Same. It seems to be a playstation problem. You can turn off crossplay, but then it takes forever to find a game and at times it will match you with goons in the 1000s because the meter fills way up before finding a match.
It is complete bs. If you were punished for leaving frozen games in regular ranked, br, or events then everyone would be pissed. But it's only coop, so only us coop players get angry.
It's not your connection tho. I mean, if you have terrible internet then maybe, but I have 1g fiber internet wired directly into my router and then a 5 foot Lan cable to my ps5 and I have coop issues constantly.
It's the main reason I took a break and didn't play at all during season 2. It's super frustrating.
I don't know why after years and years they haven't developed somthing that detects when a game is frozen and kicks the player to the menu.