@kdclemson_psn said in Field of Dreams Derek Jeter?:
SDS gonna drop a big one
fingers crossed
I'll still role with Xander. Thanks
@kdclemson_psn said in Field of Dreams Derek Jeter?:
SDS gonna drop a big one
fingers crossed
I'll still role with Xander. Thanks
@imbeater_psn said in The worst sports gaming experience:
Facts! Where are the patches? They did great in fixing contact swing? I think? Right? At this point the game couldn't really be messed up more than it is at least try to make it better. You forgot to mention that literally 9/10 balls hit up the middle are fielded by the pitcher.
In my gameplay experience contact swing is still very much a thing. But I agree with you
@shawnzinator13 said in It's honestly amazing how good this game is:
@jonblaze2424_psn said in It's honestly amazing how good this game is:
The graphics, the gameplay, different modes, the different moments, all of the legends, RTTS......this game seriously has it all. Never in all of my years did I think I'd see video games come this far, and this game is the best sports game out there at the moment by a country mile.
A major pat on the back to SDS for what they have done, I hope they continue this for years to come.
I just got done defending the game from someone who said the game gets worse every year but the graphics were slightly disappointing on next gen which will hopefully see more of a true next gen upgrade with 22. Outside of the fluky non squared up homeruns and bloop [censored] hits which have been an issue since they switched to the ball physics hitting engine, this years game saw some great improvements especially with check swings and pinpoint which they actually improved with the patch.
How have check swings been fixed? I get it, check swings last year were an absolute disaster, but this year its just as bad except flipped. Please explain to me how this company can't figure out what constitutes a checked swing in baseball? You barely flinch now and it's a checked swing.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in It's honestly amazing how good this game is:
The graphics, the gameplay, different modes, the different moments, all of the legends, RTTS......this game seriously has it all. Never in all of my years did I think I'd see video games come this far, and this game is the best sports game out there at the moment by a country mile.
A major pat on the back to SDS for what they have done, I hope they continue this for years to come.
Sounds like sds is accomplishing exactly what they want. Get ya all worked up with flashy 99 cards, good graphics and then lay a steaming pile when it comes to actual gameplay. You must be new, and exactly the type of kid this company feasts on
@maskedgrappler said in please fix the sinker for the 1000th time:
It's not about being hard to hit, it's about sinkers not acting like s sinker would, aka, high sinkers should be a BP fastball, low sinkers should induce ground balls.
@maskedgrappler said in please fix the sinker for the 1000th time:
It's not about being hard to hit, it's about sinkers not acting like s sinker would, aka, high sinkers should be a BP fastball, low sinkers should induce ground balls.
This guy gets it. I don't know who at sds thinks high sinkers should ever be viable. Whoever it is, never played past middle school baseball and should be fired immediately
@go4stros25_psn said in Game update 14 (wish list):
Dmiamond dynasty
Possible end locations for pitches using pinpoint pitching increased by 30%
Foul balls reduced by 80% and will no longer be able to foul off pitches bouncing in the dirt or off the screen.
contact swing is completely removed
baserunners will whipe the [censored] off their ears from having their heads lodged up their asses.
no more, way late, off target, out of the zone, bullshiit bloop singles to the opposite field.
pitch speeds will be turned down, so an Adderall prescription will no longer be needed to hit.
people who freeze the game will be publicly shamed in town Square. Along with bunt cheesers, bunt dancers, the people who jump up and down before catching a fly ball, and the people who still try to r2 even tho it's been patched.
99 ohtani is now at LF with a SP secondary that will allow him to pitch every 5 games.
Good luck with this
Who cares? Gameplay is still atrocious, contact swing is still very much alive, and forget about pitching when every good pitch is just foiled off, awful timing is still rewarded to the newbie who just slams buttons. This is what sds does. They flash all these pretty cards in your face, have you buy packs for 30,000 stubs to get a 10k card and get you all worked up over all there "content". Just masking the awful gameplay that they put out
@lewisnadasurf1_psn said in MA Content:
@tyrusthebull_psn said in MA Content:
@superpumper1_psn said in MA Content:
It says on twitter 10 min ago that noon content today will be delayed due to technical difficulties and that they will po provide updates.
Don’t be shocked. Every day this company turns a little bit more into €A.
I hear you
@superpumper1_psn said in MA Content:
It says on twitter 10 min ago that noon content today will be delayed due to technical difficulties and that they will po provide updates.
This game is so bad
@slipkid69_psn said in I've been sleeping on ODay:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in I've been sleeping on ODay:
@rypien91_psn said in I've been sleeping on ODay:
Doesn’t he tip his pitches? Thought somebody said that.
He doesn’t. Keep using him.
Yes he does
Tips his pitches????Lmao. Is this real life, or a video game. Lol. Good god
Thought you knew. Your title says it was confirmed.
Starting as a gold with 0 at bats in the big leagues. Sound like something sds would do
I understand the fascination from yankee fans for a Jeter card, but how usable in this game would he really be? High contact, low power, and average defense doesn't play in this game. Can't see having anymore than 70s power and maybe low gold defense...maybe
@xfoufoufou_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@charterbus_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@raesone_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
@untchable704_psn said in PINPOINT pitching ruined this game:
It certainly didn’t help it. People that don’t know how to pitch probably like it though.
Dude stop. "People who don't know how to pitch probably like it" lmao. The game forced pitches with good input down the middle in 18, 19 and 20. The guys who liked that were the scrubs who can't hit pitches on the black and have to wait for those cookies down the middle to be somewhat successful. I'm not gonna make assumptions which category your or OP fit, but take a good long look on the mirror and decide for yourself.
Do yourself a favour and just look up his games played then hit block. I rarely block anyone, I think I have 3, if you have 4 games players and 40 posts about gameplay per day you make the cut.
Man Im 40-18 In RS ... i use pinpoint too and its way overpowered.... its not baseball .. nobody in history has that level of command
I actually agree with you. Its unrealistic, but so are high sinkers.
Unfortunately, I don't think its going anywhere.
@timppa29_mlbts said in Tips to get out of slump?:
Hi guys!
I am in a massive slump atm. I would say i am usually quite good hitter but this week something has changed. My BA has been on most players between .300-.500 but now it feels i can't hit anything. RS games i get MAX 6 hits and BR games MAX 3. This is something insane. The PCI feels it's never on point even though i hit like last week. I am way too late on fastballs and way too early on offspeed. I can't even remember when i have last hit HR. Super frustating. Nothing is working atm. Should i go play against CPU on All-star and get the timing back or what should i do. Now i feel like i am running into a brick wall every game.
Use contact swing. Seems to be the o.p method for scrubs and newbies. Not saying you are, just saying thats what seems to work in this trash game
Paul konerko
@hikes83_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@tyrusthebull_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@hikes83_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@tyrusthebull_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@hikes83_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
@untchable704_psn said in The DDA in this game is appalling online:
When an early swing without touching the ball with the pci can be a HR and 20 good timed swings dotted inside the pci can be outs it not really skill. Just a casual game. The only skill really comes down to whether a fastball zooms by with your connection or not and not swinging at low pitches out the zone unless they allow you to foul them off 10 times in a row.
I don’t know about DDA. But it’s definitely best to take it as a casual experience and hope your connection allows to see the fastballs.
There's 100% dda in this game. They can deny it all they want but all you have to do is watch the game and pay attention. I can usually tell whether a play will be made when it is hit depending on the score. For instance, a ball in the hole at SS. If you are winning, 9/10 times that runner will be safe. If losing, the SS will get the quick throw animation. No different than the dribbler on the infield or a thousand other scenarios. This is why when you are in the lead, you take no chances on the bases and have to make sure your guy will 100% make it. You have to factor that the relay will be very quick.
I must be f* terrible at the game if I’m 23-3 with two disconnect losses. DDA must always be in my favour right?
All star hero here
Lol right buddy. I wasn’t gloating, just making a point. If it makes you feel better, I’m sitting right around 850
Sure you are
Why would I lie? You can easily check it out. Pretty brave coming from someone who can’t even hack it in Allstar with your pathetic record and BA
Lol. This isn't about me son. And I stay up nights thinking about my record and BA in a baseball game. Stfu