OK this is just ridiculous. Anyone else having their progress towards their ballplayer just not counting?? I literally started playing RTTS because the servers are absolute trash and kept disconnecting me right after I'd beat a game in DD. And now it's not even counting my PA, assists, putouts and XBH at all. Like it went from counting about half of the games from each series in RTTS earlier today to not counting any now, of course when I'm doing the best. This is a joke, get your stuff together SDS!

I haven’t seen anything from you all for like 12 hours and your only statement was “try what others are trying and see if that works out for you.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I’d suggest not only hiring more competent IT people but an entire PR dept because goodness is it wildly unprofessional how you all “handle” huge messes like this. I guess I’m one of the few who the relinking didn’t work for (I did it correctly and can see my stubs online but on my PS5 it’s still stuck on the blank account). I submitted a ticket at like 5am and must be close to the front of the line and yet I have NO CLUE whether I should keep trying to fix myself (which to be fair was YOUR ONLY instruction) or if I’m going to have to wait hours for a fix for everyone, or if I’m going to need to wait hours, days or even weeks to hear back through the ticket system. THIS is how SDS treats its’ long time customers smh.
SDS: Set your phasers to smug..
If this wasn't a Sony game they'd be discussing pulling it from the PS Store just like Cyberpunk. I played Cyberpunk which crashed every 60-90 min from start to finish and still didn't annoy me as much as this game.
Every one is more pointless than the last. This one is seriously just an appearance issue with one stadium absolutely no one cares about. Meanwhile we are having the same bugs since launch, some of which have not even been acknowledged yet by SDS, despite countless posts and bug reports. Today's update notes made me think they are honestly just trolling us.
Maybe fix RTTS? Or fix the appearance resetting issue? That'd be a good start. I know we're only a month in though so I'll temper my expectations.. -
There is no diamond archetype at catcher. So they'll drop balls all the time. It's broken, and still completely unaddressed by SDS. Cheers.
The appearance resetting every time you go into Ballplayer is just ridiculous. I've been waiting over a month for them to even ACKNOWLEDGE this bug. For fcks sake.
And almost none of my players parallel levels add up correctly. It's bonkers how simple some problems can be and apparently how difficult it is for them to figure out? Which always leads me to believe they just don't care nearly as much as the players do.. that there's just no way after this many years of making the game they can still be this incompetent.
So yeah, SDS gives precisely zero fcks and if you haven't learned that yet, there's always next year.. -
Good luck to you. Never answered mine from over a month ago. Based on their limited responses on here I'd say you have much better luck if you stroke their ego. I've seen them ignore good questions from almost everyone, then respond on some random post, like a monitor question that affects ONE guy or usually when some [censored] kisser posts how tough it must be for them to deal with all this undeserved criticism.. But let's ignore the people posting the SAME bugs and questions week after week since release, only to be completely ignored every single time.
They're the type to not give you what you paid for, are completely unhelpful to 95% of the players here who are like wtf guys fix your game, or answer my month old ticket, or acknowledge that this bug or that bug even exists, let alone fix it. And when they do respond it's usually some snarky response from a moderator once a week because they can not take ANY criticism whatsoever without getting butthurt. I'm way more likely to be banned on here again for calling them out than one of them actually help people out on here in the next day. (Triggered!)
I just can't stand when a company handles customers so poorly and then when things inevitably escalate because of their extreme lack of communication and general awareness, they only further withdraw. People are just extra soft these days. It gets worse every year. No one expects a perfect game.. just own up to the problems you create and actually communicate with players you are fixing them! Don't get mad at the people who are just trying to get answers but are ignored for the 10th time. Alright rant over. Why do I even bother.. this will probably just get deleted because that's just what we do these days. -
For real. It's beyond a joke at this point. There is no excuse for it either, which is the worst part.
It's broken. I've been getting zero progress towards Ballplayer in RTTS since early release. There are also lots of bugs. Like not showing stats properly, changing Ballplayer appearance back right after you change something, etc.
I actually like the idea behind the Ballplayer and connecting it to DD ( so when we have these inevitable server issues even months from now I can still play something offline that helps me in DD.).
But the execution of this idea couldn't be worse, and you don't even get ballplayer progress in RTTS when you are online lmao. Can't make this stuff up. -
It was probably a bronze outfielder too.
Yeah I've hit doubles into gaps and had baserunners literally just freeze in between 2nd and 3rd staring at the outfield instead of scoring, and then the batter even catches up to them and causes a jam. Even though I never stopped holding L1
I would get him but already have Hader, Chapman, Wagner and Franco. 4 LHs is already one too many in the bullpen.
@chuckclc_psn said in So we paid extra for this??:
Server Maintenance. People were losing stubs. I dont know about you but i been doing stuff for hours.
I'm just trying to play DD. I've had server disconnects atleast 3 different times already, not just the latest marketplace fix or whatever they messed up this time. If the new menus are any indication of the effort that went into this game we are effed. I'm just over every single game release being a complete shitshow these days. It's embarrassing.
@grizzbear55_psn said in Ballplayer Progress not counting:
They are a small team. Sounds like they had issues with money transactions on peoples accounts that will take precedence everytime over a fake character career.
It is obviously a bug sometimes bugs take while to figure out. Play something else and try to unlock things that will help with your character down the road. I know this isn't what people want to hear but "[censored] Happens" they didn't do this on purpose.
The problem is every mode is having issues, not just RTTS. Like the server issues are out of control even in DD offline. People play a 20 min game and then it's "oops sorry none of it counted and also this possibly completely effed up whatever mode you were doing like Showdown, Conquest, etc.". They've designed it (like many developers are still doing which is a mistake) by making it so even offline modes require constant connection to the servers. So it's not minor issues.. it's major design flaws and a completely f*cked infrastructure.
Also secondary positions are missing in archetypes.. and if that was their intention then they didn't explain it or label it properly in game.
@ajl7898_psn said in Sorry You Cannot Be a Diamond Catcher Cap:
My equipment seems to work sporadically. Sometimes it may work for 1 game then the next 6 games I get nothing. Only way I knew my equipment was working one game was because my speed for my played showed up as 60. Which made sense with my equipment boost. Though when checked the following game my speed was a 53. I was like wth. Clearly still broken along with loadouts and progression when switching between my position player and pitcher. My position player seems to register in progression, my pitcher does not. Even if I exit to the main RTTS screen and switch there. Just slowly grinding till they fix the issues. If they even do.
Yeah I only have one loadout and it still doesn't work. Glad I paid for diamond equipment that's completely useless. The fact SDS hadn't even addressed it pretty much sums up their entire attitude towards their customers.
@saucymainter_xbl said in Predictable:
The fact that you think the servers that Microsoft uses to facilitate game downloads and the server(s) that we play on, are the same servers, is absolutely adorable
You're adorable.
Ballplayer Progress not counting
SDS how about a little communication???
Any tech people on here?
People would lose their jobs...
Are they just trolling us with these pointless updates?
Hawk Archetype at Catcher
Did I seriously waste $70!?
Submit Ticket??
Can tell it's a content day.
Why can't anyone progress their DD Ballplayer over 65 ovr
McGriff Grand Slam moment
Plesac best lefty in game to date
So we paid extra for this??
Ballplayer Progress not counting
Why can't anyone progress their DD Ballplayer over 65 ovr
Sorry You Cannot Be a Diamond Catcher Cap