I thought I was losing my mind haha yeah I only play offline and always check wind and I swear the wind does change direction during the game (just doing 3 inning games). Not sure how or how often though.

Crickets…. Crickets….
One free diamond NO ONE wants or will use. It’s always that. Or a free 20 pack that they probably adjust the odds on because those never have diamonds..
If they were somehow not able to restore people’s accounts then I, and I’m sure many others, would be going directly to PlayStation to get a refund on every dollar spent on this game.. preorder cost, probably $100 in stubs which I normally don’t do, etc and if a lot of people did that, it would not be good for SDS… because that’s all any of them care about, money. It so obviously drives every decision made by SDS these days, including purposeful lack of communication because they think limiting the bad exposure will limit dollars lost. Now when will that finally backfire on them I wonder?
So I logged into The Show 24 Companion app for the first time and luckily it shows my stubs and XP like it does online, yet on my PS5 it’s stuck on the brand new reset account smh..
@lordflacko23 This seems to work for most but not all of us. I relinked my PS5 and can see online I have stubs and cards but in game it’s still stuck on the apparent duplicate/blank account it must have created when I tried logging in to play early this AM (around 5am). If I try to link to this correct account through my PS5 (using the code) it shows two blanked accounts instead of one blank and one with my 143k stubs or whatever.. so I exited out of there without doing that. Deleted and reinstalled the game and still does not work/shows the blanked account on my PS5. FML…
There’s always someone..
Sounds like we’re in the minority since most people say the relinking worked for them. Which is more frustrating and makes me think we’re even more screwed because whatever SDS is going to fix for others may not work for us? Wish I had a clue what to do like try to fix myself (like SDS said to lmao) or sit on my hands and wait for them to fix.. but for how long, hours or weeks? Like no one has a clue because SDS doesn’t have a clue.
@xxfrystealerxx Yeah I’d played for hundreds of hours already, all TA done except NL Central I literally needed 1 inning from a pitcher to 100% it which is why I booted the game to play smh. Had other programs done except egg hunt was halfway and wasn’t able to start the new one yet (Topps now?).
@SuntLacrimae50 Exactly! I’m out of upvotes or I’d upvote this.. it’s like they only ever even make a tweet about a huge game breaking issue until the point at which they feel it would cost them more money if they didn’t acknowledge it. If that makes sense. They’re so obviously run now by money people, and apparently pay them the salaries of the PR department for that apparently does not exist lmao.
@xxfrystealerxx Hey man I did same thing, booted game at like 5am for one quick game (needed 1 pitcher inning to 100% my last TA, NL central) and saw the terms, figured they came with new ones (which some games do sometimes). And now even after relinking and I can see online I have the stubs and players, on my PS5 it won’t link to that account. If I were to try to link from the PS5 then it tries to link that new blank account with online, which would have appeared to create two blank accounts which I luckily didn’t do. I tried reinstalling game but it did nothing. Probably will have to wait weeks for ticket to get resolved since their relinking fix seems to have worked for most ppl. I’m guessing it’s still only blanked out for those of us who logged in or already playing when this happened early AM or whenever.
I haven’t seen anything from you all for like 12 hours and your only statement was “try what others are trying and see if that works out for you.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I’d suggest not only hiring more competent IT people but an entire PR dept because goodness is it wildly unprofessional how you all “handle” huge messes like this. I guess I’m one of the few who the relinking didn’t work for (I did it correctly and can see my stubs online but on my PS5 it’s still stuck on the blank account). I submitted a ticket at like 5am and must be close to the front of the line and yet I have NO CLUE whether I should keep trying to fix myself (which to be fair was YOUR ONLY instruction) or if I’m going to have to wait hours for a fix for everyone, or if I’m going to need to wait hours, days or even weeks to hear back through the ticket system. THIS is how SDS treats its’ long time customers smh.
I thought maybe I need to link it through my console but when I started to do that using the code it gives you, it showed 2 accounts and both were zeroed. So I backed outta there quickly. Still can see my stuff online but no clue how to fix it since what’s worked for many does not work for mine.
I tried reinstalling game but still won’t link my actual account that shows online with my console smh. I guess people like me will just wait days or weeks with no clue when SDS will fix it, if they’ll fix it for everyone or have to go one by one, or if I need to try to fix it myself since I get zero customer support from them.
I made sure my data was synced to the cloud and deleted game to reinstall to see if that fixes it for people in my boat. Will update soon. People will (or should) lose their [censored] jobs for this ridiculousness. Not for what happened, for how they handle it! (Or don’t). The lack of communication to customers is plain irresponsible (and probably greed motivated). They are very slow to ever make a tweet when there’s issues because they want to keep it hush as if it didn’t happen smh.
So I relinked account late last night and even though I can get it to show my correct stubs and some players online, in the game it’s all still zeroed out. It’s like the console is still linked to the “new” account it must have created when I booted the game last night (showed a new terms and conditions to sign and must have made the zeroed account causing issues). Super frustrating hearing this worked for many others and yet mine is still broken. Put a ticket in at like 5-6am but I wouldn’t expect to hear anything that way for WEEKS. How is SDS so silent about this!!?? It’s plain immoral and it’s for a reason like always (to limit damage in the public eye and try to save face and all they’re doing is losing it so rapidly..). People not on the forum must be completely lost..
I did everything like they said and could even see my correct account, and I can get it to show correctly online but when I get back into game no matter what it still says 0 everything, completely wiped. Which is beyond frustrating when almost everyone else is like yeah this worked for me. It’s like the console is still linked to the “new” zeroed out account it must have made when I started the game up late last night. And now even though it’s linked right it’s still zeroed. Smh SDS
Never mind I was in game and it just popped up to resume a pack opening or something like that and I was able to pick another diamond card. And the cornerstone pack I couldn’t open before worked now too. This is encouraging at least.
SDS what do I do? Was opening this pack when the servers crashed and picked Andrew Miller and when I just got back in that card is missing and the pack is gone too. I wouldn’t expect it to just reappear either, at this rate.
Finally got it with 2 triples in a row. What a [censored] card man.
Wind in offline games
SDS how about a little communication???
So what's going to be the "free" content after this is "fixed"
Account Reset? 4/4/24
SDS how about a little communication???
lost diamond dynasty progress
SDS how about a little communication???
SDS how about a little communication???
Account Reset? 4/4/24
SDS how about a little communication???
Account Reset? 4/4/24
SDS how about a little communication???
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Yup all accounts deleted
Lost my Diamond card opened when servers crashed
Lost my Diamond card opened when servers crashed
Today's Daily Moment