PINPOINT pitching ruined this game
@t00muchham_xbl said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@goldengamingkm said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
My contribution to this thread will be short and sweet: I've always preferred meter and will continue to use meter. Don't care if I don't get any higher than 700 in RS.
I'm content.
I think perspective is huge here, and you really laid it out nice and simply: Know who you are, be OK with who you are.
Or make the adjustments necessary to become the person you want to be.
I am in my 30s, work 40 hrs a week and do not have the time to grind like I did when I was in my teens/20s. I will never hit WS in ranked!t I may never break 650. I have no intent on grinding to get better at the game. Fine, I can still have fun. My team is freak'n loaded and I may have played a total of 15 online games.
I play moments, conquest, v CPU and v CPU community teams. I love it.
The complaints about ranked games/PPP scream "I want to be good at this game, but I am not -- and its the developers fault that that is the case."
The NEED to win should not usurp the enjoyment of competition -- and that concept is totally lost on people.
VERY well said.
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@aaronjw76_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
Sinker up and in has nothing to do with the pinpoint mechanic and everything SDS shoddy programming.
Has everything to do with it as with pinpoint you can just dot up and in broken sinkers
So what? Just crush them. I don't understand why people have so much issues with these sinkers despite it not being realistic.
Because for every player that can consistently hit that pitch there are probably 25 that can’t. Add in that connectivity and frame rate really impacts high velocity inside pitches and quite often those pitches are unhittable.
I want tweaks. Up and in sinkers being the best pitch needs to go. In the dirt curveballs and chamges need to be more effective.
I think pinpoint though is straight cheese to the point of running 4 verticals in madden.
Run cover 4 defense
@warpedzilla_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@aaronjw76_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
Sinker up and in has nothing to do with the pinpoint mechanic and everything SDS shoddy programming.
Has everything to do with it as with pinpoint you can just dot up and in broken sinkers
So what? Just crush them. I don't understand why people have so much issues with these sinkers despite it not being realistic.
Because for every player that can consistently hit that pitch there are probably 25 that can’t. Add in that connectivity and frame rate really impacts high velocity inside pitches and quite often those pitches are unhittable.
I want tweaks. Up and in sinkers being the best pitch needs to go. In the dirt curveballs and chamges need to be more effective.
I think pinpoint though is straight cheese to the point of running 4 verticals in madden.
Run cover 4 defense
Cover 4 drop show 2. At least say the right defense. It stops everything.
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@warpedzilla_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@aaronjw76_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
Sinker up and in has nothing to do with the pinpoint mechanic and everything SDS shoddy programming.
Has everything to do with it as with pinpoint you can just dot up and in broken sinkers
So what? Just crush them. I don't understand why people have so much issues with these sinkers despite it not being realistic.
Because for every player that can consistently hit that pitch there are probably 25 that can’t. Add in that connectivity and frame rate really impacts high velocity inside pitches and quite often those pitches are unhittable.
I want tweaks. Up and in sinkers being the best pitch needs to go. In the dirt curveballs and chamges need to be more effective.
I think pinpoint though is straight cheese to the point of running 4 verticals in madden.
Run cover 4 defense
Cover 4 drop show 2. At least say the right defense. It stops everything.
Except u can bomb that all day with the Portland passing concept, unless the user takes that away themselves.
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@buddyhightower_xbl said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@t00muchham_xbl said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@t00muchham_xbl said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
- The most important part to consider: The hitter is trying to get on base, the pitcher wants an out. Both individuals have a right to winning and only one will come out on top.
- PinPoint is not a problem...could it be tweaked? Sure. But its not the biggest issue the game is facing.
- Pitchers have habits/patterns -- after a few innings, go to the pitch analysis to see what they are doing v lefty/righty hitters.
- You have to take pitches, especially when they are close to the black. The more pitches you see early, the more data is included in the pitching analysis. Plus the SP will eat pitches/burn energy.
- No your strengths and weakness -- I am pretty bad at working my PCI low to high, but good at working it high to low. So I tend to setup in the upper 1/2-1/3 of the strike zone.
- Shrink your strike zone: by half, by quadrants -- whatever fits the pitchers pattern.
- Be ok with not being right and do not force a swing unless down in the count. If I think a dude is going to pitch a high outside FB and they hit me with a low inside Slider that dots the lower corner...odds are I'm going to give him that pitch to live a little longer at the plate.
Finally, if you REALLY REALLY care enough to change the course of what your are upset with when playing online, PRACTICE. If you're sick of striking out on high and inside FB, go practice hitting high inside FB. Practicing to improve weaknesses is better than complaining to others to cater to your weaknesses.
How can you work a pitcher if PPP allows someone to constantly spot low and away sliders?
Please refer to line-item #3 -- picking up on pitcher patterns.
Picking up on pitcher patterns does very little if every pitch is spotted on the low outside corner.
Park your PCI on the corner and wait then....
Ok? But those pitches even if you are dead on them are rightly very tough to hit.
I mean, unless there are two strikes, looking to hit a slider down and in off the plate is not the best approach. There is a reason why good hitters in the MLB will take that pitch early in the count.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
the stupid wanna be gamer ruined this game with wanting perfect output ... baseball is a game with randomness you can hit the ball with alot of exit velo in real life and get unlucky... pitching you guys cried when good output caught some of the plate.... look what the game has become now .... it isnt even real baseball ... no baseball fan enjoys that every pitch is at the exact location... its the stupid gamers
These cornball YTers too. They ruined 2k and Madden 2-3 years ago
How do you even know if the opponent is using pinpoint?
@yankblan_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@gohardgrandpa said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
I don't use pinpoint. I've got a shaky right hand from nerve damage and when I use pinpoint it looks like someone gave a baby an etch a sketch.
Sorry to hear about your condition, but that me snort out loud at work...
It's all good. I try to make the best of it. Surprisingly I have a positive win lose ratio in ranked seasons. I love baseball so I have fun win or lose.
Those of you that can use pinpoint have got it made, looks like you can really dot the black using it -
@vipersneak_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
I have always argued against more user input and less randomness because I knew this would happen. When I can paint corners with a silver pitcher just as well as a diamond pitcher while using PPP then the cards do not matter any longer. They might as well give all pitchers the same "per nines" as they have become meaningless. It does save me stubs though.
Totally agree. I also find it funny how must of the community will go on and on about how perfect hits don’t need to always go out because sometimes the best hit balls are for outs and how “that’s just baseball”. Then some of the same people (not all) will turn around and say user input needs to matter the most for pitching, it’s baffling.
I love pinpoint pitching but it does seem a bit OP. Maybe they could even things out a bit by having the pitching cursor hidden at all times. Then if someone is dotting every corner, at least you know there's a little more skill involved.
How are people going to complain when you have the exact same chance to dot every pitch as your opponent? Why complain when you can practice using pinpoint and do exactly what everyone else does lol.
It makes no sense how people will complain about good input pitching but also get mad when they use analog and outcomes out of the players control are hung and hit and say it’s the games fault. Pinpoint is the solution. I use pinpoint and am pretty good at it but not every pitch is a dot. Stats still do play into effect but it’s a lot more accurate as it should be.
If someone’s dotting me up I commend them rather than get mad anymore because they’re pitching how they’re supposed to. If you’re gonna get mad at someone for doing it who hits the ball when you do it to them it obviously means you need practice at either pitching or hitting.
HOF I can understand for players who are making the switch from all star to HOF, but on all star there should be 0 excuses because you can center swing and still make contact most of the time and pitch speeds are slow enough for an average human to read and move their pci in the general direction
Before I get called a sweat or something I’m literally just saying SDS isn’t going to give everyone the outcomes they want because people cry about losing and call it BS because players are using something they added to the game to help players.
Maybe the game is just using the new ball....
@locutusofburg said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@aaronjw76_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
Sinker up and in has nothing to do with the pinpoint mechanic and everything SDS shoddy programming.
Has everything to do with it as with pinpoint you can just dot up and in broken sinkers
You can dot that pitch with analog all day.
I do it every game.
@writetoshawn_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@t00muchham_xbl said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@goldengamingkm said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
My contribution to this thread will be short and sweet: I've always preferred meter and will continue to use meter. Don't care if I don't get any higher than 700 in RS.
I'm content.
I think perspective is huge here, and you really laid it out nice and simply: Know who you are, be OK with who you are.
Or make the adjustments necessary to become the person you want to be.
I am in my 30s, work 40 hrs a week and do not have the time to grind like I did when I was in my teens/20s. I will never hit WS in ranked!t I may never break 650. I have no intent on grinding to get better at the game. Fine, I can still have fun. My team is freak'n loaded and I may have played a total of 15 online games.
I play moments, conquest, v CPU and v CPU community teams. I love it.
The complaints about ranked games/PPP scream "I want to be good at this game, but I am not -- and its the developers fault that that is the case."
The NEED to win should not usurp the enjoyment of competition -- and that concept is totally lost on people.
VERY well said.
Love this
I am curious, is there still a bit of Pitcher RNG, even with Pinpoint?
In other words, if you use pinpoint and have perfect input on every single pitch, there is still a remote chance of a hanger based on the Pitcher ratings, right?I ask this because I doubt you could use a common pitcher and get perfect results on every pitch regardless of the input method.
I get as irritated as anyone with RNG stuff, but I'd say the pinpoint pitching is fantastic. I just think it's a little too easy to get perfect/perfect. I don't think people understand that pitching is a part of baseball with very little randomness involved, as opposed a hitting. I bet Greg Maddux would say that if his mechanics, release point, grip, etc all were exactly as he planned them to be in a given pitch that he could throw the ball where he wanted with his eyes closed. The way the game is now, more wild pitchers (Ryan, Feller, etc) won't throw the same "dot" on a perfect/perfect that Greg Maddux or Pedro Martinez do, and that's as it should be. Perfect/perfect for pitchers has the same effect that it does on hitters, with the exception that even when hitters square the ball up there are still fielders who could get in the way. That's not true of pitching - pitching is 100% pitcher execution.
Also, keep in mind we are all using prime versions of all-time great pitchers and/or overpowered prospects, all of whom would dominate our lineups if they executed the real-life versions of the "perfect/perfect" input on 95% of their pitches.
The biggest issue with the pitcher/hitter interface is by far the sinker I think. It tunnels with the curveball, because it goes up out of the pitcher's hand in the game and that's messed up. If they'd tunnel it with the fastball, like real life, then it wouldn't feel like we're hitting 100 mph curveballs.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
No I didn't say any of those things so don't put words in my mouth. But you can hit those up and in sinkers just as hard as any other pitch. So I would highly advise you to hit that batting cage instead of complaining about something that isn't an issue - your lack of ability to hit pitches is the real issue.
Man im ranked around 700 in RS ... I dont play 24/7 either... I play this gane because i want a simulation baseball game and have been playing this game for the past 6-7 years ... but the pinpoint pitching is too easy , anybody can dot ..... especially since the news pitchers are out now ... At the start of the game it isnt as bad since they dont have all 90 + control... your hitting you say come play me ill DOT you @ss out all game
Baseball hitting shouldnt be all about putting a PCI pefectly on the ball...
I wish it was too easy for me!! I don’t get it AT ALL!! Like it doesn’t make any sense to me at all. I wish I could have like an in person tudor on how to use it.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
Every pitcher in the game has perfect command of all pitches ... breaking balls and changeups always on corner for 2 games in a row ... how the [censored] is this real baseball when theres never a mistake made ???
this is gettint out of hand with the pitching accuracy ... when you dont see one ball in the middle of the zone in 3 straight RS game ...
they sure know how to ruin this game
you can still hit homers outside the PCI tho...This year's game has been a major upgrade when it comes to pitching.
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
So to you the opposite of that was to put it in the exact same spot every time with such a simplistic system? Then when your opponent hits it’s just random output? Okay. I just always base my opinion on the fact that gamers nowadays, and after 8 years in sports games especially sports gamers, win at every cost and want to cheese as much as possible so if something new is added to the game and the majority of people like it then it probably isn’t good for the actual game. If a YouTuber found a way to bunt for a base hit every time 100% right now that is all you would see online until it was patched.
And I’m alright at the game. Would be better if I enjoyed it online. In actual games I’m probably 80% win and would be higher if I cared to enough stick around. I pitch with analog by the way and still think it’s too easy compared to the randomness of hitting. But it is what it is. And that’s the game.
If you can hit pitches in every location, it doesn't matter if your opponent can throw accurate pitch after accurate pitch. However, If you can't hit every pitch in every location, then yes you have something to complain about. Case and point I would assume.
So you telling me sinker up and in is real baseball ? telling me being patient at the plate ... looking for a pitch you can drive , forcing pitchers in fastball counts this isnt even baseball its all about who can put the PCi on the ball at any locations ... why take any pitches then there is no point because anybody can spot a offspeed in a fastball count.... you just a stupid fkin gamer ... not a baseball fan gtfo lol
Bro you do realize this IS a VIDEOGAME right? I think you're comparing this to real life a lil too much... Madden...2k... the show... They're games not actually real life lol I crush those up and in sinkers though all day... just like i would... in real life..
@xelrojo44x_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
I am curious, is there still a bit of Pitcher RNG, even with Pinpoint?
In other words, if you use pinpoint and have perfect input on every single pitch, there is still a remote chance of a hanger based on the Pitcher ratings, right?I ask this because I doubt you could use a common pitcher and get perfect results on every pitch regardless of the input method.
With PPP u will see a transparent circle around the
and that represents the "error" window that the pitch could end up even with perfect timing and release.