Would be great if their was an iPhone companion app for MLB The Show. The app could do all the market stuff, and also access all the information from the last games played, and other stats, etc. Yes, it is possible to use a browser from an iPhone, yet it isn't the same experience I am looking for. What I'd really like the app to do is all market functionality, and also just be able to see past game stats, etc. An app like this would save me from having to turn on my Xbox to get the information, if I just want to look at a few things quick.
Mar 24, 2021, 4:03 PM
Apr 22, 2021, 11:42 PM
If the servers keep going down....can the 1st inning be renamed to the "The Lost Inning"?
Mar 24, 2021, 4:53 PM
@mrwonderful95 said in PS5- Play on TV or monitor?:
@bob_sacamano_361 said in PS5- Play on TV or monitor?:
I have not yet been able to get my hands on a PS5 but I’ve been actively looking and trying to get in on these restocks but it’s [censored] near impossible. I will get one at some point. My question is for those who have one or plan to get one, will you be playing on a TV or a monitor and will it matter as much with the next gen consoles/newer TV technology?
I am new to online play, this was my first year playing DD. I played all year on a reg PS4 with a reg TV just switched to game mode. I’ve done OK, but I feel to get to the next level and be more competitive I would need a monitor to help with hitting. I know seemingly all the competitive players play on a monitor, I’ve just literally played all video games my entire life on a reg TV(from Nintendo all the way up through every PS).
Money is not an issue. I’m willing to spend on a monitor or a new TV if it will help with any timing/lag issues with online play. Thoughts? Also any monitor suggestions to pair with a PS5 if you do suggest using a monitor?
I have the PS5 and Xbox series x. I just bought the LG CX 65”. In game mode on that specific tv I hit way better than on my monitor playing 20. If you can afford to get the CX, do it. No sense in wasting next gen games on a 27” monitor IMO. The frame rates and visual fidelity are amazing with that TV.
The CX puts the monitor vs TV debate to bed. The CX is faster than most gaming monitors for the PS4, Xbox, PS5 and Xbox S/x, and the image quality is incredible as well. You get the speed of a gaming monitor, and can actually see what you are hitting. I have a CX 65 as well, and my batting average so far has gone up 50 - 80 points in 700+ games since getting it.
Mar 25, 2021, 8:58 PM
What I really want the app for, is to see how many more hits I need with a certain player to get him prestiged, check my XP points in the current inning, check all past game stats, etc w/o having to turn my console back on. Won't be as much of an issue in on the next gen systems as they boot up instantly, yet still would be nice.
Oh, and I also want this to yes, access the market, and also to manage custom leagues. Managing custom leagues is a pain, and would be a great in an iPhone companion app.
May 20, 2021, 9:50 PM
Your TV should be fine, yet you will want to know both your response time and input lag numbers to make sure. I have an LG CX that has a .3ms response time and input lag at 6.9 ,which is comparable to any console gaming monitor. I also get 4k, HDR and 65-inch of real-estate which makes it really easy to pickup the ball. The CX also supports 120hz and HDMI 2.1 so it is future proof as well.
Apr 8, 2021, 11:41 PM
@thegreedyg103 said in Feature Premiere - Next-Gen Thread:
The "Next Gen" improvements are basically non existent. What a let down. Especially graphically.
I agree with you, TheGreedyG103. Stadium Creator is one feature, and I understand it required the new systems in order to run, but that is not the definition of "next-gen". Agreed, this stream was a letdown, and it didn't answer the technical questions I wanted answered. It was a Stadium Creator stream, not a "next-gen" stream.
Coincidentally, here are the questions I want answered and was expecting some answers in the stream about that were not answered.
Okay, so I know 4k@120 is not going to happen this year. However, what about 1440@120 or 1080p@120? Did 1440 get dropped because the PS5 does not support it natively? (The Xbox Series X|S support 1440@120 natively, so I sure hope 1440 (balanced) was not dropped in '21.)
1440@120 or 1080@120 is a cakewalk for the next-gen Xbox systems, with tons of horsepower leftover to still run SC. In addition, Microsoft has a 120fps patch for Xbox Series S|X that can make games be able to support 120 w/ minimal effort by the development team. Does the Xbox Series S|X version support this, and if not, why not? These are technical questions that I'd expect/want answered in a "next-gen" stream.
Instead, all we got was a 30-minute advertisement/commercial for Stadium Creator.
May 1, 2021, 6:33 PM
@locutusofburg said in New bug: Sell and Quick Sell:
@tvsectog_psn said in New bug: Sell and Quick Sell:
@locutusofburg said in New bug: Sell and Quick Sell:
My god, they need to give everyone a ton of stubs and Xp. How much have they shorted the player base at this point?
I’d also imagine this will male flipping harder if sale now aren’t processing right.
People have lost hundreds of thousands in stubs I am sure, if not more. It is a very subtle bug. I filed it with video. Hopefully it will get fixed ASAP.
Not to stoke conspiracies but at some point I think it is on purpose.
Also really don’t get how there has been silence on
All the lost xp.On the lost XP....they have to be figuring out a strategy to figure it out. It wouldn't surprise me if they just blanket give everyone 650k for the first inning. It punishes us that got 650k already, yet I suspect a blanket fix like this is the only real answer.
What they should do is tier the lost XP.
Ie .... if player has 100k in xp ... give them 450k xp
if player has 200k in xp .... give them 600 xp
if player has 300k in xp ... give them 650xp
Any player that has over 400xp in the inning gets 60k in stubs and 1 90+ diamond cardThe approach above rewards everyone. They could do this with SQL code fairly easily with greater than and less than queries and updates. It would take them only about 2 hours to fix the issue for everyone. It's just finding the ranges, and flipping bits on the backend to activate the relevant rewards which SDS can do as they always do this when they drop content on the various days.
Apr 20, 2021, 8:18 PM
Support just seems to close cases not knowing actual issues, so dropping some bugs here as well (and I opened bugs for all of below as well). Anyway, some small things that would be great if they could be fixed in one of the coming software updates.
There is a small bug on Xbox systems that if you are doing something, say Conquest, and step away for 5 minutes and then come back and the program crashes. Looks like a network issue, that once a timeout occurs the system can't re-establish it's state. Seen it mostly in Conquest.
There is a graphic halo/blur/light reflecting issue with the pitchers' uniforms against the batter's eye. The white color of the pitcher's uniforms is causing a halo/ghosting/blur of the image. It happens often at Coors field, Target Field and other fields. If you look at it closely, you can see that root cause of the issue is a white background (like a tree that also has some white in it that gets blurred against the pitcher's uniform.
Please recompile the code against the Playstation and Microsoft 120fps patches to bring 120fps to the game, as both systems now have the system patches out to run at 120fps.
Your support page separates issue by platform, yet there are issues that are common across all platforms. Please add a 'Common to both Platforms' bug reporting link.
The replay code is tied directly into the scoreboard code. If a person turns off the scoreboard display (for example, to prevent burn-in), they then lose replay L2 functionality. Can you disassociate the replay L2 code from the scoreboard code so that even if the scoreboard is disabled that we can still initiate replays?
Can you add the distance the ball traveled in the air directly into the hitter's feedback?? Lots of good metrics are in the hitter's feedback, yet if you can also add in the distance the ball traveled in the air that would also be great/greatly appreciated.
I participated in the tech trial as a PS4 user, yet I bought the game as an Xbox Series X user. I don't have a PS5 that I can play the game on, so I can't access my 'tech trial pack' to bring it over to my Xbox. I don't know how to fix the issue on my end.
May 11, 2021, 6:18 PM@t-rox_09_mlbts said in can't finish 42 collection cause i accidentally choose two dominic smiths: Tons of people had this happen. Tons of reports submitted. Zero responses. What a waste. Hopefully SDS will fix this soon, as the more people affected, the greater chance they will fix it.... but yeah, it sucks.....especially when they make a big deal about getting Jackie 99. Seems like they would want this fixed ASAP to be consistent with their marketing message. Also, I think (for some), account linking issues before were part of the cause of the issue. I think that was one, or part of the cause, yet not the only one. Either way, definitely need a fix. Having all the Team Affinities completed, yet not being able to get the Jackie 99 reward is just painful, especially in 700 - 800 level games where contact is really important.
Apr 22, 2021, 11:33 PM
SDS, can you guys comment as to what you believe is causing the load issue? Many of us are technical, so maybe we can help out/give suggestions. What I am curious about are below.
Are your servers getting more over-loaded in a particular region? (Ie - The West and East Coasts, etc.). Do you need to add capacity in a certain region?
What did you build out your cloud to handle (in number of users .... and how many over that are you experiencing issues with)?
Can you comment on your session handling code, specifically, how long you hold sessions, is session information cached (and if so how long).
I assume you are using https as the transport back and forth to your cloud instances, yet are you using something else?
How many clouds are you managing in different regions around the world? I assume you have load-balancers on the front-end along with hardware SSL accelerators to offload part of the packet overhead?
What is your packet distribution? (Ie - many small packets, or larger packets). (My guess is many, small packets.). By chance, can you increase your packet sizes to 32 or 64K? (Are you currently using 8k sized packets??)
What is the interval that the game talks to the cloud? From what I can see, it is quite frequent, in fact, too frequent. On the client side, can you cache some of the information so that less packets are being sent/or always checking for the latest updates. The only game data that should be going to the servers right now are game stats and online gameplay interactions. Anything other than that, should be able to be cached, to lighten the load on the servers.
Because the servers have been so unstable, I'm leery of playing online because I'm afraid of a disconnect loss. (My only loss online right now was a network disconnect loss.). Maybe you can extend the 1st inning/BR season/Ranked Seasons seasons another two weeks to give us make-up time to be able to go 12-0 and 900 as we are losing a lot of time due to the server issues?? I understand the "Double XP" weekend will be great and kind of a "make-up", yet only if the servers stay up and people can actually play. However, the "Double XP Weekend" isn't going to help in RS or BR.
May 12, 2021, 2:02 AM@t-rox_09_mlbts said in can't finish 42 collection cause i accidentally choose two dominic smiths: @tvsectog_psn said in can't finish 42 collection cause i accidentally choose two dominic smiths: My guess is SDS doesn't have an easy way to fix the issue. It's probably not something the frontend support guys can fix, as I suspect it is a database update on the backend. They could push a fix in a number of ways, yet my guess is they don't know which way they want to solve the issue yet. The best thing I could think is once you hit 100% on all team affinities then every 42 series card should be unlocked from those packs no matter which ones you chose That's actually a great fix. Great idea, and that would be easy for SDS to implement.
May 20, 2021, 10:02 PM
@nanthrax_1_psn said in TV In Game Mode With 6.5MS Resonse Time Any Good Verus Monitor?:
@tvsectog_psn said in TV In Game Mode With 6.5MS Resonse Time Any Good Verus Monitor?:
Your TV should be fine, yet you will want to know both your response time and input lag numbers to make sure. I have an LG CX that has a .3ms response time and input lag at 6.9 ,which is comparable to any console gaming monitor. I also get 4k, HDR and 65-inch of real-estate which makes it really easy to pickup the ball. The CX also supports 120hz and HDMI 2.1 so it is future proof as well.
CX is best out there, period. Very nice.
My bro uses the 49" as his PC monitor lol. Hurts the neck I'm sure. But amazingYeah, I love my CX. I got a 65-inch ..... as the extra real-estate makes reading curveballs super easy (they go way high on the TV) and also inside and outside pitches easy to read as well due to the extra real-estate. ;). I've hit insane with it in '21 this year and made WS... so I'm happy.
May 2, 2021, 5:22 AM
You have two, significant bugs that prevent me from being able to complete collections. I have bugs filed against both issues.
The quick sell bug is preventing people from selling the Scott Hurst card that just got introduced into the Cardinals collection. There are over 388 orders for that card, currently. With the latest code release the ability to sell cards has been turned off/disabled, even if one tries to sell it. The "on click" code is not working when you try to sell a card. This bug is preventing people from being able to complete the Live Series Collections, and also cost players money as they can't sell stubs for any duplicates we have. The issues is seen on the Xbox version of the game w/ the latest patch released on Friday.
If someone has a duplicate of the 42 collection cards, they can't get all 42 cards. I have two, Sixto Sanchez cards, so no matter what I can only get 41 of the 42 cards so I can never complete the collection until you fix the issue on your side. I completed the collections, and won't be able to get the Jackie 99 reward. Frustrating ....and I alerted you to this issue over 5 days ago and still hasn't been fixed.
Mar 26, 2021, 3:28 PM
@collin_sds_psn said in SDS Behind the Scenes:
@savefarris_psn said in SDS Behind the Scenes:
In year's previous, Team SDS would broadcast a marathon BR tournament the day before launch both to show off gameplay and to celebrate the fruits of their hard work. One of the secret pleasures of those streams was watching and getting to know some of the more behind-the-scenes people who don't normally appear on streams.
I hope we don't lose that this year.Sadly no Dev Tournament this year
We explored options, but we couldn't find a good solution that keeps everyone safe as well as maintains the entertaining aspects.
It honestly is a highlight for the team, super fun to produce and great to see the audience reactions.
We also get to make fun things like the intro from last year.
It will return.
Please thank the team for all the hard work they put in this last year, and know that we all do appreciate all the hard work you guys have done.
Doing large application ports are big software development tasks (my guess is you guys had been working on it for a few years on PC's via simulation until the new hardware started arriving, yet simulating code isn't always easy, and never optimal), so I bet you guys have been very busy over the past year. The '21 release is a big foundation release, and congrats on getting it to us quickly, especially under the circumstances of the last year. The '21 release coming out is nothing short of a home-run by SDS. Congrats all around.
Also, the content team did a great job last year. Not sure if they had to change their strategy mid-year or not due to Covid, yet great job to them as well.
'20 was a rough year for the world, yet The Show 20 made it a little less painful for many of us. Thanks for all your hard work, SDS.
Mar 24, 2021, 4:16 PM
Not $1k, but I wouldn't flinch about dropping $200 - $300 on day one to get Josh Gibson, Satchel Page, Randy Johnson and Griffey 99 on day one.
Mar 26, 2021, 6:35 PM
I thought about the dashboarding issue for a few minutes, and a possible way to fix dashboarding (which we all hate due to trying to prestige players).
If a network connection drops during a game, the game then switches to a local game at legend difficulty to finish the game locally. Each player on both ends of the dashboard has to finish their now local game and the one who scores less runs or loses gets the loss. If both lose against the CPU to finish the game, then the one who lost by more runs loses. This penalizes dashboarders, and still would allow stats to count toward prestiging players.
The code would work like this.....
Network not responding withing x amount of time
Instead of exiting out to the main screen, spawn up another instance of the game and populate it with the current stats of the game, including the last instance of the game that occurred. The console knows whether the home run that was dashboarded was a home run before it was displayed (the amount of time the console knows about the outcome before it is displayed to the user is input lag), so it would be easy to save and reply the data into a new clone image (similar to database replay logs), and thus keeping the stats of what just happened.
Both players on both side of the dashboard either update the server at the end of their game immediately, or the win/loss stats don't get updated to the server, yet the player stats still get updated.
If one player does not complete the game that is now local/and or can't reconnect to the network for a few hours the stats are saved local, and then a local job running via cron uploads the stats the next time it detects a network connection (or the next time they login to play DD...any queded data gets uploaded to the SDS servers.
Anyway, just an idea of how to possibly fix the issue. I don't know the memory footprint of The Show and above might not be possible on the older consoles, yet a solution like above would be possible on the next consoles as they are fast enough and have enough memory where something like above could be added to protect the game and spin up another instance as needed to combat the 'dashboard affect/dashboard penalty'.
Just a thought/possible solution.
Apr 7, 2021, 6:38 PM
Now with Castillo, my order would be.... Griffey Jr, Mays, ... 2 more TBD , Marte, Castillo, Gallo, Goodrum . I like how Castillo pitches and the pitches he has.
Mar 27, 2021, 9:46 PM
I don't see that ever happening. It would be support nightmare for them, and also expose more of their code than they want in the client product. I think the odds of this happening are zero.
Apr 7, 2021, 4:35 AM
Griffey Jr, Mays, ... 2 more TBD , Marte, Gallo, Goodrum
Mar 29, 2021, 12:35 AM
@hoboadam_psn said in Possible engineering fix for dashboarding:
s to punish the disconnects post dashboard.
SDS gives you a token for dropped collectioBoth consoles would know the park's dimensions ahead of time, as that would go into the hit equation, so that is not the issue. The consoles also know the result prior to it being displayed on the display, so the consoles have plenty of time to resolve this before a user would see it.
A no-doubt home run is not hitting the ground so the sending console already knows the result before it is displayed on the second console.
The issue is that the exception code to handle network disconnects is working in a binary manner, at the moment. Either the connection is connected, or gets lost. You see this through the delay, which is a network timeout. After x amount of seconds (the preset network timeout wait time), the code assumes a disconnect. Further work on the exception handling code could help here.
MLB The Show Companion iPhone App
If the servers keep going down, can we rename the 1st inning?
PS5- Play on TV or monitor?
MLB The Show Companion iPhone App
TV In Game Mode With 6.5MS Resonse Time Any Good Verus Monitor?
Feature Premiere - Next-Gen Thread
New bug: Sell and Quick Sell
Minor bugs found in '21
can't finish 42 collection cause i accidentally choose two dominic smiths
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
can't finish 42 collection cause i accidentally choose two dominic smiths
TV In Game Mode With 6.5MS Resonse Time Any Good Verus Monitor?
Bugs preventing collections from being able to be completed
SDS Behind the Scenes
What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?
Possible engineering fix for dashboarding
Your Grind Order for TA 42 Series Cards
Let’s talk dedicated servers
Your Grind Order for TA 42 Series Cards
Possible engineering fix for dashboarding