Yes, you are right. It is the diamond dynasty modes he sees me play that interests him. I hadn't thought to have him try modes outside of diamond dynasty.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
I had this happen with Shohei Ohtani. I put in a ticket but have not received a response yet.
I had the same thing with Shohei Ohtani. I put in a support ticket.
When I was finished with this year's cycle, I spent my remaining stubs (a few million) on chase packs. I bought each one until I got it. I averaged around 30 packs per chase card pull. I ran out of stubs before I got them all but did get most.
It changed 3 or 4 years ago. On rookie, it used to be grooved balls down the middle the majority of the time. I would just never stop running to get out on purpose to end innings a lot of the time. Now, most games are 3 runs or less and cpu pitchers are mostly on the black. Still very easy as the computer still can't hit but the pitching has very much changed.
Been kicked off trying to do showdown twice this morning.
I agree with you. I have played for many years so I am fine but my son has wanted to get into the game because he sees me enjoy it but it's just too hard for him. He has tried it each year for the past 3 now (he's 11) and lasts a few days to a week before he gets tired of losing every game 1-0 or 2-1 and gives up.
Once again, this game is the easiest to play and acquire cards without spending actual money. It looked like it might be going backwards at the beginning but here I am at the end of the cycle with more stubs than I can spend and owning every card I want with all the collections done.
Mini Seasons is great for those of us who don't enjoy online play.
Battle Royale program was great.
Pitch confidence needs to go or be seriously reworked. It should not impact the hitter at all. Only should help pitcher's control.
Fielding animations are way too slow. Way too many infield hits given up due to fielder not having any urgency.
Online pitch speeds are way too fast. I play on a top of the line monitor but even on all star, I feel overwhelmed by the speed. For reference, I am older so my reaction time is waning as the years go by.
Online pitch speeds need to be same as offline so you can practice and be ready for online play easier.
Online games shouldn't vary depending on your opponent's internet connection. So many games have lag to where every pitch comes out of their hand the same and then changes part way to the plate.
Make R2 use only once per at bat. It's only purpose is to view pitches, energy, and confidence level. No need for every pitch. It is currently used as a griefing mechanism.
Hitting was awful this year. I kept my stats for about a week online and offline and had a higher batting average on balls outside of the pci than I did inside. It felt totally random, especially online.
Difficulty levels should be the same from start of year to end of year and in every mode. Events should be a warm up for Ranked but so often it plays like a totally different game. All star on events might have slower or faster pitch speeds and reward contact differently. Moments/showdowns to other offline modes as well. -
I want consistency as far as rookie, veteran, all-star, HOF, & Legend are the same in every mode. All-star in a showdown shouldn't be different than vs. Cpu or online. I want consistency on the sliders. Moments shouldn't be made more difficult by adjusting the sliders. If they want it harder, change it to all-star, hof, or legend. I don't think a universal pitch speed is a good idea. It would make too many people unhappy. Personally I would like it but only because I am older and my reaction times are getting worse by the year. I used to make World Series but just can't compete online anymore as the pitch speeds are too fast for me now.
That's not true. All star is very much different depending on the mode. Events at all star difficulty are often different as well depending on how they have adjusted the sliders. If you look at the sliders in the settings, you will see that pitch speed is one of them.
The sims are ridiculous on this one. I had a stretch of 3 rounds in a row where I had 11 against the CPU's 1 and lost all each round before finally moving on the 4th try. I'm on turn 30 and a little over halfway done. I'm lucky to gain 2-3 territories per sim.
I'm losing the Sims at a 4-1 rate. Turn 13 and barely at the cubs. Lucky to get 2 spaces per turn.
This has been the hardest showdown for me. I have failed a showdown twice since they became a thing and now am 0 for 3 on this one. The timing window seems really off and inconsistent from moment to moment in this one. Lots of good contact for outs. Maybe ramping it up to get us ready for extreme?
I recently had shoulder replacement surgery and got bored so I set it to timing and classic so I could play with 1 hand. I only played against the computer on rookie but classic is terrible. The only way I could throw strikes consistently was to aim down the middle and even then it wasn't a great strike percentage. I normally use pure analog which works great for me. I imagine any other setting will beat classic.
There have been 3 years I have found myself hating online play since I started DD in 16. 18 was horrible, the pitch speed was so slow that it made hitting feel super easy but the outcome was random. So many perfectly timed squared up balls that were routine flyouts. 20 & 21 were also really bad. I thought 17 was the best. It was the year I fell in love with online play and felt like the closest version we've had where we were rewarded accurately with out actual input. The beginning of 19, for about a month or so, is a close 2nd. Unfortunately, they did their normal thing and started tweeking with stuff and screwed it up to where it ended very bad. This year, hitting has seemed okay for me so far but pitching is back to the default down the middle often which I hate. I find myself starting to come back to online play a little.
I started playing the show in 08 and DD in 15. I have pulled Trout multiple times every year but only once so far this year. I also got him from my one and only 12 win BR run a few years ago.
I played some event games yesterday. I think 5-6 games and my experience was all over the place. I had 1 game where I could track the ball and was early on just about everything. A couple where it was just okay and a couple where I could start my swing as the pitcher released the ball and still be late.
I agree. I was super excited after playing offline when 120hz first dropped. It felt like it did when I went from a tv to a monitor only a larger difference. I was way early on everything and my PCI placement seemed to match what I felt like I was doing. It was amazing, what I always hoped this game would play like. After the update, it has gone backwards, almost to what it was before 120hz. I do feel like it's slightly improved both online and offline as far as the way pitch speeds feel, tracking the ball, and the warping pitches and so on go.
CPU on Rookie
CPU on Rookie
Missing content????
SDS... Is this a problem
Chase Pack Odds
Post Maintenance
Developers need to FIX THIS! Game is way too hard for beginners!
2022 in review. positive and negatives
SDS Quit Changing Difficulties, Sliders, Pitch Speeds.
SDS Quit Changing Difficulties, Sliders, Pitch Speeds.
Central Conquest
The New Conquest Maps
Why have the last 2 showdowns been so difficult?
Hey SDS.
2018 vs 2022
When did you start playing DD and how many Trouts have you pulled?
Game seems to be playing better (Today) for PS5 120 hz.
I don't think I've ever been this disappointed in the game or SDS