Not sure what's going on. I was able to do it before with the left stick, did they mess it up with an update or is there a setting I can fix?
@jtd61505_psn said in Help to find stadium creator:
No I’m on PS5
Upper right in the main screen. Forgot what the circle says.
@ajeggy43_psn said in AGAIN!!:
I’m telling you...SDS is extremely incompetent. Why on earth would you do server maintenance at 7am est especially on a Saturday morning. They are in way over their heads.
Exactly. Same time on the weekdays, it sucks, still doesn't make sense, but what do I know. But Saturday morning is stupid.
They need to back it up a couple of hours for those who can only play in the morning. This has been ridiculous.
Finally beat him today too, that was the most painful one yet. Was down 11-15 and only got it to 12 until 3 outs left and got a walk off grand slam
@SurfinSantaCruz said in Point of these Topps Now cards:
Noticed a lot of the topps now cards are Overpowered.
What is the point of these cards if they make all the other cards from the past less valuable.
The Bo Bichette topps nowcard is going to be better than any legend card.
is there suppose to be any strategy w/ these topps now cards?
These cards are way more make believe than the Future Stars everyone whined about. In hindsight, I loved the FS series even more now that when I hear x team is calling up their top prospect, it's someone I'm familiar with.
Small sample size, but Babe is far better than Stan in LF for me. Stan was a trainwreck in Left for me, now he's my first lefty off the bench.
Anyone have luck using him online? I've only used him in the Ruth moments, his stuff seems ok, but I'd be terrified with runners on base with a speed/steal over 60.
Is it random SP or your ace?
@DocTupelo said in Think of it this way...:
I'm glad all the games are at home - each game is 16% faster than Conquest.
And luckily it's not on veteran where all the BS happens. So strange how I easily win HOF and even legend, but struggle at veteran on occasion.
@Lawcasm said in Who uses live active mlb players?:
I still use some of them. Trout, Degrom, Cole, Scherzer, Chapman
Not sure how much better the SS Chapman can be over that LS version. He's been most reliable for me lately.
Since I've learned to use him and prestige him, Wood has been way better. Both have the ability to get tattooed, but when you get ahead in the count with Wood, it'll be a long game for the opponent. Just make sure you're keeping them off with their timing and stay out of the zone in 0-2 and 1-2 counts.
@wingo18 said in Good thing I faced Maddux before I chose him...:
@ZFree1122 said in Good thing I faced Maddux before I chose him...:
He's BP on all star but everyone is. Elite on hof+
That’s what I’m wondering about Smoltz, too. He’s been getting lit up sometimes in the event. Haven’t had any experience with either one of them in RS.
Side note, do you think we’ll see a 99 Glavine down the road? He’s a 300 game winner!
I'm not a good pitcher by any means with starters but Smoltz is a train wreck for me.
@Flyboy19 said in Topps Now Ozuna:
And you get to pick 2 out of 3 cards... Now just let one of those be Hendricks with his gem of an opener. Class is in session!
Could rival Orel's nastiness
@mjw83 said in Prestige Exp and leveling:
I just hit level 1 and it seems to be taking a really long time to level up. Am I experiencing an issue or does it just take forever to get through these levels? I’ve finished two showdowns and only leveled up once.
I think it's 30k per level in prestige vs 10k before
@olivegarden2 said in 99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game:
@allmustfall16 said in 99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game:
@olivegarden2 said in 99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game:
@allmustfall16 said in 99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game:
Mize is pretty good too. Haven’t used Maddux yet, but Mize is really, really ****ing good.
Can’t be as good as prestige Hersh
Haven’t got him Prestiged yet!! Need to get on it. Doing offline conquest right now and I’m so bored. Thinking about switching over to the event and just having fun. I still have showdown and conquest to knock out. Already got the 10 event wins so I switched over to this offline stuff to maybe get Maddux or Musial this weekend. I’m picking one or the other. Offline is so boring to me.
At this point I wish we didn’t have to grind any offline stuff. I get it though. I know some people like it, so it’s whatever.
I haven’t t used Hershiser much. I have him, only had a few starts with him though. Need to get a feel for him.
The most recent events have been a gift to get him prestiged, it’s a must do! He is also dirt cheap for how he plays! It’s amazing his sinker can hit 96 and curve at 68!
I should have him prestiged soon, that pitch mix is amazing. Change eye levels with the sinker and cutter, then get them swinging out of their socks on the curve. Only issue I've had with him is giving up the big inning in either the 6th or 7th when he's rolling.
@XLWayv said in Derek Lee & Aramis Ramirez:
I think SDS should have like combo stars who played together & shined for a long time. Aramis & Derek were two of the top players in the league from about 05 to 08 when the cubs had a 100 win season & ive never seen either of these two have a card. Not even 99 just maybe mid tier diamond would suffice for these. Other combo stars could be like a Pujols & Yadi combo for example, i think it could be a good idea.
Derrek Lee 2005 is absolutely a 99. Diamond on both sides of the diamond.
A strong world series win on all star should be worth at least 100 points
In order :
LS Chapman
CAPPrestige Mo is working his way in the conversation
@ScaryLarito said in Got Mantle. Now What?:
@TechnologicPR4 said in Got Mantle. Now What?:
Go get that 99 Gwynn to stick in right and move Sheffield to left or 3rd. I got his batting average near .350 on near 200 abs when my best guys live around .275
Been looking at that card and Dawson for some time. Right now I'm alternating between grinding TA and Inning Programs that I didn't finish.
Does that Gwynn card have some sneaky power to it? I care more about contact and that card looks great.
I have about 10 HR with him. Only reason I don't put him in the 3 hole is that he can really rattle an opponent out of the gate. I'm getting similar results with Mattingly, except he's a doubles machine.
Not able to adjust height anymore
Help to find stadium creator
Point of these Topps Now cards
Is Babe playable in LF?
Seaver review?
Ruth Program - 1 issue
Think of it this way...
Who uses live active mlb players?
Fotf Orel or Fotf Wood
Good thing I faced Maddux before I chose him...
Topps Now Ozuna
Prestige Exp and leveling
99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game
Derek Lee & Aramis Ramirez
TA and MTO
Favorite Relievers?
Got Mantle. Now What?