Fastballs are too quick.
Fastballs are just perfect right now. I'm very happy with this latest patch update. Much better than before. Gonna be a fun weekend
Just played an events game and hitting was fine. Fastballs were ok. Game is schizophrenic. Granted it was against prior and not Ryan but I could handle the adjustments. And I pitched with smoltz and my opponent was not consistently late or missing entirely but I played a game earlier today, much earlier, and pitched with smoltz against ohtani and was impossible for both of us. I keep telling you guys and few seem to listen, it's not a matter of skill. It's a mechanics issue. Listen people and quit accusing the problem to be a skill issue. I've played enough games to know the difference. There IS a problem to be addressed.
And it was gold ohtani, not diamond if that makes a difference.
@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
Then maybe I should have said they are not accurate instead of too fast. It comes down to the same thing.
Learn the correct form of your please
FB are in a good place RN please dont change them SDS
@THE_Tomdawg69er it means the same thing if u just take a second to think about it instead of just condemning with little thought
@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
@THE_Tomdawg69er it means the same thing if u just take a second to think about it instead of just condemning with little thought
Not condemning, but if you can use a computer, you can use proper grammar. One is you are, one is possessive.
I feel there is something screwy with fastballs. Most of the time when one is throw n, the game lags. This makes it frustrating cause I have to immediately press X before the ball leaves the pitchers hand and pray I guessed right.
I think they feel pretty accurate on HOF. I will even go as far as to say that they need to be bumped up slightly on all star.
After getting clapped back to back I changed my mind lol, pitch speed is definitely too fast on all star
Sinkers are so much faster lol
@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
Just played an events game and hitting was fine. Fastballs were ok. Game is schizophrenic. Granted it was against prior and not Ryan but I could handle the adjustments. And I pitched with smoltz and my opponent was not consistently late or missing entirely but I played a game earlier today, much earlier, and pitched with smoltz against ohtani and was impossible for both of us. I keep telling you guys and few seem to listen, it's not a matter of skill. It's a mechanics issue. Listen people and quit accusing the problem to be a skill issue. I've played enough games to know the difference. There IS a problem to be addressed.
I agree with you. The timing window is off this year and fastballs just blow past before I can even react. It’s like the pitch speed and timing window are in two different places compared to last year.
@THE_Tomdawg69er dude dont be stupid. You understood. Understand the issue, dont get caught up in semantics. Dont lose sight of the forest for the trees.
@REDSMAN09 then you are an elite player and this thread is not of use too you. I am talking about normal players using all star and lower.
@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
If so I should have adjusted because I've played about 15 games since they changed it. But there is just no time to gauge it now
What are you talking about. The balls i hit are fastballs unless I have 2 strikes or get fooled. They aren’t too fast. Maybe your tv has booty response time. I’m average at this game and my gripe is not getting rewarded for feedback, not pitch speeds.
@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
@REDSMAN09 then you are an elite player and this thread is not of use too you. I am talking about normal players using all star and lower.
For sure not elite lol, more like above average. This form is for all of us though because it affects everyone. Even the "elite's" of this game. Because once this season restarts we all have to start back on All Star difficulty even if we make the world series.
I’m swinging very early at 97 MPH fastballs, I gotta disagree man.
Pitch speeds are about the same. Hitting/Timing window is messed up for sure.
Pitch speeds are fine, timing windows horrific. Totally messed up.