Update 1.13 Discussion
This is becoming the best version of the show. Great work guys!
@Matt_42187 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Xx9Tarasenko1xX said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Scarletgospel said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
Lol... apparently this is a good/good homerun by the cpu on legend now. Lol.
I guess we just get to see the bad hits in more detail now. I hope this is an outlier and not the norm.
I feel like your pic is a perfect example of why they provided such a long patch note to explain there are far more inputs that go into a result that you need to consider than just the fact that the ball is slightly outside the contact PCI and was a home run.
Let’s break down your pic using what SDS has told us:
Firstly, we know that the small PCI reflects contact zone where there is an increased chance of hard contact, compared to the vision portion. Players can still make contact in the vision zone, it’s just the chance of hard contact is less and I believe it drops the further out you get. This ball is just outside the contact PCI, so there’s definitely still a chance that can be hit with hard contact.
Second, patch note says pitch location is the most important factor in determining contact result. That pitch is in the middle of the zone which means it definitely has a higher chance of being subject to hard contact.
Lastly, if that’s on legend and the PCI is that big, that means you hung your pitch. SDS didn’t put anything out on this but I am positive from more than enough anecdotal evidence that hanging pitches = significantly increased chance of hard contact.
To sum up, the increased chance of hard contact due to a hung cutter down the middle outweighed the decreased chance of hard contact due to PCI placement being slightly off.
With the information SDS put out, they are effectively saying based on all the data they can see and the knowledge they have of what inputs should produce what outputs, they’re fairly comfortable with the current state of hitting.
What was lacking was understanding and the communication to users which is why they sent out what they did. Now it’s up to us to use that info and be objective when assessing hitting outcomes.
If the results still seem inconsistent based on all the information we have, then by all means share that in the forums and ask for change or more information to properly assess hit results, but if they give us new info and we continually revert back to something as simple as “contact pci not on ball + home run = broken” when we have been told it’s more complex, we are always gonna be unhappy.
Please explain why the picture shows the ball on the end of bat, but the ball/PCI paints a different picture.
I’m pretty sure they’ve said before that the PCI doesn’t represent the bat, so that would likely be part of the answer. Then I’d look at the swing window which, although it was in the “good” swing timing range, it was on the early end of it, meaning Almora’s bat was planing through the zone a bit early, leading to it hitting closer to the end of the bat as opposed to dead centre.
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@Jack_Wieg10 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
The problem now is that you can’t control the degree of the launch angle that has so much affect on the hit. If you can’t make every aspect of hitting user input everything that is done becomes obsolete. Because launch angle is so important to how the ball is hit, it is still basically a roll of the dice if the ball will be hit good or bad.
Of course you can control the launch angle. Don’t swing at every strike. Just like baseball , Wait for YOUR pitch. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don’t. There is a reason why players have hot zones and cold zones. Pitchers try not to pitch to where a batter likes there pitches. Keyword is try, sometimes you miss a pitch and goes where the batter usually lives to crush it.
Remember, every card has a different type of swing and hot zones based on swing. Either adapt per batter or accumulate cards with very similar swings and hot zones
So are hot zones and cold zones now factoring into user in put or just has it always been this way?? I always thought that was just for sim stats and vs cpu
Think it’s tied to swing type. Certain swings cant hit effectively certain parts of the strike zone ( physics). I guess you can make a logical jump that the cold hot zones are a representation of how well your hit will be if making contact there?
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
Well maybe instead of being so vague about the hitting and even pitching mechanics maybe they should just come out and let us know just how much and how many layers of rng we are facing when trying to execute actions in the game. Instead of hey here's a brand new feature to further explain that will only show up for a half a second every at bat.
Hell the fact that check swings have little or almost nothing to do with input or they animations they cause says alot in itself.
OF is still not locking in/acting wonky on balls hit just in front of the wall.
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
Well maybe instead of being so vague about the hitting and even pitching mechanics maybe they should just come out and let us know just how much and how many layers of rng we are facing when trying to execute actions in the game. Instead of hey here's a brand new feature to further explain that will only show up for a half a second every at bat.
Hell the fact that check swings have little or almost nothing to do with input or they animations they cause says alot in itself.
I think there is no RNG. Just a ton of variables that go into the outcome. Too many variables for them to list. Let’s be honest , you are in the small minority of players ( players as every user logging into game, not forums posters ) that can’t accept the fact they don’t have every info given to them. I call these people the “why” people. Never satisfied with anything
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
Well maybe instead of being so vague about the hitting and even pitching mechanics maybe they should just come out and let us know just how much and how many layers of rng we are facing when trying to execute actions in the game. Instead of hey here's a brand new feature to further explain that will only show up for a half a second every at bat.
Hell the fact that check swings have little or almost nothing to do with input or they animations they cause says alot in itself.
I think there is no RNG. Just a ton of variables that go into the outcome. Too many variables for them to list. Let’s be honest , you are in the small minority of players ( players as every user logging into game, not forums posters ) that can’t accept the fact they don’t have every info given to them. I call these people the “why” people. Never satisfied with anything
What do you think variables in a video game are. RNG. Most players just want to know how much of it am i fighting vs my user input. They say things like "pitch location matters" with no other info or example of why or even how much it matters.
Example if I hit a perfect/perfect flyball with a 100+ power hitter and its only warning track power. Why is that, What Mattered in the algorithm other than my user input for that ball not to result in a no doubt shot. Is it because the pitxh was inside and he's labeled as an opposite field hitter? How much of the pitcher's confidence is factoring in to a solidly hit ball. did the wind factor in?etc etc.
You say I want to know everything but thats not true, how about just a general idea of whats happening in this game. Again everything is vague, pitch location, launch angles, wind etc etc with no example or general idea of how they actually matter or work and that my friend is called RNG.
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
Well maybe instead of being so vague about the hitting and even pitching mechanics maybe they should just come out and let us know just how much and how many layers of rng we are facing when trying to execute actions in the game. Instead of hey here's a brand new feature to further explain that will only show up for a half a second every at bat.
Hell the fact that check swings have little or almost nothing to do with input or they animations they cause says alot in itself.
I think there is no RNG. Just a ton of variables that go into the outcome. Too many variables for them to list. Let’s be honest , you are in the small minority of players ( players as every user logging into game, not forums posters ) that can’t accept the fact they don’t have every info given to them. I call these people the “why” people. Never satisfied with anything
What do you think variables in a video game are. RNG. Most players just want to know how much of it am i fighting vs my user input. They say things like "pitch location matters" with no other info or example of why or even how much it matters.
Example if I hit a perfect/perfect flyball with a 100+ power hitter and its only warning track power. Why is that, What Mattered in the algorithm other than my user input for that ball not to result in a no doubt shot. Is it because the pitxh was inside and he's labeled as an opposite field hitter? How much of the pitcher's confidence is factoring in to a solidly hit ball. did the wind factor in?etc etc.
You say I want to know everything but thats not true, how about just a general idea of whats happening in this game. Again everything is vague, pitch location, launch angles, wind etc etc with no example or general idea of how they actually matter or work and that my friend is called RNG.
If you ever played real baseball, you would already know the answers. Pitch location and pitch type matters a whole lot.
When I say baseball. , little league or anything counts. Any organized baseball would of taught you this. Hell, even google will inform you on pitch mechanics. Maybe try reading articles in physics of baseball?
FYI. They gave a general idea of what effects a hit ball. The issue is that info is not good enough for YOU. I am sorry but you are in the very small minority of total players of this game who feel like you.
I am satisfied with their general explanation.
Anyone else having issues with the game freezing?
SDS in the next patch can you do a Franchise schedule with about 60 to 70 games with expanded playoffs....thanks, I know that wouldn't be hard for you guy to do cause you guys are Champs.
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
I’m glad that you’re happy with the gameplay and the patch.
I’m not going to bother arguing with you, since we are in disagreement.
Let me ask, however, do you find one hit out of every four being a home run is appropriate? Compared to the two in one hundred being doubles, to me all of this suggests that the hitting engine itself is the problem, not the feedback, or our understanding of it.
Why else would the pitching issues persist if not to mitigate the hitting engine?
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
I’m glad that you’re happy with the gameplay and the patch.
I’m not going to bother arguing with you, since we are in disagreement.
Let me ask, however, do you find one hit out of every four being a home run is appropriate? Compared to the two in one hundred being doubles, to me all of this suggests that the hitting engine itself is the problem, not the feedback, or our understanding of it.
Why else would the pitching issues persist if not to mitigate the hitting engine?
Fair enough
As to your question about home runs to double ratio.
I’ll answer your question with a question.
Are you ok with the low strike out rates of Gallo and Judge and players of their elk compared to their real life stats.
That should answer your question
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@j9milz said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@halfbutt said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
It just seems like everyone is speculating even more than before.
Not really. Some just don’t believe in the facts and are here looking for confirmation bias.
They have literally said there is a ton of factors that go into how a ball is hit and reacts. They just can’t show you all of it because that would take up the whole screen.
They gave us a little more feedback is all. They said pitch location and I believe angle too plays a part in it. People think every pitch they hit perfect perfect should equal same result. Physics does not work like that. What was speed if pitch ? Angle of pitch? Rotation? Was hit on seems? What was the spin? Break? Cold weather or humid or hot ( yes that makes a difference due to how it effects the ball )?
Some people just can’t accept the fact that things are not always the same, but they sure seem to know to pick Shippet Field and Coors field for home runs lol
Well maybe instead of being so vague about the hitting and even pitching mechanics maybe they should just come out and let us know just how much and how many layers of rng we are facing when trying to execute actions in the game. Instead of hey here's a brand new feature to further explain that will only show up for a half a second every at bat.
Hell the fact that check swings have little or almost nothing to do with input or they animations they cause says alot in itself.
I think there is no RNG. Just a ton of variables that go into the outcome. Too many variables for them to list. Let’s be honest , you are in the small minority of players ( players as every user logging into game, not forums posters ) that can’t accept the fact they don’t have every info given to them. I call these people the “why” people. Never satisfied with anything
What do you think variables in a video game are. RNG. Most players just want to know how much of it am i fighting vs my user input. They say things like "pitch location matters" with no other info or example of why or even how much it matters.
Example if I hit a perfect/perfect flyball with a 100+ power hitter and its only warning track power. Why is that, What Mattered in the algorithm other than my user input for that ball not to result in a no doubt shot. Is it because the pitxh was inside and he's labeled as an opposite field hitter? How much of the pitcher's confidence is factoring in to a solidly hit ball. did the wind factor in?etc etc.
You say I want to know everything but thats not true, how about just a general idea of whats happening in this game. Again everything is vague, pitch location, launch angles, wind etc etc with no example or general idea of how they actually matter or work and that my friend is called RNG.
If you ever played real baseball, you would already know the answers. Pitch location and pitch type matters a whole lot.
When I say baseball. , little league or anything counts. Any organized baseball would of taught you this. Hell, even google will inform you on pitch mechanics. Maybe try reading articles in physics of baseball?
Bruh its a video game. Tell me in real life when ever a pitchers confidence have stopped a guys from hitting a hr on a ball down the middle. All this irl, I've played baseball talk is irrelevant when it comes to a game. Because YOU played baseball and squared up a ball many times it resulted it easy outs doesn't apply to aome of the greatest hitters of our time. There's a reason we are playing with them and not YOU. and to piggy back off of that there have plenty of guys in all sports who played at a major league level becausw of their talent but still don't have an high i.q or even high intelligence of the sport they played and succeeded. So stop with I played baseball back in middle school, I know what im talking about stuff.
Again this is a video game. Where developers program codes, animations, variables etc to determine outcomes when you play. For example if i play shooter, If i hit someone in the head, the damage is calculated by factors the developers have implented in the game. Strength of weapon, armor etc etc so that all every time you get a consistent outcome. We still don't even know why perfect input pitches are being hung other than "it depends on the pitchers confidence and stamina oh yeah and also his bb/9 and control." Thats as vague as it gets.
Perfect example take a game like 2k while not on of the best games. I understand that when my players are tired(stamina) they lose attribute points. So a 90 3pt attribute can drop down to 80 depending on that players stamina. Question does a pitcher lose attribute points when his confidence and/or stamina is low?? And how much?? Say he is below 50% how many points may he lose. And if he does lose attributes when he gets tired about when does he begin to lose the 90%?? 75%, 50% See that??? Simple question about the game and how things works.
I do decently so its not about oh you're just not good enough blah blah. I just don't know why things are happening most times im playing. Why is my ss jogging to a ball over his head he could easily get too if he were actually running. Why is my outfielder taking along stride to throw a ball in. Why does my cutoff hesitatr on already preloaded throws like he doesnt know which base to throw too instead of just throwing to tje base i already told him too. WHY is my pitch in the dirt hung with high confidence and High energy and good input. Simple questions about game mechanics.
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@boudie23 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
New screen is great and provides a lot of information but doesn’t address any issues with hitting. Example played event game placed ball in top 3rd of PCI dead center. Line out to center 31 degree launch angle, it happens oh well. Next better dead center again but in bottom 3rd of PCI this time, result 31 degree launch angle line out to center.
My understanding of pci may be off but I thought being in the top 3rd puts you under the ball and being in the bottom 3rd means you got on top of the ball. If this is the case I don’t see how the launch angles are the same. Could be a perfect explanation, I just don’t know it.I also had a launch angle of 161 and negative 155 on foul balls where my pci was no where close, those should result in a swing and miss. I had no business touching those balls
They also said a batters swing type matters. It’s reason why some people hit better with some cards and not others.
Some cards hit well in upper part of zone . Some hit better in lower part of zone. Problem is . A lot of people treat every batter the same.
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@boudie23 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
New screen is great and provides a lot of information but doesn’t address any issues with hitting. Example played event game placed ball in top 3rd of PCI dead center. Line out to center 31 degree launch angle, it happens oh well. Next better dead center again but in bottom 3rd of PCI this time, result 31 degree launch angle line out to center.
My understanding of pci may be off but I thought being in the top 3rd puts you under the ball and being in the bottom 3rd means you got on top of the ball. If this is the case I don’t see how the launch angles are the same. Could be a perfect explanation, I just don’t know it.I also had a launch angle of 161 and negative 155 on foul balls where my pci was no where close, those should result in a swing and miss. I had no business touching those balls
They also said a batters swing type matters. It’s reason why some people hit better with some cards and not others.
Some cards hit well in upper part of zone . Some hit better in lower part of zone. Problem is . A lot of people treat every batter the same.
- Swing type doesn’t determine whether or not you are under or on top of the ball though. PCI placement is suppose to determine that and you shouldn’t have a same launch angle being on top of the ball as you do when under it.
I got the impression that when they talked about Swing Type, they were referring to Contact, Normal, and Power - not to a difference in the swing animations actually influencing how a player plays.
@bcruise said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
I got the impression that when they talked about Swing Type, they were referring to Contact, Normal, and Power - not to a difference in the swing animations actually influencing how a player plays.
Swing type makes a huge difference. Go into practice mode with Roberto Alomar and then say Reggie Jackson and then Paul Molitor.
@boudie23 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@boudie23 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
New screen is great and provides a lot of information but doesn’t address any issues with hitting. Example played event game placed ball in top 3rd of PCI dead center. Line out to center 31 degree launch angle, it happens oh well. Next better dead center again but in bottom 3rd of PCI this time, result 31 degree launch angle line out to center.
My understanding of pci may be off but I thought being in the top 3rd puts you under the ball and being in the bottom 3rd means you got on top of the ball. If this is the case I don’t see how the launch angles are the same. Could be a perfect explanation, I just don’t know it.I also had a launch angle of 161 and negative 155 on foul balls where my pci was no where close, those should result in a swing and miss. I had no business touching those balls
They also said a batters swing type matters. It’s reason why some people hit better with some cards and not others.
Some cards hit well in upper part of zone . Some hit better in lower part of zone. Problem is . A lot of people treat every batter the same.
@CalisGW said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
@boudie23 said in Update 1.13 Discussion:
New screen is great and provides a lot of information but doesn’t address any issues with hitting. Example played event game placed ball in top 3rd of PCI dead center. Line out to center 31 degree launch angle, it happens oh well. Next better dead center again but in bottom 3rd of PCI this time, result 31 degree launch angle line out to center.
My understanding of pci may be off but I thought being in the top 3rd puts you under the ball and being in the bottom 3rd means you got on top of the ball. If this is the case I don’t see how the launch angles are the same. Could be a perfect explanation, I just don’t know it.I also had a launch angle of 161 and negative 155 on foul balls where my pci was no where close, those should result in a swing and miss. I had no business touching those balls
They also said a batters swing type matters. It’s reason why some people hit better with some cards and not others.
Some cards hit well in upper part of zone . Some hit better in lower part of zone. Problem is . A lot of people treat every batter the same.
- Swing type doesn’t determine whether or not you are under or on top of the ball though. PCI placement is suppose to determine that and you shouldn’t have a same launch angle being on top of the ball as you do when under it.
Swing type will effect launch angle no matter if you are on top of it or not. Simple physics.