The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant
@technoblue67_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
Content is always a good thing. Focus on game play issues. Like bad defensive animation. Base running. Over powered pin point. Etc..
people shouldn't be upset about the amount of content, but the overall power of said content. We can already have entire lineups and benches with no player lower than 97, when I personally think this quality of a team shouldn't be achievable yet
They are never going to please everyone nor will the release schedule match everyone's play style. I imagine that they are afraid that if they don't ramp up quickly that people will lose interest and quit playing before they ever get to the good stuff. Shoot, during MLB 18's insane grindfest I quit in May after only 50 hours played because I could see the writing on the wall with the Immortals and Legends. I was never going to earn any of them so I quit.
Last few years this game has kept me engaged much deeper into the season than ever before.
I 100% agree that the one "screw up" was the pace at which they released higher rated cards. I get they wanted to release these '21 all star cards but it didn't match up with where we are at in the game. They are rated too high. even if you make deGrom a 97 or 98 it's still higher than his LS card technically. They could have made them all above their LS card and it would have worked better and pleased more people imo.
Who cares? Gameplay is still atrocious, contact swing is still very much alive, and forget about pitching when every good pitch is just foiled off, awful timing is still rewarded to the newbie who just slams buttons. This is what sds does. They flash all these pretty cards in your face, have you buy packs for 30,000 stubs to get a 10k card and get you all worked up over all there "content". Just masking the awful gameplay that they put out
@ironeyes_cody_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@chuckclc_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@jkooch66_xbl said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@chuckclc_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
Its kinda cool. If you bought this game last night you can literally field a team today that isnt out manned by any other team no matter how many stubs someone spent.
How is this that cool? Unless you're being sarcastic. That's exactly the problem.
Not sure how its a problem, it gives a lot of options for people. Plus people picking up the game late arent gonna be hardcore players. So at least they can field a team that looks good even if they get beat down with them.
So you think it's better that people that come into this game half way through the season should have the same opportunity to build a lineup in 2 days that most of us have been working nearly 4 months on?
Well that Recreational Youth Soccer mentality is perfectly fine for some. For the purists of the really sucks. We want to have some edge for all the hours of grinding we put in all year.
But as I've said before, in this game card ratings hardly matter. It's just artwork and irrelevant numbers on a card. So, rock on. Whatevs.
It's a game man. You been enjoying it for months. You are over thinking it. Or taking it too serious. It's a game, for entertainment only.
Nice to see different lineup combos and people that couldn’t afford chipper can have just as good of a team.
ZB 512replied to ironeyes_cody on Jul 13, 2021, 10:27 PM last edited by ZB 512_XBL Jul 14, 2021, 10:07 PM
I have all tier 2s past 50 percent with no grinding. I did it with collections and exchanges. The only reason i can do that is because i have been playing since release and thus have a lot of the cards and collections. People who are new at the game will not be able to do that. They will have to grind more to get tier 3 cards.
Too much is a better problem than too little, but I have found myself asking of late. “What’s the point?”. I’m having less motivation to really grind anything, because I’ve found myself barely using those cards before there’s a new upgrade to grind for, or an upgrade that’s even easier to obtain.
It was around TA2 when I was earning diamonds and tossing them aside like commons, possibly never to be used, when I realized nothing really felt special this year...but for me the fun of the mode has always been trying every card I pull/earn and kind of slowly building a team.
Maybe if i didn’t find ranked to be a nightmare this year, I’d feel different? But since that’s not the case, I think that adds to the “why bother” feeling. -
The missions are mostly K/TB/PA with All Star cards. Maybe I'm missing something, but how would a person that picked up the game today have the All Star cards to grind with? They also wouldnt have cards to exchange, or be able to complete collections.
@pj_wayne_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
[SDS has become to aggressive with these repetitive players having multiple cards, and now that we have players like Soto on Det as a diamond?!
I get it SDS wants to make money, and releasing players from the past is great but releasing these same players over and over and over and over with different ratings just personally ruins the grind, essentially all those who got Degrom, and raised him to a 99 get a kick in the face once these All Star series cards were released.
Ideally in the future I get that SDS only releases past players here and there, but instead of killing the live series players with multiple cards why not make a series focusing on a certain years team i.e. 96’ Yankees, I’m sure more people would enjoy the experience of having to grind for a “Yearly Team” vs 2nd half, post season, yada yada card that is already used in the game. The yearly team can focus on other players and give a lot of variety, instead of 6 cards of Babe Ruth, throw in a Scott Brosious, Paul O’Niell, Bernie Williams … like [censored] even give me a Jeff Nelson… SDS get in contact with me so we can work on this … stacking and releasing live series players and just making them Diamonds doesn’t make it worth trying for live series (speaking for myself)… the Parallel’s is one of the best ideas I’ve seen… but it doesn’t mean a thing now thanks to your All Star Series … it’s very frustrating but I digress
While I agree to an extent, the vast majority of these cards do not make my lineup. Even the HR derby guys due to their horrific defense (Soto) (I realize Story has good D).
There still are not many 99's. I think the content is good, and the upgrades timely.
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
Releases are out of control. On the one hand, kudos for all the content. On the other hand, the forced obsolescence of so many cards so quickly and the de facto "new meta" that will take place are bound to make RS frustratingly predictable.
I'd advocate a MUCH SLOWER progression of OVR's in the season. We should be in the low-mid 90's now, but the game is overflowing with 99 meta cards.
SDS is like an overindulgent parent feeding its children nothing but ice cream and candy. Of course the children will turn petulant instead of saying thank you...
That is exactly the opposite of the truth. The more cards that come out the less there is a meta to deal with. Right now people will be using all sorts of cards. Heck I cannot decide on which cards to use I have so many. Slower progression is what creates a stale meta.
If all the TA3 cards were 99's I would agree. But they are not.
This is how the game works. They release better and better cards as the season goes. They will continue doing this for several more months. ……?
@ironeyes_cody_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@chuckclc_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@jkooch66_xbl said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@chuckclc_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
Its kinda cool. If you bought this game last night you can literally field a team today that isnt out manned by any other team no matter how many stubs someone spent.
How is this that cool? Unless you're being sarcastic. That's exactly the problem.
Not sure how its a problem, it gives a lot of options for people. Plus people picking up the game late arent gonna be hardcore players. So at least they can field a team that looks good even if they get beat down with them.
So you think it's better that people that come into this game half way through the season should have the same opportunity to build a lineup in 2 days that most of us have been working nearly 4 months on?
Well that Recreational Youth Soccer mentality is perfectly fine for some. For the purists of the really sucks. We want to have some edge for all the hours of grinding we put in all year.
But as I've said before, in this game card ratings hardly matter. It's just artwork and irrelevant numbers on a card. So, rock on. Whatevs.
Maybe look at it like this.
I pay to see a movie. Halfway through some random walks in the back door without paying. Are you mad? He missed half the movie. Didn’t get to enjoy the beginning. Yea he could say he was there but won’t have much to talk about around the water cooler -
Also, I’m guilty of this myself, this game was not made to be finished so quickly. We are the ones that get new content done in a day or two. This mode is meant to be spread out. Changing the overalls won’t do sht. We will still do what we do. WE are actually making the game worse if you think about it. Always in a rush
i can agree and disagree. that Devers all-star card tho. 112 contact R 125 power
way op. but stoked -
It is kind of annoying that new players can get great cards quickly instead of grinding for months like we all had to, but if they didn't design it that way then it would be completely pointless to buy the game late. Why would anyone in their right mind buy right now if they knew that by the time they had a competitive team, the game cycle would be almost over? I get the arguments against it, but doing things like this is a necessary evil.
Pitchers are the only ones to make my squad so…every other card not irrelevant.
@vipersneak_mlbts said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in The All Star/Derby Series makes every card irrelevant:
Releases are out of control. On the one hand, kudos for all the content. On the other hand, the forced obsolescence of so many cards so quickly and the de facto "new meta" that will take place are bound to make RS frustratingly predictable.
I'd advocate a MUCH SLOWER progression of OVR's in the season. We should be in the low-mid 90's now, but the game is overflowing with 99 meta cards.
SDS is like an overindulgent parent feeding its children nothing but ice cream and candy. Of course the children will turn petulant instead of saying thank you...
That is exactly the opposite of the truth. The more cards that come out the less there is a meta to deal with. Right now people will be using all sorts of cards. Heck I cannot decide on which cards to use I have so many. Slower progression is what creates a stale meta.
Perhaps. Probably two points here, though, so my bad.
Too many "end game" cards already.
What creates a stale meta. You might be right. But I was referring to cards that simply become everyone's go-to. Cabrera-like. Now it'll be DeGrom and Ohtani. Maybe we're both right in different ways...?