@Tylerslikewhoa how do you get them to work with pin point? I have both and neither work right

I’d like the Phillies to add a first baseman. The thought of Harper playing first with coming off Tommy John surgery 6 months ago makes me very nervous.
Timing is 100 percent predicated on the connection you have with your opponent. It’s been that way as long as I can remember. This is why hitting is so inconsistent. Sometimes late, sometimes early. This is why I never understood why they’re insisting on changing the difficulty and pitch speeds in ranked. It’s way too hard to time up pitches accross multiple difficulties-veteran, all star, HOF, legend etc…
Anyone bored with SZ hitting camera? Is anyone using SZ3 or any other camera? I’m bored w straight SZ. Curious to hear what you boys are using?
If you can’t, it’s kinda a wasted pick of a 99 in BR.
Same for me. Would love to hear if you can use him in the OF
@Skarmaen_PSN said in I want to applaud sds for trying something new:
The collection rewards are all very good cards. The problem is the path to get them is just a giant pxp slog. It needs to be fun in itself but so far this year it just feels like busy work.
Yeah bro, you hit the nail on the head. I’m too bored with all of that. I have like 300k stubs but I don’t want to buy cards out of principal. I’m just in a weird space with this game despite really liking the gameplay. It’s odd.
@capardo_XBL said in I want to applaud sds for trying something new:
I, too, give them credit for trying something different.
Here’s one thing (of many), I’d like to see them do different: I’m about to wrap up playing tonight for about 2 1/2 hours. I received NO cards toward ANY collections. Set 1, 2, Core, Uniforms, Equipment, etc. Zero, nada, zilch. No magic spin. Again, nothing.
It is very discouraging.
This is my feeling as well. It’s like they had a good idea with bad execution. The shame of it is that I feel the gameplay is good. I just don’t have a desire to grind like I used to.
@genopolanco_PSN said in I want to applaud sds for trying something new:
Yep just like 18. Look at them trying new stuff that has poor planning and seems very out of touch with their consumers. So proud of them.
Well, I agree. At least there was an attempt to mix it up? Did it work, obviously not in our opinion.
Is this new season format a hit for all of us? No, it’s not. Some like it, some don’t. Count me as one of the people who do not care for this format but at least they’re trying something new. I have to give them credit for mixing it up.
I think my general malaise for this years iteration is that all of the cool, good cards, for the most part (not all of them) are locked behind a paywall. Everything just seems too grindy for the amount of time I’m willing to dedicate to playing. That’s just my experience. I’m sure some of you feel otherwise and that’s great.
I think if they’d juice the xp gain it would be more appealing to me but as it currently stands, I just feel like I’m not making progress with any of these collections. Sorry for the long post but with all that being said at least they tried a new format.
No doubt. You can move the pci but if you swing early/late it doesn’t move.
@jonblaze2424_PSN said in SDS let’s talk baseball:
First and foremost they need to dumb down the ratings. Keep it on a scale to 100 and save the mid to upper 90’s ratings for the absolute best of the best.
this is an issue that gets overlooked. Why have a scale that goes over a 100? Was a guy like Babe Ruth possibly the greatest HR hitter of all time? Does someone like Chipper Jones need to have 125 power? Can’t he have 90 and still be good and useable? Not every player needs to have 125 power or throw 103 mph. I would surmise from reading comments on this forum that most people do not like the HR derby the game has turned into over the last few years.
I know it’s a lot more expensive but if you can find a way to buy the series x, do it. It’s absolutely phenomenal.
The quality of your connection to whoever you’re playing has always determined timing in this game for head to head. They definitely need to do something to equally match people based off of their connection quality. This is why I’ve never championed all star difficulty changing to HOF once you get close to World Series for RS. The switching between difficulties accompanied with inconsistent connections is an absolute nightmare when it comes to timing pitches. Not sure why SDS continues on with this model.
Very odd year for the show. It has me feeling the same way.
@IrishFist412_XBL said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Idea to get more action in Ranked?:
You want to hide records???
Shoot…you can barely even see them now. If you skip the opening and/or blink or take a sip of coffee or look at your phone for two seconds…you don’t even see the record.
The more important part of this post is the issue of why people CARE sooooo much about their record. It’s kind of embarrassing.
I’ll often get messages and comments about my record…because it looks bad. But I played all the goons in early access…and routinely play with watered-down lineups.
It’s funny when I get messages about my record…and then my opponent rage quits after 4 innings while losing. They always message me their excuse too.
It couldn’t possibly be that my terrible record against good players with lesser lineups has made me better than their good record with nothing but 99s against bums…
I looked you up, .180ish hitter with a record of 66-136 as of last night… I guess I understand now why you don’t want input to matter more.
Was this necessary? Shaming him for his record & stats is a [censored] move…Especially when he wasn’t attacking anyone, Just giving his take…Be better man, It’s really not that hard to be descent to people.
Yeah, agree. Let’s not shame people from playing the game. We’re all entitled to an opinion regardless of how good you are at the game.
@yankblan_PSN said in PPP is ?:
Year 3. 2021 was incredibly OP.
Yes, I was too traumatized by people painting corners to remember. Hahhahaha. Are you using PPP? Think I’m switching to meter or analog at this point.
IMO PPP has died on the vine this year. Other inputs are harder to hit. What do you guys think? Every time I use PPP pitches gravitate towards the middle of the zone or when perfect, hit the outer edges of par. I’m not hating it cause I think PPP was too OP last year but it’s crazy to think other inputs are more effective at this point of the game considering it was just introduced last year.
I know it’s tempting but just don’t buy packs.
@jonblaze2424_MLBTS said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
You aren't alone dude. I've only played I think 17 ranked games this year? In comparison to previous years, its crazy low. I find most of the time I fire up the game I'm stuck grinding moments or conquests agains the CPU just so i can try and keep pace with what's been coming out but I agree in this sense the game has lost a bit of it's flare. Absolute heaven for those who can log 30-40 hours a week playing the game, but for us casuals who can only play a few hours this ain't for us. The only thing in the past that helped was flipping cards, and even that now is 4x the grind it used to be.
With that said, gameplay is fantastic. Just copped a PS5 a few weeks back and my goodness what a difference....I actually WANT to play the game again.
The ps5 is amazing. Congrats dude
Aug 1 MLB trade deadline approacheth nigh…
You have to get better at matchmaking
Who’s using strike zone 3?
Can you use Ohtani as a two way in BR
Can you use Ohtani as a two way in BR
I want to applaud sds for trying something new
I want to applaud sds for trying something new
I want to applaud sds for trying something new
I want to applaud sds for trying something new
Game adjusts your PCI based on timing?
SDS let’s talk baseball
Upgrading to X Box series S?
Fix online connection issues with players
Bored of the game way too early, 99's everywhere ruined it for me...
Idea to get more action in Ranked?
PPP is ?
PPP is ?
50 packs..... Rip off!!!!!!
Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?