I planted onions for 13 hrs and maybe I just barely planted more seed than your marathon grind.
Wish I had that kind of time.
I planted onions for 13 hrs and maybe I just barely planted more seed than your marathon grind.
Wish I had that kind of time.
Yeah, I'm not diddling with the SH boost. From what I've experienced with experimenting with team-based hitting and pitching captains, the level of Godliness is just on a completely different world. My Cubs and Rockies teams that I'm currently using for PxP and Finest earnings are just ridiculously overpowered.
I'm a seasonal player: once the WS is over, I usually don't play ball again until Spring Training.
Been digging the hell out of Space Marine 2 and the Dead Space remake. Better to shoot and chop [censored] up then try and grind away at Programs right now.
But, to each their own.
I wouldn't want to mistake the cutlery and anonymous kitchen items drawers in your house.
Jeezuz man.
Tragic hot air balloon accident of 2027...
Surprised none of the RTTS scouts said a word.
Every. Single. Time. the CPU throws over to first for that initial check, it frees you up to steal the base no matter the circumstances. (Assuming you've got a base stealer on.)
The CPU has NEVER thrown twice to any base on me. It's why I was able to get the Ohtani 50/50 done so quickly.
Just a small pro tip in case nobody has mentioned it here in the boards.
My 15-month old has more refrain from tantrums than you. Jeezuz dude.
Anybody else not able to complete this in its entirety because of one of the Rich Hill missions not loading? I've completed everything but one [censored] mission that refuses to load (always says it failed after attempting to load after twenty to thirty seconds).
Any advice to get this damned thing to work?
Why do we not have a Mark Grace card yet over all these years? I don't follow the ins and outs of requirements, so maybe I've missed something along the way?
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in Gotta say....super excited.:
That's almost a rarity today. I'd consider you to be [censored] lucky if all three of these things apply to you:
1- You only work 40 hrs a week and can support a family of 4 or more. (Your position has to be upper tier, pushing between 60-80k a year.)
2- Your wife or significant other doesn't give a [censored] that you spend multiple hours a day playing a video game.
3- You put yourself first and don't care about said importance of family.
I just think y'all that still play this game for multiple hours a day need to either branch out, get a real job with longer hours, and start actually taking care of important matters first.
I would assume, just based on the inactivity of these boards, that it's pretty much the same dozen people posting and wasting time.
I just check and post when I see that a bunch of rocks with eyes are finding multiple ways to argue about the stupidest [censored].
@YOSHI24_MLBTS Come on man. Two things: 1- Just because a topic is labeled as one thing doesn't mean other subjects or details can't be discussed within. That's just absurd and bizarre to think otherwise. Your way of thinking on that is strangely black and white almost to a fault. And 2- It was not hard, at all, to discern what OP was saying in his post. It just required easy, careful reading and not blowing through thinking he was strictly talking about Moments.
Not hard.
@Sarge1387_PSN Same. 55-60 hr work weeks, on top of trying to be a father and a husband, doesn't exactly lend itself to getting to the end of the XP path.
Those folks that have already got there and are currently spinning the wheel, definitely play every day and for AT LEAST a few hours a day.
That's not feasible for some of us.
@YOSHI24_MLBTS No dude. Go back and look carefully at the post I was replying to. I wasn't just talking about the Moments. I was asking about time spent for him/her doing Moments, Conquest, and Ranked games. Definitely NOT 2 hrs.
@virusts_XBL How long did all of that take? 5-6 hours? More? Seems like a lot of gaming time to me.
These surveys won't change a [censored] thing.
As a teacher of almost 15 years, these are the equivalent, basically, of end-of-quarter (or semester for colleges) student evaluations.
9 times out of 10 the instructor won't even do a [censored] thing with the finalized evals.
Same here.
Y'all thinking changes will be made are living on a flat Earth.
@YOSHI24_XBL I hit 731k this afternoon with a few hours of game play.
I work in agriculture and have a wife and a 13-month old. My weekday evenings I'm lucky if I get an hour in. Sat/Sun, barring any family ventures, I get probably 8 hrs total between the two days.
I'm pretty thorough with attacking programs, etc but actually finding any amount of truly lengthy time is a fantasy.
I'll get Grandal tonight if I can find some time to play. Didn't get to any of the bosses last season and won't again with this one.
I still don't know how y'all get to where you get on the program path with jobs and families. I just don't get it. Some of y'all must either have wives (or husbands) that don't give a [censored] about how much time you play, or you just ignore them and play anyways.
Or you're a teenager or college student still on summer break doing summer break things. I hope it's that. Otherwise, well, I wish you all the best during your upcoming divorce.
I never thought I'd see the day when a 35 yr old would claim to be close to care facility age. At 44, I know my eye sight has gotten worse naturally as I've aged, but I'll be damned if I'm calling up my 40 yr old sister to tell her to start making facility arrangements for me.
Maybe next year...after I've taken care of my colonoscopy and prostate exams.