I think they need to spend a little more time on franchise and less time on DD. I never play online. I’m not good enough for the online crew. But still have fun playing offline franchise mode. But please SDS, go back to last year’s commentary and audio last names. How is it they took out names like Fisk, Yastrzemski, Petrocelli, Doerr, Boudreau, Durocher, etc etc.

I would like to see teams of yesteryear such as Brooklyn dodgers, Philadelphia athletics, California angels, Seattle pilots, Colt 45s, teams from negro league, etc etc. .Or at least the ability to create them and use them in franchise mode. And have the retro uniforms available instead of getting them randomly. Also have them announced in audio names.
I would love to see history in this game. For example, the negro league and players such as Satchel Paige, Ford Smith, etc etc.
Not me. I’ll be getting it when it’s released
I agree that the world has gotten thin skinned. Sure there’s no need for racism in any century. Racism does not and should not belong in society. And there are rules set in place for a reason, but the way I see it, just ignore it and move on.
Like for example, I guess it’s inappropriate to use the word Indian so instead we’re suppose to use Native American. I mean as a child of the 70s, kids didn’t play cowboys and native Americans, we/they played cowboys and Indians. And what annoyed me was the fact that the Cleveland Indians changed their names because I’m sure enough people cried about it. Cleveland Indians had been the Indians for at least 100 years and now they changed their name. Thin skinned indeed.
Is Roger Maris in 22? If so, how could I have missed it? I have been hoping for Maris.
I like Griffey and son. I always draft Griffey, Sr to my Red Sox team.
Well that does offend me. I hate that word. Even being a white guy myself. So with that being said then perhaps you should report it.
That word means ignorant and fits those who use the “N” word.
@thehungryhole said in how to report a users racist team name?:
Hey guys good morning - aside from the in game reporting window - how do I send a report on a users racist team name? He should be banned or reported properly - if someone can just direct me on how to do it from here on this site I would appreciate thank you
Why rat someone out. Just ignore it. That’s what I do because I don’t snitch.
Ain’t that the truth. 52 and still enjoying mlb the show
@machuman2510_psn said in Boston Red Sox Wally Bat:
Hey everyone! Not sure if you have seen the equipment and all the new diamond bats they have out. I usually play season mode and don’t look at those things but I saw there is a Boston Red Sox Wally Diamond Bat and I was wondering if any of you know how I can get that?? Would greatly appreciate it!
I am a huge Red Sox fan ever since I was six years old in 1976. And Jim Rice is my all time favorite ball player and was excited when he was added to the show 22.
@hustlinowl_mlbts said in Braves sword chop removed?:
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in Braves sword chop removed?:
@nflman2033_psn said in Braves sword chop removed?:
I wouldn't hold my breath on it. It's now considered offensive and racist.
Because too many people whine and cry and put the race card every time you turn around. Just like the changing of Cleveland Indians. Come on now. For like 100 years they have been named Indians.
How did the card get in the deck
Because people have gotten ridiculous and messing around with America’s favorite past time. That’s like messing around and getting rid of apple pie. Lol
@nflman2033_psn said in Braves sword chop removed?:
I wouldn't hold my breath on it. It's now considered offensive and racist.
Because too many people whine and cry and put the race card every time you turn around. Just like the changing of Cleveland Indians. Come on now. For like 100 years they have been named Indians.
@wilbs715_xbl said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
I wanna see Dale Murphy, Ted Williams, and Bob Gibson
Great selection of names. I too would like to see them in the game. But isn’t Bob Gibson in the game? I can’t remember if he is or not, but anyhow how, like I said, awesome selection
I think the hitting is fantastic as well. But I’m still trying to figure out the sliders to make hitting for me a little more difficult.
For some reason, this year is a little more challenging for me to get the sliders right, but anyhow the game is fun to play.And I may be contradicting myself here, but oh well I’m going to anyways and say that I do enjoy mlb 21 better. And yes, I am a second year rookie with the franchise of the game and don’t have the further years to compare to. I am an Xbox player is the only reason why. But I love baseball ( Boston Red Sox/ Jim Rice fan ).
And I will add this by asking why do me whine and cry about something they can’t control. It’s a game. There’s always going to be something someone doesn’t like.
I would love to see the negro league added. The teams and players.
@nflman2033_mlbts said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@sportswizard1983_psn said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
I'd like to see Billy Ripken in the game. Would love to have both him and Cal up the middle of the field in DD!
Gotta get his 1989 fleer card
I’m pretty sure I have a billy Ripken baseball card. I even have Dwight Evans in his final major league year when he retired with Baltimore Orioles. Well I bought the whole set of I think 792 cards.
I agree the game does get frustrating andi I do curse at it, but all in all it’s a fun game. And there are some realism to it.
It’s baseball, a game of chance and luck when you think about it. This is my 2nd year playing the show since introduced to Xbox, but a long time player of a baseball video game since way back to ASB baseball.
The only complaint I have is it’s too easy to win (well in franchise mode anyway)). I play on all star hitting and still win 95% of the time. I just can’t figure the sliders out to make it a lot more realistic.
But the fact that people cry about it makes me wonder. All I can say is, and I’ve said it before, welcome to the game of baseball
@nflman2033_mlbts said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@sarge1387_psn said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@sarge1387_psn said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@kelloggs19_psn said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@sunjah_mlbts said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
@tonythetiger2k16 said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
All Time Hit King ..... "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose
Who really gives a darn about the Ban. This is a Video Game, NOT Real Life.
IMO any & all of the banned players should be in the game because again It is a video game purchased by the fans who want to use these players. Which also would include ....Barry Bonds
Mark McGwire
Sammy Sosa
Roger Clemens
Alex Rodriguez
Raphael Palmerio
Alex RodriguezPete Rose cannot come in as he is not part of the MLBPA. Love the guy, so I just downloaded someone's made version.
Where did you find him? I’d love to do that too! Met him in person, really nice!
Pete Rose got in trouble for gambling. I believe he got caught betting against his own team.
False, he never bet against his own team. He did bet on them to win, however, from 84 to 87
Actually he did bet against his own team.no, no he did not. He bet on his team to win every game they played.
So that's just it, his bookie said otherwise. Said there were games that he just didn't bet. I can't remember who, but there was one particular starter he had he wouldn't bet on them for his games. Basically tipping off the Reds were not going to win.
No matter what it's all hearsay and fact is he has done nothing but lie the entire time. Impossible to believe anything he says.
When that whole scandal happened, the baseball commissioner, if I remember correctly, said he’s not allowed in the hall of fame. But what gets me is about a year ago he was talking about the 75 Reds on Ken Burns’ baseball segment.
So like you said it’s hard to believe who’s saying what
I like the game and the mlb the show franchise. You’re always going to get someone crying about some game or another. Do I get frustrated with the game and cuss up a storm? Sure I do. But then I realize, it only a video game. But I’m not going to lie, I do enjoy 21 better than 22. (The commentary for example)
Take wwe 2k22, for instance. I’m probably one of the first to cry about that game. Not about the gameplay, but how boring that game is.
Can you make the game fun. For people who don't play online.
Legendary players you would like to see added
New Game Modes
How many are skipping/delaying 23?
how to report a users racist team name?
They gave Reggie the wrong number
Griffey Hates the Reds
how to report a users racist team name?
how to report a users racist team name?
Keep grinding old timers, at 42 years old I've made it back to World Series for the first time in '22
Boston Red Sox Wally Bat
Braves sword chop removed?
Braves sword chop removed?
Legendary players you would like to see added
Why can't they fix hitting
Legendary players you would like to see added
Legendary players you would like to see added
Never buying another version of this God's forsaken game again
Legendary players you would like to see added
Most mechanically unsound game made to date.