Edit: If you are using any input other than Zone and Pinpoint then you are accepting that your outcomes will be influenced more by the algorithms and player ratings

@scottd_3ds_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@magic1313_xbl said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
Baseball is a sport where the results don't always match the process, hard hit balls are sometimes outs, weak hit balls are sometimes hits, I know I see some pitches where I know I don't need perfect contact to loop it over the infielders head, just good enough contact, we don't get enough info regarding our opponents inputs to actually know what went on, with that being said, good process will win more often than not over the long haul, small sample size is not super useful in baseball. And as a pitcher you are trying to make them swing and miss or create poor contact, so looks like you were pitching effectively, some balls just happened to find some holes that game.
Dude, you seem to have mistaken this game for baseball. In real baseball, you know when you've hit the ball well, and you can get a hit, or make an out. But when your out, you can attribute it to the defense, pitching or just bad luck. In this game, your at the mercy of algorithms. In real baseball, the cpu isn't calculating an outcome, in this video game it is. You may be playing an online opponent, but your also playing the cpu.
I know when I have hit the ball well in this game, I have not once had a situation where I have hit the ball well and the result hasn't been a hard hit ball. Maybe I am lucky but I also have not seen many people complain about squaring up the ball and it not being a hard hit ball, just complaining it was not a hit or a hr. Of course when you introduce AI and computerize the sport there are things that happen behind the scenes that are out of our control to a point, but, offline at least, this game replicates the real life sport better than any other sports game out there. I may have mistaken this game for baseball because it is a baseball game. And when I make an out I can easily understand if it was an out because of the defense, pitching or just bad luck. I hit hard line drives right at defenders all the time, it is frustrating but the result makes sense, I squared the balls up and therefore did not get lift.
@ecureuil2011_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@matt_42187_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@matt_42187_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@matt_42187_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@mandrykm_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
I went to extras to beat this type of hitter:
Because when I had good input this happened:
Stop rewarding bad input!!!
I'm curious what your timing was on some of those 14's? I know I'll have 14-15's placement, but I'll be early or late. Which usually results in a fly out or grounder. Which I can't really complain when it happens to me.
I believe every 14 was just late.
If the ball wasn’t up in the pci with a power hitter, it’s going to be a fly out every time. If the timing was good, then I would have some questions.
So, how am I supposed to go the other way? becuase late side of good is a Flyout and just late weak contact… very early or very late bloop hits?
Welcome to the show. SDS has never been able to figure out just late timing can result in good hits too.
Wasn't there a year that the meta was "be late, be great"?
There was a year that was the major complaint, people just want to find a reason their opponent shouldn't have won and how everything they do is perfect, we all get crappy hits and give up crappy hits, over the long haul better players will win more often than not
@lioned33_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
Let me ask a real question. There is no way of knowing. But is directional OP this year. I played a few games where if the ball was outside of the zone swing and miss if you put it close the ball is hit hard. So of course I pitch outside the zone and they swing wildly. It makes it easy. So I changed up and went that way. Waited for balls in the zone press X. Tater 9 out of 10 times. So why would anyone use a PCI just get a good eye and power swing ball in the ball in the zone or don’t swing and get walked. It’s super fun
Sounds boring to me, not everyone is looking for an easy way out, I personally like to feel some accomplishment and pride in what I do and not know that I won my games cause I was able to find something that required less skill. I have not tried directional or timing hitting, nor do I plan to, so not sure if what you are saying is even true.
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@matt_42187_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@matt_42187_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@mandrykm_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
I went to extras to beat this type of hitter:
Because when I had good input this happened:
Stop rewarding bad input!!!
I'm curious what your timing was on some of those 14's? I know I'll have 14-15's placement, but I'll be early or late. Which usually results in a fly out or grounder. Which I can't really complain when it happens to me.
I believe every 14 was just late.
If the ball wasn’t up in the pci with a power hitter, it’s going to be a fly out every time. If the timing was good, then I would have some questions.
So, how am I supposed to go the other way? becuase late side of good is a Flyout and just late weak contact… very early or very late bloop hits?
are you trying to go opposite way on an inside pitch? hard to get great contact doing that, are you early on outside pitches? you are not providing enough info to know what is going on with you, I know I have no problem driving the ball oppo on pitches that are outside, is the pitch a fastball or breaking ball, is your hitter a pull hitter tendency, tendencies matter, where is your pci, is the ball high in your PCI, middle in the PCI, low in the PCI? Hitting the ball on the sweet spot, middle middle is typically more important than timing for a hard hit ball, if your are going for power and try to hit it off the top of the barrel, your results if you miss are gonna usually be long fly outs.
Baseball is a sport where the results don't always match the process, hard hit balls are sometimes outs, weak hit balls are sometimes hits, I know I see some pitches where I know I don't need perfect contact to loop it over the infielders head, just good enough contact, we don't get enough info regarding our opponents inputs to actually know what went on, with that being said, good process will win more often than not over the long haul, small sample size is not super useful in baseball. And as a pitcher you are trying to make them swing and miss or create poor contact, so looks like you were pitching effectively, some balls just happened to find some holes that game.
@halfbutt_psn said in StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl:
Sadly, the game is a “simulation”.
I wish someone would create a baseball game that was based on input.Super Mega Baseball 3
@tonythetiger2k16 said in How do I raise the difficulty?:
@magic1313_xbl said in How do I raise the difficulty?:
I don't think you can raise it, you also don't get rewards in the second season
I just finished my 2nd season with the Mets. 1st season I did on "Beginner" just to fly thru it for the XP gained to jump start the FOTF program for me. I wanted to play the 2nd season at a higher level, but there was no visable option letting me increase the differculty without deleating that season & starting a new MTO from scratch. But I opted to play a 2nd season with the Mets because all the call up's, trades & off season FA signings worked out awesomely beyond satisfaction. I was very eager to play that team I re-worked with all those transactions.
But now I'm rebutting what you said in your comment, which is ......
YES YOU DO earn all the XP rewards every following season played. My 2nd season earned me 50K plus in total XP just as it did my 1st season.
Nice, I had heard differently but I guess it was wrong
on Old Gen
I know Houston has the bad framerate, KC has lag, Field of Dreams has both all the time. It is very hard to play defense due to the lag and hitting is no fun either, I would avoid playing at Field of Dreams -
@dtownwarrior78_mlbts said in How do I raise the difficulty?:
There isn't a way to simply reset it somehow? I have to play on "veteran" the entire time I have the game? That makes zero sense....
oh, misunderstood the question, thought you wanted to continue into the second season, but yes, when you highlight the MTO tab it should have options, otherwise you can go into setting find the save files and delete it from there
Update: Kirby Yates demoted to single A, Karinchak in AAA, trading for relievers is tough if they can't make it out of the minors
I don't think you can raise it, you also don't get rewards in the second season
Playing with the Rangers who have a bad bullpen, traded for Kirby Yates who the Braves had in AAA to come in and be our closer, Kirby Yates is still in AAA. I have an 83 rated closer in AAA, my highest BP rating is 70, how does he not get called up after the trade?
I know Call Ups are meant to be story driven but maybe after a trade you get one call up/send down?
In 3 inning games Stamina is at a premium and the current bar visual is not easy to determine if a pitcher is at full stamina or a tick below, since RP can't pitch to more than 3 batters before going in the red this slight difference is important, can we get a Percentage Number visual which would be much easier to see
I noticed that when I clicked to get into a game and it didn't work and it took a few back outs and load back in, when I finally got into the game I got stuck with the loss even though I won, so I suggest if you try and load in and you get the no response, when you finally do load in, back out.
@sportpimpin_xbl said in REMOVE ALBERT PUJOLS FROM THE GAME!:
@ericulous1_psn said in REMOVE ALBERT PUJOLS FROM THE GAME!:
Are you their marriage counselor? Do you know why they are getting a divorce? Cool...me neither. Maybe back off the cancel culture train for a bit. I imagine there are reasons that aren't...."she just had a brain tumor removed...now I wanna be single."
That's racist!
How on earth is it racist? If you have moral issues with Albert Pujols, don't use his card. I don't think they have removed anyone for moral reasons, I know they have removed people due to criminal issues
@dunkypunch25_psn said in Servers for me were actually fantastic:
Today at 6pm est will be the real test
yeah, I consider that to be the second test, but let's see when everyone returns home from work and loads in at the same time
I was part of the official release crew and I was expecting to have server issues, I did not experience a single one. Am I in the minority or were the servers generally good for others too?
this happened to me, I believe it is tied to the game wanting to go to the high leverage presentation cut scene which I turned off, Will change all the setting within the menu before changing it to never to see if it helps
Edit: have not changed the settings but now happening everytime the CPU pitcher or I select a pitch
Edit 2: Sill happening, seems to start in 2nd inning or after a pitching change, not sure which yet
only suggestion would be to check the game mode specific settings to confirm everything is set to manual other than scouting, otherwise I would file a ticket with support outlining the issue.
Last year you could also switch between mlb, aaa, aa menus using the right thumbstick, I would go to each level and make sure everything is set to manual
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
StOp CoMplAiNinG, THatS jUst BaseBaLl
How do I raise the difficulty?
Old Gen should avoid playing at Field of Dreams
How do I raise the difficulty?
Need Better or More Frequent Call Up Logic
How do I raise the difficulty?
Need Better or More Frequent Call Up Logic
Can We Please Get a Percentage Number for Pitchers Stamina in 3 Inning Games
One Thing That Causes Mini Seasons Losses
Servers for me were actually fantastic
Servers for me were actually fantastic
Black screen flashes when selecting a pitch - Current Gen Xbox
Anybody help ??