lost diamond dynasty progress
@rabids0ap exactly i just want my 90 hrs worth of gameplay back or a refund at this point just dumb
@Crymsin19 i was doing the same thing. it crashed and i closed the game and opened it back up and poof everything was gone. I really sad this happened
@oxTHESNIPER Dude thanks it worked for me also
This happened to me. I relinked my PS account and it completely reset my DD progress. SDS will fix this very soon or face a massive class action lawsuit. Can't be playing with content people can spend real money on.
I though I was the only one this happened to. I deleted my data from the ps5 and clous storage since it auto saved the reset account. I tried the method above it now it only gives me the option to reset and start all over again or the most recent account created after the glitch which has 3000 stubs and level 12 on reward path. I had about 480,000 stubs and 400,000 + xp on the reward path. I hope they have my original account progress in their system to restore to my account.
Happy to see I'm not alone. Closed gamed opened again eveyrthing was gone.
Yo i lost everything as well but i just got it back you just have to go to https://account.theshow.com and don’t login through your console, login through the show and it should show up your progress with everything and the one that resetted, and obviously click the one with all the progress. Hope I explained it good.
@lordflacko23 your going to have to relink it as well
Both the accounts on the mlb show account say 0
@lordflacko23 This seems to work for most but not all of us. I relinked my PS5 and can see online I have stubs and cards but in game it’s still stuck on the apparent duplicate/blank account it must have created when I tried logging in to play early this AM (around 5am). If I try to link to this correct account through my PS5 (using the code) it shows two blanked accounts instead of one blank and one with my 143k stubs or whatever.. so I exited out of there without doing that. Deleted and reinstalled the game and still does not work/shows the blanked account on my PS5. FML…
@Sngambit- I was just glad I wasn't the only one who lost everything on the game, wild start to the evening indeed, yeesh.