Ain’t that the truth. 52 and still enjoying mlb the show

Yes please. Because the opposing players are diving like 10 feet and then some to nab the ball
It would be awesome if we can all our players stats at once in their career. For instance, when we look at our player stats, included should be their minor league stats as well so there aren’t any gaps in the stats. Also instead of saying TOT, for instance say Carlton Fisk was on my Red Sox team in 2031 and half way through the season I trade him to the White Sox, then in the career aspect of the player it should say 2031 Red Sox, 2031 White Sox.
Also when a legend retires from franchise another legend should show up in free agent. That would be a cool way to always have a legend introduced to the game.
Carlton Fisk
Carl Yastrzemski
Roger Maris
Yogi Berra
Pie Traynor
Shoelaces Joe Jackson
Satchel Paige
Dwight Gooden
Rusty Staub
Sal Bando
Mookie Wilson -
Also it would be awesome if the names list was alot more expanded in creation mode. Like for instance I can’t create Sal Bando or Sixto Lezcano because their last names are not in audio. Perhaps, I think SDS should go through the baseball encyclopedia and read off every name in that book. I know it would be time consuming, but worth a shot.
@broken_toy1_psn said in “Legends” I’d Like to See Added-:
@rikstarr1970_xbl said in “Legends” I’d Like to See Added-:
Carlton Fisk
Carl Yastrzemski
Roger Maris
Yogi Berra
Pie Traynor
Shoelaces Joe Jackson
Satchel Paige
Dwight Gooden
Rusty Staub
Sal Bando
Mookie WilsonSomeone the victim of auto correct? LOL Shoelaces Joe and Mr. November played together, right?
I'd also love Satchel Paige, Yaz, and Roger Maris!
Lol I meant shoeless Joe Jackson not shoelaces -
I also think that they should add in to the player stats their minor league team and stats into their major league stats so they’re aren’t any gaps and instead of saying TOT, they should put, for instance 2028 Bucky Dent was with, say Philadelphia and San Diego instead of TOT..
I wouldn’t even mind Jerry Remy as a player or commentator. But how cool would it be to have Bob Ueker behind the mic.
Also what would be awesome is viewing retired players by year as you get further into franchise so you can view their stats. I just think it would be interesting.
Also what would be nice is introducing legends into the franchise mode year by year if that’s possible.
I wish, no I would love it if SDS would add to the game players like Jim Rice, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Rick Burleson, Rich Gedman, Tim Wakefield, Alan Embree, Roger Clemens just to name a few
Once you get to all star week the sponsorships are no longer valid
And I beat the dodgers in the 2031 World Series in franchise with a walk off double.
Thank you. I found it.
All I can say is just ignore the offensive material. That’s what I do. There’s always someone taking a wholesome game or fun for that matter and turning it into trash.
I had asked the same question about the uniforms in franchise. I love to play with throwback uniforms. Like for instance, during the off-season I revamped my Red Sox uniform and created the early 1900’s, I believe I went 1903. But anyhow by doing so I lost all my throwback uniforms the game came with and now don’t know how to get it back.
The field of dreams field is coming to mlb the show. Too bad they didn’t create shoeless Joe Jackšon and other greats that went along with that movie and field. But awesome nonetheless
I like that idea. I too am a fan of the old school baseball era. Maybe include all the old school teams including Seattle Pilots, New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodgers, so on an so forth.
That’s why I stick to franchise mode and love it. Sure it gets frustrating but I love it nonetheless. I love coming back with homer after homer to win. And when I start out winning, I love to see the opposing team battle back.
I am getting that same message myself. It’s frustrating. I want to somehow override that but don’t know how
Ted Williams would be a great addition to the game
Keep grinding old timers, at 42 years old I've made it back to World Series for the first time in '22
Slip N Slide The Show 22...
Suggestions for Franchise Mode
“Legends” I’d Like to See Added-
Suggestions for Franchise Mode
“Legends” I’d Like to See Added-
My franchise wishlist for 22
“Legends” I’d Like to See Added-
My franchise wishlist for 22
MLB The Show 22 Ideas
Sponsorship Menu dissappeared?
Are the Dodgers Overpowered in Online Rated?
Thank you SDS :)
Sds could care less about offensive team names and logos
Small Gripes, Little League Classic field and uniforms in franchise mode
Historic Rosters 2021
Field of Dreams Franchise.
Does it ever get better
Budget/Extensions Issues
MLB The Show 22 Ideas