Imagine spelling somebody’s name wrong at their funeral.

As someone that bought the digital deluxe, this is a horrible take. The more free cards SDS puts out, the better. I’m not going to complain about being able to get a 96 Mauer cheaper that’ll be irrelevant when his 99 is released anyways.
I’m confident that anybody that is against the new law, hasn’t actually read it themselves. Basically everything in it is logical, and most of it won’t even have a direct impact on voters.
Don’t worry, the mega corporations have the American people’s best interests in mind though.
No, I’d rather have even more content. The more the better.
You can simply just not do all of it if you don’t feel like it.
I’ve completed every moment in the game this year and last year, and I’ve never had any issues with pitchers not throwing strikes. Maybe it’s because I realize that in the vast majority of moments, walking does nothing for you and you should swing even if the ball is 20 ft off the plate to give yourself more opportunities. Maybe it’s because I realize pitchers don’t always throw the ball in the zone, and therefore don’t cry about it. Either way, I’ve never had consecutive moment attempts where the pitcher didn’t throw enough hittable strikes to complete the moment. Sure, it happens sometimes, but I’m heavily inclined to believe that people only say “pitchers never throw strikes in moments” as an excuse and nothing more.
I was with you until you said more rap and hip hop songs. None would be a step in the right direction.
@xelrojo44x_mlbts said in What a brutal call.:
While it looked like he checked it, you should not be checking with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th of game 5 of the DS. Either swing away, or take all the way. Never put it in the hands of the officials.
Yeah because it’s just that easy amiright?
@crimson_monk said in The “42”:
@lil_ramram12_psn said in The “42”:
So is this gonna be 42 African American/POC player cards? Or is gonna be like the 50 from Madden which had some of the best players from NFL history.
What do you think. It’s 2021... likely all black players . Which is fine but kinda political... would have been better is it was like that dudes negro leagues cards../. That would be great and a honor to the players that should have been mlb
It’s extremely political honestly. Stuff like this does more to cause racial divide than a lot of other things. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, etc., they’re all baseball players, and I don’t see a reason to have a whole series of cards that explicitly excludes other races, other than for purely political reasons.
I mean, people would riot if SDS made a series of cards that was explicitly white players only.
We haven’t seen all of them yet though, so maybe they’ll include Bruce sutter since he wore 42 or something.
@doihearbossmusic said in Holy Grady Sizemores Batman!:
Man who even cares at this point, game is dead.
Imagine posting on a forum for a dead game that no one cares about, pretty sad tbh
Who cares? You don’t even know the bosses for the 7th inning yet, but you’re already preemptively crying about there not being a Tiger. I hope there isn’t one this year, out of pure spite over this dumb post.
So the article pretty much shows exactly what I’ve always said, that both Bonds and Clemens had HoF careers even without the steroids.
@the_dragon1912 said in Finest Harper:
@mrad2010_xbl said in Finest Harper:
@the_dragon1912 said in Finest Harper:
I don't like the idea of 2 99 cards, I just don't. And this card will be better than the other one despite 2015 Harper being better than 2021 Harper
I mean how can SDS predict Harper would be the MVP this season. He earned MVP before and they released a card for him. He got MVP again so they’re giving him a Finest, Seems only right to me. I don’t see why it’s a problem unless you don’t like Harper.
I mean Abreu didn't get a finest card last year. Trout got a Signature series and not a finest in 19(The current finest Trout is completely made up.) the only thing likely to separate finest Harper from award harper is Power vs L, Fielding, and Quirks. Its just a waste when people are still waiting on Puckett etc.
And to be clear, I don't hate Harper, far from it. I just thinks that tgis further proves that cards based on the current season are far too juiced. 2015 Harper is arguably the best non-Bonds hitting season of the past 25 years. Legends and non-current season flashbacks deserve more than what they get
Harper is easily one of my favorite players, but giving him two 99s is absolutely one of the dumbest things SDS has ever done content-wise. The only way it’ll make sense is if the finest has significantly worse attributes against lefties, significantly worse reaction, but slightly better fielding. But of course they’re going to pretend this year was better than his 2015 season and boost every single attribute out the [censored].
If I were someone that cared about puckett, bagwell, etc., then SDS making a pointless 99 like this is something I’d be furious over.
If any at SDS actually cares about stats, they should be ashamed of themselves for even suggesting that Harper’s 2021 season was anywhere close to his 2015 season.
1 run game, 1B was open, a lefty was on the mound, and a lefty was on deck. The move makes perfect baseball sense. Cabrera should’ve just gotten a hit earlier in the game lmao.
@a_perfectgame said in The “42”:
@formallyforearms said in The “42”:
Are some people really whining over the mere possibility that "the 42" will be people of color?
Would people whine if there was a ty Cobb pack that was labeled something and only included white players for the reason of white culture? or is that racist? I’m just anti-racism. Creating packs and ostracizing whole groups or creating groups based on a group identity seems racist to me
This exactly. If it’s considered racist for one group to do something, it’s just as racist for the other group to do it as well.
I’m a black man that had relatively successful parents growing up, lived in a good neighborhood, and went to a good school. Point being, I’ve had a ton of white friends in my life. And I’ve had a lot of opportunities that were handed to me purely because of my race. We aren’t the most oppressed group in america anymore, not by a long shot. One look at all the anti-white rhetoric from the media and companies will tell you that. I’ve heard too many stories from my friends about being turned away from jobs solely because the company needed more diversity hires. It seems SDS is potentially bringing anti-white feelings and politics into the game this year more than ever, which is just sad and pointless, in my opinion.
@no-online-play-_psn said in Shout-out to the current leader in this event:
@mam8a-245300_xbl said in Shout-out to the current leader in this event:
18-0 without playing a single inning, what a monster. Such a coincidence they face the same 5 opponents over and over.
If you're gonna cheat, at least lose one intentionally here or there
What does it matter? He probably already has all the rewards. It's not like he's getting free parallel stats.
Probably one of the worst takes on anything I’ve ever seen on here. Cheating is cheating, and shouldn’t be allowed.
@halfbutt_psn said in Kyle Seager:
Say all the guys looking at sabermetric stats.
Sure, he hit for better average in 2016 but that’s about it. He is the same defender he was then, pretty much, and he has exceeded his totals for home runs and rbi. Most in his career, hence “career year”.
I’m not making this [censored] up. Oh wait, home runs and rbi don’t matter. Weighted runs created. Wins above replacement.
I feel just like a guy who hit into the shift with a hard ground ball up the middle, or the pitcher who induced a ground ball to short, only to have it go into left field because the shortstop is on the other side of the diamond.
We are talking different languages. I am telling you I don’t care about wrC+ and fwar. You are saying I’m only looking at home runs and rbi which don’t matter.
This is a pointless argument.
You’re the only person that would call a player’s 2nd worst career season (not counting 2011 or 2020) a career year. How can you actually suggest this season is even close to comparable to his 2016 season? You’re just making stuff up without checking it at all.
Since you can’t wrap your head around wRC+, we’ll have to do this the long way.
2016: .278 AVG, .359 OBP, .499 SLG, 10.2 BB%, 16.0 K%
2021: .216 AVG, .291 OBP, .448 SLG, 9.1 BB%, 23.7 K%
So as you can see, he was just a much better hitter in general in 2016, which is what wRC+ tells us without having to look at all the individual numbers. -
@dbub_psn said in Classic pack for 8th inning:
My search for a lefty reliever continues!
Maybe I'm too picky. Tried 99 Wagner, 97 Aroldis, Andew Miller etc and didnt really like any of them.
If you didn’t like any of those guys then you aren’t going to like anybody
@raider52morrison said in Cumulative Rewards, yay or nay?:
They should just make the cumulative rewards in BR and RS non sellable. Will help those who go 12-0. make WS get more for the cards in the market.
They can still sell cards for a million if they’re fast enough. The BR and RS programs benefit people that go 12-0 or make WS too. They can get double the rewards by being good and completing the programs, while people just doing the programs only get one reward. Cumulative rewards benefit everybody.
Not having permanent million stub waitlists is much more beneficial to the community than a small percentage of players potentially getting a few extra stubs.
@tonythetiger2k16 said in FS Greene is legit:
Attributes do matter & means a lot to me. H/9 decreaces the PCI size of the batter you are facing. Control affects the use of Meter & Pinpoint to have more ease executing a Perfect or close enough to Perfect Pitch. HR/9 decreases travel distance on fly balls which reduces the odds of Homers being hit. Pitching Clutch reduces how much & how fast Confidence goes down & its effects. Help you execute quality pitches with runners on base.
Chris Sale arguably has the BEST stuff Pitch wise with Velocity & Movement. But he gets easily taken YARD more times due to his low HR/9. I stopped using Sale 4 years ago. He gives up more HR's for me then all other 99 Diamond Startes I have used.
So you claim attributes mean a lot to you, but you don’t know that HR/9 has no affect on gameplay? Lmao
Sounds like you shouldn’t skip practice
Funeral For A Friend
Dirty Move SDS
MLB moving All-Star Game from Atlanta in response to new Georgia voting laws
Less Content please
One Plate Appearance Moments
Sports games soundtracks suck
What a brutal call.
The “42”
Holy Grady Sizemores Batman!
Words Can’t Express my Disappointment
Very interesting Bonds and Clemens article
Finest Harper
The “42”
Shout-out to the current leader in this event
Kyle Seager
Classic pack for 8th inning
Cumulative Rewards, yay or nay?
FS Greene is legit
Are you having fun yet?