This is my only major complaint with offline missions. Why make me do this four times for a collection? Well if I need them to get a collection reward sadly I'll be done .
2 days ago
Apr 7, 2023, 4:41 PM@MooningGnome_XBL said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @Zooropa_Returns said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @BJDUBBYAH said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @Zooropa_Returns said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @Niners4life702 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @samguenther1987 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: Man, i'm only at 240XP and i've been isolating for covid this week. Seriously we have 40+ more days to go in the program!!! Again i say this is not a race and no one will be proud of you for getting there so fast. Is this still going on in the world?? Isolating for covid? Only among the uninformed controlled by fear Some of us work for companies that pay us to stay home when we get sick. Has nothing to do with being “uninformed” or “fear” what it actually does is helps prevent the spread of illness in the workplace. Do you isolate for the common cold too? Why are you spreading your stupidity on a baseball video game message board of all places? My stupidity? Tough guy over here
Apr 2, 2023, 4:32 PM@BJDUBBYAH said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @Zooropa_Returns said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @Niners4life702 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: @samguenther1987 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch: Man, i'm only at 240XP and i've been isolating for covid this week. Seriously we have 40+ more days to go in the program!!! Again i say this is not a race and no one will be proud of you for getting there so fast. Is this still going on in the world?? Isolating for covid? Only among the uninformed controlled by fear Some of us work for companies that pay us to stay home when we get sick. Has nothing to do with being “uninformed” or “fear” what it actually does is helps prevent the spread of illness in the workplace. Do you isolate for the common cold too?
Apr 1, 2023, 12:21 PM
@Niners4life702 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch:
@samguenther1987 said in Season XP Reward Path Glitch:
Man, i'm only at 240XP and i've been isolating for covid this week. Seriously we have 40+ more days to go in the program!!!
Again i say this is not a race and no one will be proud of you for getting there so fast.
Is this still going on in the world?? Isolating for covid?
Only among the uninformed controlled by fear
Mar 30, 2023, 12:07 PM
Yeah, glad I passed for the first time since 14. Every day I keep wanting to jump in as I see the programs and team affinity but too much half assery still.
Mar 30, 2023, 11:42 AM@TPB-Violet-9 said in The game is not fun because of the hitting: I was decent enough to earn 99 Trout last year no problem. So I feel comfortable in saying that I’m probably better then most people… Better "than" most?
Mar 23, 2023, 9:25 AM@arvcpa said in Only need one more thing before the start of 23...: I'm gonna say it. There will be no problems this weekend. Mini seasons, storylines, BR, conquest... Everything will work fine. But... Lots of complaints about "I picked X card twice". Those "complaints" say more about the complainer than the product
Mar 23, 2023, 9:24 AM@CDNMoneyMaker93_XBL said in Only need one more thing before the start of 23...: @arvcpa_MLBTS said in Only need one more thing before the start of 23...: @PAinPA said in Only need one more thing before the start of 23...: @arvcpa_MLBTS said in Only need one more thing before the start of 23...: ... the return of @SchnauzerFace_MLBTS I second this. Where did he go? He was back for a little bit then gone again, forum isn't the same without him He said there was a lot of negativity out here about a month ago (he was right), and was stepping away for a bit. But... look how excited we all are! COME BACK Give it 48 hours and the negative energy will be back when a rush of players run here to complain about everything Where else would you suggest displeased customers "complain" about the product?
Feb 7, 2023, 10:01 PM
Absolutely not! Will be the first time I pass since 14. It is the same game every year. I will get PGA tour with the Masters this year and when the baseball itch hits I'll try franchise or RTTS. Perhaps if 24 offers an overall, drops the moments and showdown stuff I'll return. I was about to pass last year but mini seasons pulled me in. Absolutely will not this year.
Jan 28, 2023, 1:43 PM
Wonder if it holds a charge longer than two hours
. My original and my second suck now.
Jan 11, 2023, 7:01 PM
@theBlindRhino said in Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards:
@Zooropa_Returns said in Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards:
@theBlindRhino said in Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards:
If they were suspended they weren't available in packs.
Thanks. If so they should remove them from the game rather than leave them unobtainable
I'll tell them right away.
Do that smart guy
Jan 11, 2023, 6:56 PM
@theBlindRhino said in Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards:
If they were suspended they weren't available in packs.
Thanks. If so they should remove them from the game rather than leave them unobtainable
Jan 11, 2023, 6:40 PM
Are they not releasing these any longer? I've had bids for months on them, ripped tons of packs and nothing. The amount of bids keeps growing so I'm not the only one.
Aug 12, 2022, 10:31 PM@jake98833 said in The Censorship Is Getting Ridiculous: I appreciate the 99 Thome but why exactly are we still censoring uniforms it seems completely unnecessary there is a better way to handle the Cleveland situation Yeah like leaving them as the indians
May 14, 2022, 10:09 PM
I agree this is easy but many do not like these and making the player pay stubs to play any segment of a program is lame.
May 8, 2022, 11:48 AM@spc_garza_mlbts said in Somebody on Battle royal: @schwizzle_nizzle said in Somebody on Battle royal: Have you ever heard of punctuation? I can but I am not in English class This isn't ignorance class either. This is where you show what you've learned in English class. Or not.
May 6, 2022, 6:12 PM
@scar_usmc77_psn said in Wonder why people complain?:
@scottd_3ds_psn said in Wonder why people complain?:
If you enjoy baseball, and this is an amazingly brilliant animated simulation, then you turn on the game expecting to have fun. At least an enjoyable experience. But more times than not, the game leaves you frustrated, puzzled, bored and sometimes even angry. So you turn it off. But you love baseball, so you turn it back on, hoping to have fun. It is a game, right? Games should be fun. Imo, the game needs drastic changes to appeal to the majority of the ones who spent money on it. Maybe SDS could start by listening to the ones playing the game. And their complaints.
Unfortunately they don’t care bro. Not unless someone else drops a decent baseball game, we will always get this copy and paste mess every year. We can either stop buying it or deal with it unfortunately
They'd care if a significant amount of us could just say no thanks for one year.
May 5, 2022, 12:24 PM
And people post months after a thread dies most likely not reading what has come before and share their ignorance. Folks that think directional is easier need to show me one of the top guys winning with it on YouTube vs another top guy.
May 4, 2022, 11:38 AM@mrxbaseballx2k22_psn said in This game is absolutely boring and unrewarding right now.: @x-supersko-x_xbl said in This game is absolutely boring and unrewarding right now.: I play the online modes once in a while (Events and BR) but I have a career job and just don’t have the time to invest into ranked seasons. That means I play the single player modes the majority of the time - including RTTS. As of right now, not including a few of the gold and diamond programs in RTTS, I’ve already completed everything available for the offline modes. The game is so boring right now that I’ve even completed every Conquest map. To make matters worse, the game doesn’t feel rewarding. Out of the 37 Live Series diamond players available at the moment, I have exactly 4 of them — and 1 card was purchased on the marketplace. Given that I’ve completed all of the “Other Programs” (except Stages 2 and 3 of the April Series, of course), all of the Showdowns, the Conquest maps and 3 full Mini Seasons, you can imagine how many packs I’ve opened along the way. I’ve even played the Mystery Conquest map about 15-20 extra times because it’s a quick and easy way to get 5 The Show packs for free. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t remember the game being so boring and unrewarding when The Show 21 was released. I know it’s early but something needs to change. The odds say we have a 1 in 50 pack chance to get a diamond player but that’s a load of bullsh*t! On one occasion, I opened 108 packs before I pulled a diamond player and I’m currently on 86 packs without a diamond pull. On top of that, out of all the Ballin’ is a Habit packs I’ve opened - I’m still sitting at 1 diamond player from those packs and 0 diamond pulls from Headliners packs. When you combine all of this with the many lazy-assed copied and pasted card images from The Show 21, I’m really disappointed in the replayability and the lack of effort put into the game. At the very least, they could give offline players a replayable Showdown like they finally added last year so we can earn cards for winning and sell them for stubs on the marketplace. Sorry for the length … I don’t comment very often but wanted to vent a bit. You do know that it's a 1 in 50 chance that a single pack can have a Diamond in it? It's not that 1 in every 50 packs should have a Diamond. If you check the odds on a single The Show pack; it reads 1:50. So, for every pack you open, you have a 1:50 chance that one of those 5 cards will be a Diamond. Well then my 1 in 50 is by far the worst it has ever been this year.
Apr 26, 2022, 3:23 PM
@evylshaun_psn said in This mornings update causes game crashes when loading any dd game mode.:
@aaronjw76_psn said in This mornings update causes game crashes when loading any dd game mode.:
@evylshaun_psn said in This mornings update causes game crashes when loading any dd game mode.:
Sds literally broke the game. No one can get an online game going. No acknowledgment thus far from sds, which obviously means no timeframe on a fix.
Heads up.
And yet there are steamers currently in games
So everytime I attempt to load a game, it goes through the matchmaking process, finds an opponent then fails to load. My opponents rating bar minimum and maximum will both drop to zero, sit there for roughly 45 seconds, and then I get the lost connection with opponent error.
Multiple people having the same issue. Rebooted everything Multiple times. PS5 with cross play on for whatever that's worth.
I'm STILL having this issue
Spring Breakout Showdown
Season XP Reward Path Glitch
Season XP Reward Path Glitch
Season XP Reward Path Glitch
Anyone else having issues with events?
The game is not fun because of the hitting
Only need one more thing before the start of 23...
Only need one more thing before the start of 23...
Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.
Sony's New Controller
Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards
Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards
Bauer and Vizcainio free agent cards
The Censorship Is Getting Ridiculous
Big Dog Program - Showdown?
Somebody on Battle royal
Wonder why people complain?
Directional hitters are Cancer
This game is absolutely boring and unrewarding right now.
This mornings update causes game crashes when loading any dd game mode.