Full disclosure- I’m a 42 year old father of twin boys. I’ve been playing this game since inception. I love baseball and this is a hobby of mine. I’m fortunate as I own a fairly successful business and I’m able to spend time and money on this game (mad respect to those who are NMS). I ask this question because pitch speeds in RS seem absurd to me. Maybe it’s my old a** eyeballs or something but I can’t seem to adjust to 102 MPH FB and 80 MPH off speed pitches. It’s absolutely driving me crazy. I’m late on every FB and off speed is just a disaster. Is this game catering to the young guns who have awesome eye site and reflexes? If so, good for you. My old [censored] can’t seem to catch up to anything. It’s super frustrating considering in 19 I was fairly competitive. I made CS pretty much every season I played and pushed WS most seasons. Are FBs OP? Just asking in case any old heads are experiencing the same thing. Before you bust my balls about being old, I get it...you’re a young stud and my reflexes blow...ps....I do use a monitor.

You’re a child. Take your L like a man. These players that do that I assume have daddy issues…
Not to name names but what is the deal with streamers that post YT videos and have this dopey “surprised” face on their video thumbnails? It’s like every single one of them have the exact same expression. It’s so dorky. Anyone else notice this?
@itookurdonut said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?
My suggestion for this in these forums has been to have a ranked season for every difficulty level. This way the gameplay stays consistent. You could have one for veteran, all star, hof and legend. Obviously the rewards would be tiered based on the difficulty you choose. It would eliminate the jumping back and forth between AS/HOF, etc. let the goons fight it out on the hardest difficulties and the casuals have their fun as well.
I’ve been saying this for a few years but the constant switching between difficulties in a competing game mode is silly IMO. There should be a ranked season that’s on AS, one on HOF and one on Legend. Each reward would be commensurate with each difficulty. Let the goons fight it out on Legend and let the causal people play on AS or whatever difficulty they prefer.
@genopolanco_psn said in Ranked at HOF is not really that fun…:
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked at HOF is not really that fun…:
Edit to this post..I’m not sure but is CS legend ir HOF?
Depends on your opponents rating. Whoever is highest. 700-899 is HOF but if you play someone ranked 900+ it’s legend.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. All RS should be one difficulty. Switching between different pitch speeds is inane.
I don’t think it has to do with legends but more about the lack of gameplay innovations. Pretty sure we’re getting 21 rebranded as 22. It just hasn’t really moved the needle for me at all.
Let’s not be redundant but also let’s be real... RS is garbage. Fastballs by mediocre pitchers are OP. Constant strike outs , little hits, majority HRs...boring as heck. Who else feels this way? Slowly losing the luster to even play.
I just played 8 straight RS games. 7 were perfect. I thought maybe they fixed the connection issue. I won several and lost a few. All were fair, pitch speed were fine. Timing windows worked like they were supposed to. The 8th game I’m the home team and match up With someone and it’s swinging underwater. Late on every fastball. Couldn’t time anything. This game blows based on what your connection is in relation to whoever you’re playing. I play with a wired connection. I can only imagine the type of connection my opponent had...I typically never play this many games in a row and this was obvious. SDs just tell us if quality of peer to peer connections create a lag and effect your timing window...
@wockret1914 said in I've been a gamer for 30 years...:
@dirtybob007 said in I've been a gamer for 30 years...:
Dude I am 44. Did you start gaming at like 2yrs?
As a matter of fact yes (I am 43), Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pac Man, or my all time favorite (Donkey Kong). Much simpler time, no worries about being told to “git gud”, being hashtag wrecked or other crazy [censored].
My Dad was a hobbyist, we had a bit of money and he had a dedicated room with all of the aforementioned game cabinets among pinball machines, Atari, C64....
Only score I cared about was my previous best. Personally, it is hard for me to relate to a gamer mentality, or perhaps I see things differently.
JK on the Paxil comment, just another witticism that clearly missed the mark, I meant no offense
I’m telling you, we need an over 40 men’s league where our old eyeballs are all on the same level playing field. RS is totally frustrating at times. One game you’re hitting great, the next game you can’t touch a fastball.
I appreciate the content but it feels a little too grindy for me. Personally I don’t have hours upon hours to dedicate to grinding TA against the computer on rookie to finish all the missions. Yes, you can field a good team with free cards but you can’t field a great team without spending stubs. To me, it seems like most of the great cards are hidden behind packs you have to buy or purchase through the marketplace.
Personally, I’m happy with the way the game is playing but it’s been kinda exhausting to play. BR is fun cause everyone’s fielding an even team. I’m not saying I don’t like the game, I do like it, I’m just a little tired of it at this point. I’m curious to hear how others are feeling at this stage of the cycle.
@sersimpleton said in What they think is fun:
Home runs
Bunt singles
Throwing someone out from the outfield
Errors on routine plays at the worst possible time
Amazing defensive plays at the best possible time
Hanging pitches
Opposite field hits vs the shift, particularly bunts
BuntsI particularly enjoy striking out 15 times a game in ranked seasons. The small, erratic timing window is genius on their part. So much fun...
There’s never a good time. You’re better off buying who you want
@mwolve87 said in Today's Event Teams - Animals:
What animal is "Rockie" an abbreviation for?
Rocky Bullwinkle- a moose!
They finally made a playable version of this game. No 102mph dominance by MiLB players. Pitch speeds are decent and the timing windows are better. This is what we’ve been asking for win or lose. Just played a few games of RS and won one and lost one. Both were very fair. HRs and hit varieties were plentiful. Games fun again, thankfully.
@get-peened said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
Pitching is literally impossible now. It is so extremely easy to hit in this game and it’s literally ruined. I haven’t played a game where both teams had less than double digits. Now, you get rewarded for swinging at bad pitches and having okay pci placement. It takes skill to have perfect swings, but they are useless when they get rewarded just as much as anything else.
I appreciate the effort put in by SDS to fix things, but a failed attempt is still an attempt. This just didn’t work well. The issue wasn’t the pci size or the timing window. I still have no clue what differentiates perfect and good/good or good/okay results. At this point it’s just random.
I respectfully disagree with this. It’s just not fun to strike out to prospects. I’d rather lose 6-5 than win 1-0.
I can honestly say ballin is definitely not a habit
@eatyum said in Do we really need multiple difficulty levels throughout ranked season?:
@mrwonderful95 said in Do we really need multiple difficulty levels throughout ranked season?:
@jonblaze2424 said in Do we really need multiple difficulty levels throughout ranked season?:
Higher difficulty weeds out the mediocre players who catch a few breaks guessing correctly on all star. HOF and Legend are a whole nother animal
Yes they are! My theory is to have ranked based on difficulty. Let all star play all star and have HOF play HOF. Awards would be commensurate with difficulty level.
Meanwhile that would heavily split the population base, which isn't as vast as say a game like Madden, and while you may say that longer wait times are fine for you to guarantee to play what difficulty, it is easy to recognize that SDS will never sacrifice wait times to that extent,
Personally, for me being a 43 year old, HOF is tough. Small PCI and increased pitch speeds kill me. SDS should somewhat accommodate the player base. I’d like to just have fun, not struggle. It’s prob just a function of being older, having reduced reaction time and vision.
The shame of it is robin roberts was an absolute stud. We have Edward Cabrera out there dominating and he’s a future stars card. RR should be usable I. Ranked and its a shame he’s not.
For us mere mortals HOF just isn’t fun. The pitch speeds are just too fast and the gameplay is straight up boring. I get a few hits, my opponent gets a few hits and whoever hits more HRs win. There’s really no variety to hitting on this difficulty for ranked. Going from all star to HOF with the varying timing windows is brutal for me. Sorry for venting…feel like they ruined RS this year.
Is SDS practicing ageism?
If you quit mid HR…
MLB Streamers that post YouTube Videos...
Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant
Ranked Season trying to make world series is a nightmare with all these stupid pitchers
Ranked at HOF is not really that fun…
Is it just me or is the hype not as strong for the game this year?
Anyone else hate this game?
Servers and connection are the issue...
I've been a gamer for 30 years...
Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?
What they think is fun
Best time to open packs
Today's Event Teams - Animals
Boys, Let’s all rejoice!
This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.
First one in a while...
Do we really need multiple difficulty levels throughout ranked season?
Robin Roberts...
I have to say…HOF pitch speeds are ridiculous