Hate to say it.....
You lost me at online.
They do happen in any competitive online game mode. If what people message bother you than why have messages for all people and not just friends? Why you even let it bother you.. I don't know. If someone is sending you party invites than pause the game and block said player. A lot of what you're complaining about is in your control. Complaining about it on this forum is not really going to help anything but gives you an outlet to vent, I suppose. The Madden community is far more toxic than this community.
Also if they did send all those messages with choice language and offensive analogies and it did bother you than you can report each message. They will get suspended by PS4 and it will suspend them on their system so they can't play period for however long PS4 does the suspension for. These tools are at your disposal... Just relax a bit.. it's a video game.
Turn off the messages dude. Then you don’t expose your kid or yourself to the nonsense. Mine have been turned off for two years.
You should try to find a couch co-op game you and your son could play together. That could be a lot of fun.
Good luck finding an online game full of angels and saints
You can still enjoy the offline experience, it’s baseball after all, and if you love the game enjoy it ...
@Psycho__Kinetic said in Hate to say it.....:
But I think me and my son played our last game of Diamond Dynasty tonight.
First off, I know what you're thinking; ANOTHER one of these posts.
But I think I am justified for feeling this way for a few reasons.
First, I know I probably should've shut off his ability to receive messages, and thata on me, but when someone (who is LOSING in a Freeze Off by 4 runs) sends a 13 yr old kid FIFTY messages calling him any AND every name in the book AND threatens to report my kid if he doesn't quit a game that he is winning; does not deserve to even play this game.
Then when the guy finally quits; 2 hrs later; he has the audacity to send a msg stating that he just reported my kid for 'causing the game to freeze'; just takes the cake.
I know that this is an empty threat. And chances are nothing will happen to my son; but that's not the point.Then when I decide to hop on my account; I match up with not one, but two, Prestige Level playera who proceed to abuse EVERY possible explout with this game. Bunt dancing, lag, quick pitching, running back and forth on the basepaths; hoping I'll throw to the wrong base, tryinf the FQ glitch; trying to get me to join a party, asking me to walk them 10x.
You name it they tried it. Whata even better, one was rocking a WS banner and the other was rocking a GOAT icon.
Anyway, this has to be the most toxic community I've ever come across in all my years or gaming.
I'm not saying everyone is like this, and ibe met a few people on here; that if I came across in person; we would be friends. However, recently the bad hace ourweighed the good.
When something that is supposed to relax you, like a video game, Actually frustrates you; its time to move on.
I just wish I could keep playing; but I donr even want to play offline right now.
Thanks to everyone that helped.
Maybe I'll be back aftwr a few weeks away; but I'm not holding my breathe.
Be sure to report the bullying that your son endured. There are a lot of terrible people that play the show. Good luck
So nobody is going to address the bush league tactics by people who rep the World Series division? Message, yeah turn them off. But people who play bush league needs to have a league of their own. Now that would be a fun league to watch. Everyone getting pissed for doing the same thing they're doing.
@Matt_42187 said in Hate to say it.....:
So nobody is going to address the bush league tactics by people who rep the World Series division? Message, yeah turn them off. But people who play bush league needs to have a league of their own. Now that would be a fun league to watch. Everyone getting pissed for doing the same thing their doing.
This is happening already.
@Psycho__Kinetic said in Hate to say it.....:
But I think me and my son played our last game of Diamond Dynasty tonight.
First off, I know what you're thinking; ANOTHER one of these posts.
But I think I am justified for feeling this way for a few reasons.
First, I know I probably should've shut off his ability to receive messages, and thata on me, but when someone (who is LOSING in a Freeze Off by 4 runs) sends a 13 yr old kid FIFTY messages calling him any AND every name in the book AND threatens to report my kid if he doesn't quit a game that he is winning; does not deserve to even play this game.
Then when the guy finally quits; 2 hrs later; he has the audacity to send a msg stating that he just reported my kid for 'causing the game to freeze'; just takes the cake.
I know that this is an empty threat. And chances are nothing will happen to my son; but that's not the point.Then when I decide to hop on my account; I match up with not one, but two, Prestige Level playera who proceed to abuse EVERY possible explout with this game. Bunt dancing, lag, quick pitching, running back and forth on the basepaths; hoping I'll throw to the wrong base, tryinf the FQ glitch; trying to get me to join a party, asking me to walk them 10x.
You name it they tried it. Whata even better, one was rocking a WS banner and the other was rocking a GOAT icon.
Anyway, this has to be the most toxic community I've ever come across in all my years or gaming.
I'm not saying everyone is like this, and ibe met a few people on here; that if I came across in person; we would be friends. However, recently the bad hace ourweighed the good.
When something that is supposed to relax you, like a video game, Actually frustrates you; its time to move on.
I just wish I could keep playing; but I donr even want to play offline right now.
Thanks to everyone that helped.
Maybe I'll be back aftwr a few weeks away; but I'm not holding my breathe.
You can report those Messages to SDS as well AS Playstion, go to options on the messages and you can block, report or whatever you think you need to do.
I don’t even understand why people feel the need to send horrible messages like this. I have never even thought about sending anything other than a GG, although I guess I got the toxic gamer phase out of the way in the MW2 days. Just turn off messages. Its been much more enjoyable since I have turned them off
Its sad how people cant enjoy video games for what they are games. I cant believe how serious some people take this. Yeah I wish I was better but its just suppose to be fun.
@Psycho__Kinetic stick to offline play (at least for the time being). I do not play online and my frustration level is limited to getting stiffed by the hitting results in Showdown. From there, the game is truly fun and fulfills my baseball jones.
There is tons to do with Showdown, MTO, v CPU, Conquest, RTTS, etc.
Truth is that there is a natural chasm between the immediacy and dynamic nature of baseball that is a bridge too far when you add network upload and download speeds, firewalls, servers, and distance to the game. No matter how "good" or "better" the online experience can get, it is relative and will never be as true or responsive as local play. (And did I forgot to mention Online Players and what they do to ensure that the online experience is regrettable?..)
I switched my messages to friends only a few years ago.best thing I ever did just so people like that can't bother me
you can turn off messaging, or make it so only your friends can message you. Did it YEARS ago. My life is better now!
@Psycho__Kinetic said in Hate to say it.....:
But I think me and my son played our last game of Diamond Dynasty tonight.
First off, I know what you're thinking; ANOTHER one of these posts.
But I think I am justified for feeling this way for a few reasons.
First, I know I probably should've shut off his ability to receive messages, and thata on me, but when someone (who is LOSING in a Freeze Off by 4 runs) sends a 13 yr old kid FIFTY messages calling him any AND every name in the book AND threatens to report my kid if he doesn't quit a game that he is winning; does not deserve to even play this game.
Then when the guy finally quits; 2 hrs later; he has the audacity to send a msg stating that he just reported my kid for 'causing the game to freeze'; just takes the cake.
I know that this is an empty threat. And chances are nothing will happen to my son; but that's not the point.Then when I decide to hop on my account; I match up with not one, but two, Prestige Level playera who proceed to abuse EVERY possible explout with this game. Bunt dancing, lag, quick pitching, running back and forth on the basepaths; hoping I'll throw to the wrong base, tryinf the FQ glitch; trying to get me to join a party, asking me to walk them 10x.
You name it they tried it. Whata even better, one was rocking a WS banner and the other was rocking a GOAT icon.
Anyway, this has to be the most toxic community I've ever come across in all my years or gaming.
I'm not saying everyone is like this, and ibe met a few people on here; that if I came across in person; we would be friends. However, recently the bad hace ourweighed the good.
When something that is supposed to relax you, like a video game, Actually frustrates you; its time to move on.
I just wish I could keep playing; but I donr even want to play offline right now.
Thanks to everyone that helped.
Maybe I'll be back aftwr a few weeks away; but I'm not holding my breathe.
I completely understand where you’re coming from. It’s true that you can control the messages by simply turning it off but that’s not the point is it. I get there are lots of people playing this game who just don’t seem to have any edict whatsoever. Nor do they care about the ethics of the game. Don’t pay any attention to those who just have to be so negative. And for the record, there are other video games out there that one can play and not have to deal with such immaturity.