel too bad.
The amount of defending SDS on any issue is just absurd.
It should be without a doubt an in game notification and countdown. I do not use Twitter, FB, tiktok or whatever else is around. I know a lot of people have moved away from that as well.The "well you're here sooooo" is nonsense. There shouldn't be an issue where before you decide to play a game you need to go to multiple social media sites to see if there is going to be an issue. I guess the next idiotic defense is going to tell people to set an alarm on their phone to alert the maintenance. Then make sure you have the phone, laptop and tablet all refreshing social media feeds since the thought of having IT IN GAME is crazy talk.
It should be included in the startup menu of the game. There are too many online games to list that use this approach and have since the PS3.
Do all of you who are non stop whining ever read a whole post from people or just the parts that set you off? I agree that it should be in game and there is not really an excuse for it not to be but at this point we know it is not there and we know they always post it on Twitter. You don't need a Twitter account to see it, I don't have one either. If you are on the forums, scroll to the bottom and click the Twitter link, the time it takes to make a post complaining you could have done that.
I wasn't "whining" I was bringing attention to the folks like yourself who feel the need to lash out at people who dare speak ill of SDS. I am completely dumbfounded with the recent trends in society of blindly defending something or someone just because. It is an extremely shitty situation when individuals can't admit when there is a problem so they're only recourse is to attack anyone with a different view. The obvious sign is when they ALL use the same insults to weakly attempt to validate their "higher ground".
I would like to thank you though for proving my point.
There are two sides to that coin. Look what is going on just in these forums. People are attacking SDS with nonsense like law suits and whatever else and then get all offended when people say something in disagreement with that as well so it's very much a two way street. Not saying that everything isn't a mess and I don't think that there is a single person on the forums saying that there isn't any problems at all.
There is the problem. SDS could kill ALL of this is they would get off their a$$ and talk to us.......Notice how Ramone ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT SHUT UP pre launch but after launch the same "community manager" is never heard from again til december................. And SDS wounders why they get all the hate year after year. SMH
Like I asked in another thread? What do you want them to say? That they can't fix it? That they don't know what it is yet and it will take time?
uhhhhh...........YES, YES, AND YES AGAIN. I would much rather them admit they don't know wtf is going on and thus don't yet know how to fix it then them say NOTHING for 2 weeks! There are hundreds maybe thousands of people that are missing pre order stuff (myself included). there are hundreds maybe thousands of people that earned packs in the TA programs that we literally taken out of their pack inventory when the server issues happen (myself included). There are hundreds maybe thousands that had bought some cards and locked them into their collections, trying to get Chipper, just for a server error to happen that day that literally unlocked the cards they just bought, took the cards out of their inventory, AND took the stubs they used to buy said cards, making them have to grind more to get the stubs back to buy the card AGAIN (myself included) this last example screwed me out of 80,000 stubs..... And I am positive I am not the only one this issues have happened to.
@charlie_ricker said in What are you hiding?:
@steelymacbeam said in What are you hiding?:
@drggkelley_psn said in What are you hiding?:
Sorry WoozyPolarBear, consumers do not forfeit constitutional rights because of a contractual purchase.
The Constitution protects you from the Governement, not Sony FFS. How are we a little under 234 years since the document was signed and people still don't actually understand it?
Some folks could spend 234 years trying to comprehend it and still not understand.
Sadly because the only people in this country actually required to know it is those trying to become a citizen
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Ballplayer Question
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So where are all the server crashing posts now?
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Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .
Has anyone gotten replies from SDS?
Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .
Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .
Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .
What are you hiding?