Much like Satoshi Nakamoto, Keiran may be a man, woman, or a group of people. The true identity is unknown (except for that time someone found his social media)

@aaronjw76_psn said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
@erinssilence_xbl said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
@aaronjw76_psn said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
@erinssilence_xbl said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
Imagine trying to tell the free market not to make stubs when demand is high....
The fact you think this is a free market makes believe you wore a helmet to school.
Do tell how a system that is based purely on supply and demand without any intervention from the governing body (in this case SDS) is somehow not a free market when that's literally the definition. If you want regulated markets then go look at HUT in NHL 21. It's awful when you pull a card there and they tell you oh that card caps out at 10k when people would be willing to pay 50k for it to complete a set. MLBs system rewards the seller because A) it makes collections harder to do and more of a badge of honor for those that do them and B) why should a player have to sell a card for less then what people are willing to pay?
SDS sets market minimums/maximums, and limits the amount of stubs one can "hold".
What about that is a free market to you?
Back to school, son.
slowly walks away with head down
@aaronjw76_psn said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
@erinssilence_xbl said in PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!:
Imagine trying to tell the free market not to make stubs when demand is high....
The fact you think this is a free market makes believe you wore a helmet to school.
Yeah I too am curious as to why you think this is not a free market. I'll proceed to take off my helmet and put on a tin foil hat to try and get on your wavelength.
@lucas8181_psn said in Ranking All The TA Cards:
@kdclemson_psn said in Ranking All The TA Cards:
@lucas8181_psn said in Ranking All The TA Cards:
Glad to see the best one, by a mile, isn't on your list. Keep him hidden, I don't want to face that guy!
Joey Gallo isn't good this year. Yordan, Franmil, and Stanton all have similar enough power and way better contact. Not to mention there's so many good outfielders.
I agree. I didn't say anything about Gallo.
"I'll take poor assumptions for $100, Alex"
"This TSN poster attempted to tell a joke in the form of a Jeopardy cliche."
@lucas8181_psn said in Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS:
@dr-k1ng-schultz said in Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS:
@lucas8181_psn said in Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS:
It's a copyright issue, if you are upset, talk to Microsoft.
Sony is the second largest record company behind UMG. They have ASCAP and BMI licenses for people to play and stream any records under those licenses.
It's the same if you go to a restaurant playing canned music, or having live music. You have to have the license or you can get hammered with copyright infringement.
Microsoft can either pay up, or, their player base can use an iPod for tunes while they game.
You certainly don't need any sort of license to play an artists music at a restaurant.
Wrong. The next time you walk into a restaurant, look at the little stickers on the window. They'll have an ASCAP and BMI sticker, as they have to pay a yearly fee, it's based on building capacity.
Google it my friend, as a working musician, we deal with this often.
Edit: I see someone already shared that information with you. A lot of places I play have been emailed, called, and fined for not following the copyright laws. And, it's very expensive.
Xbox allows you to use spotify, because you pay a monthly fee, and/or advertising covers the cost to the musicians.
Music is property, you can't steal property, musicians need to be paid for their work, just like everyone else.
Wow thats crazy, I never knew. Huh. The more you know.
@lucas8181_psn said in Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS:
It's a copyright issue, if you are upset, talk to Microsoft.
Sony is the second largest record company behind UMG. They have ASCAP and BMI licenses for people to play and stream any records under those licenses.
It's the same if you go to a restaurant playing canned music, or having live music. You have to have the license or you can get hammered with copyright infringement.
Microsoft can either pay up, or, their player base can use an iPod for tunes while they game.
You certainly don't need any sort of license to play an artists music at a restaurant.
There is a giant yellow banner telling you that they are performing server maintenance literally right now. Sheesh
Also, what fielding errors? It's good to get bugs out there so other users can corroborate them so SDS can patch quicker
All entitlements should be tied to your login. I too will be doing the same in 1-2 weeks when my PS5 comes.
It's OK. Usually the first week of game launch, hitting is almost entirely input based and it's great. Teams start averaging way too many hits, they come out with the first big update, and it becomes RNG fest for the rest of the year. Seems like we are starting out in RNG fest. I played 8 games of ranked yesterday, had a fee homeruns on questionable timing and PCI placement. Played another game where I was smacking perfectly timed outs all game.
@dewrock_psn said in Mickey Mantle:
Just curious but why is the Mantle card from the program only a gold 80? It’s from a year he won MVP.
Because the card itself is a hungover version of Mantle the night after a bender.
The price is determined by the community in the market though...
Degrom will either go up or stay the same. He could also go down.
@Jeviduty said in It has been Fall for 29 days...:
@Original_Quad said in It has been Fall for 29 days...:
@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in It has been Fall for 29 days...:
That's ridiculous, if true, especially considering that a lot of players will transition to other sports titles like Madden, NHL2k21, and PGA Tour 2k21 once the baseball season ends.
As soon as July hits every single year people say this. People who are going to move to other games are going to do so anyways. “If SDS doesn’t do X by Y then every player is going to go play other games” is one of the most tired tropes I’ve seen on these forums.
I'm sick of it as well. Kind of why I rather be on twitter/reddit, this forum can get super annoying.
So true. This forum is run by the same 4-5 guys who play salty cracker with eachother. Reddit is superior.
Git gud n00b
@raesONE said in "Georgia Peach" team stronghold??:
There's only 1 team on the map you can take down in 1 turn, so even if you didn't understand the reference simple logic would've given you the answer.
Who hurt you?
Probably not worth the price, but its late in the year and most people have stubs piled up so why not? I have him, I love him. Best lead off I've had all year. Pac man in left field. I have Rickey, Lofton, and Robert left to right, so my OF gobblers up everything.
MVP Kris Bryant for me
Hes been great for me in 4 starts. Big fan.
Ricky as of today
I roll with Rollins and Hornsby.
Who is Kieran?
PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!
PSA: Let's Get Those Prices Down!
Ranking All The TA Cards
Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS
Absolutely unacceptable to not have SOTS
Such A Terrible Game (Online)
PS4 to PS5
So what’s everyone’s opinion on hitting so far?
Mickey Mantle
Don't be the the next 2k
Thoughts on high diamond prices?
It has been Fall for 29 days...
Confirmed Showdown Extreme
"Georgia Peach" team stronghold??
99 Ricky Henderson
Who’s the best 3rd baseman you’ve played with?
Tom Seaver Reviews
Who is your leadoff hitter?
Hornsby or Ernie Banks?