Update 1.10 Discussion
how about u guys just fix the stupid umps and fielding stop worry about exp or a [censored] mercy rule
Also, with the addition of Award Victorino, could we have an “awards” tab for filtering purposes in the marketplace? Like “Prospects” etc?
Thank you.
Disappointing. They haven't fixed the 2 most glaring issues - the obscene number of successful "too early" check swings and "good squared up" outs
2 passed balls with 91 Pudge Rodriguez in my first conquest game post patch. Let’s hope that issue isn’t back.
@Matt_42187 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Scarletgospel said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Just something for SDS to consider. I would leave the MTO at double points, just a suggestion.
I played it once, before the double points kicked in, and I was considering doing it again with a better reward (double points), but now, no way. The time invested for the rewards is simply not worth it.
Just my opinion, but it is a game mode I won't be touching ever again, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
Just think, all the hours the devs put in to make this mode. Now nobody wants to play it. Sounds like poor management.
There are people that play it for the experience of the mode.
@inHishonor33 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Hey devs, I just wanted to give some feedback. I totally understand patching exploits that were hurting the integrity of the game. The only thing I don't get though is reducing MTO points to its original state. That was the first time in MTO's entire "lifespan" that the mode incentivized players to actually play the mode. Now, MTO is back to being irrelevant again to almost every player. I would recommend increasing the MTO point reward system to not 2x as much, but maybe 1.5x as much. This would give casual players more options to gain TA points without suffering through stage 1 showdown's.
Also, on the point of showdowns, I believe the stage 2 showdowns are perfectly fine at the moment. However, if you're going to take away MTO double points, why not make stage 1 showdowns the same difficulty as stage 2? As it stands, stage 1 is incredibly difficult and extremely frustrating for the casual player. If you guys lowered the difficulty of stage 1 to stage 2's level, I think a lot of the negativity you guys are seeing as a result of this patch would go away. Anyways, I hope someone took the time to read this through, thanks guys.
Not all players who play MTO are in it for the TA points. Some play it for fun.
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
This is very disappointing. It took SDS a ridiculous amount of time to even ACKNOWLEDGE the fielding issues on twitter and that was only AFTER Trevor May ranted on Twitch because his defense couldn't field the ball on 3 straight plays which cost him a league game. Look how quick they fixed the XP for MTO (which needed the added XP as incentive to play this long mode) and etc. Wonder why it is in SDS' interest to fix the extra XP some of these game modes were giving? If you have more XP, you will get more free rewards which includes end game diamond players which might curb a player's desire to spend real money on stubs. Forget fixing fielding which has never been 100% right since launch (I'm also counting the red throwing meter that was there since early release), hitting, baserunning, or even something as small as the HR scoreboard glitch which has been around FOREVER. It is OBVIOUS that what this community needed was for XP to be nerfed and a steal glitch which prevented the CPU in Showdowns to stop turning perfect grounder double plays with astonishing frequency. Given this track record, is it any surprise that the FIRST stub sale of 20's release happens to be on the same day as this patch? MLB 20 is nearing WWE 2K20 territory where the game from the prior year (MLB 19 and WWE 2K19) is superior to the newer release which is plagued by bugs and etc. MLB 20 will stay in the cabinet and I'll stick to playing MLB 16 and MLB 19. Of course, a good portion of the community won't care about how MLB 20's release has been a disappointment because this is the only "good" professional game on the market and who needs good gameplay when you have so much content? Community: Can you please fix this game? SDS: We're working on it, but here's a sick Chipper Jones card for the 3rd inning program. Community: W
I've had more fun thinking about MLB 20 than playing MLB 20.
Since update can not download current roster so that means no online play!!!
@cdyshk said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Since update can not download current roster so that means no online play!!!
Try the latest live roster I uploaded to roster vault; Roster_5-1-20
Terrible decision to patch the MTO points. The mode is useless again for those of us who can't beat showdown.
Meanwhile, baseballs are still bouncing off my fielder's chests, that is if they even get the lock on to trigger.
@cdyshk said in Can’t Download New Roster after Update?:
Got it now, after the downlaod you need to restart game guys. It signed right in after I used HustlinOwl download.
Thanks Hustlin -
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@Victor_SDS said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
@AzNbUm8 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Does the patch fix the TA2 stat requirement bug?
Could you elaborate on that?
Sure, many players are having trouble with the Orioles and Red Sox TA 2 requirements. Specifically, not all hits made by players which meet the position qualifications are counting towards the goal.
Could you provide me with some specific player names for the Orioles and Red Sox?
First game since patch. Played a Conquest game. Close play at 3rd my runner didn't slide. Casually walked into the tag as it got there.
I feel like SDS took the grind away from us. They took away MTO. They took away Retro Mode. They took away our Home Run Derby. There is now no way to gain XP through grinding. SHOWDOWN. SHOWDOWN. SHOWDOWN.
SDS is wanting us to do so much Showdown yet most of us don't have the mental capacity to do so.
Ladies and Gentlemen, March To October is now completeley irrelevant.
These very early and very late tipped balls keeping the count alive are getting out of hand. It's hard enough to pitch as it is with no calls on the black.
So the ability to be very early and flail at the ball and stay alive is beyond frustrating.
The timing window on these sinkers are absolutely atrocious as well. There also needs to be a stamina punishment for bringing in multiple starters in a game -
@bananaking8917 said in Update 1.10 Discussion:
Ladies and Gentlemen, March To October is now completeley irrelevant.
The core purpose of the mode is to enjoy the season experience without having to play a full season or worry about the complexity of managing a franchise. It’s ‘season lite’ if you will. Some people enjoy it for that.
It’s not irrelevant to them at all.