I hate ranked seasons because of this. It feels like whoever has the weaker lineup gets the favored outcome. I played someone recently that had a losing record and .231 average. My average in ranked is .301. I had 16 dead or near dead center good/okays for outs and lost the game. I usually can tell early if I am going to lose when I start getting an obsessive amount of good/okay and my pitches float down the middle despite perfect input. It sucks because online play is my favorite but it's ruining it for me.

I am with you. This year's gameplay is the worst it's ever been, including 18. Content is amazing but I just don't enjoy playing anymore, especially online. What you described is the norm for me. Hitting is completely random and feels skewed to one side or the other. Pitching is horrendous. I feel like the only control I have on pitching is which pitch to throw. Using pure analog, I will consistently have perfect input and have the ball go over the middle of the plate or be completely wild. This game is usually the only one I play and I am finding myself putting in only a couple hours per week now. It's strange to me because SDS has listened to the fanbase in so many ways and each year, the main cries are for them to make user input matter more but year after year it matters less and less.
I played Twingaming last year. I hung with him but lost. My favorite was playing JJDaggas and getting him to dashboard and received a bunch of actual voice recorded messages. It was hilarious.
It changed 3 or 4 years ago. On rookie, it used to be grooved balls down the middle the majority of the time. I would just never stop running to get out on purpose to end innings a lot of the time. Now, most games are 3 runs or less and cpu pitchers are mostly on the black. Still very easy as the computer still can't hit but the pitching has very much changed.
Around 200 this year. My longest was in 18. I kept track and finally pulled a diamond on pack 786.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Long list of best cards at each position:
Great list.
The only one that made me say NO WAY!!!
Was Mo as the #1 Righty in the pen.His card was an absolute bleep show for me and every time I see him I light him up. And I am HORRIBLE at hitting.
Lot's of people I have asked feel the same way.
Other than you, I have never met anyone say Mo was the best.loved the list, grest conversation starter.
I am with you in that I rock Mo every time I face him but when I use him, he has been the best righty for me. I seldom give anything up with him on all star or HOF.
I agree. I'm sure they will do their normal thing and start listening to all the whiners in these forums and start screwing with stuff and make it worse. At least that's how it's been the past 2 years.
I love the idea of moments. To me, reliving and playing big moments throughout history and the season could be very fun. Unfortunately SDS has it screwed up because they mess with the sliders to make them more difficult. It has become frustrating rather than fun.
That's not true. All star is very much different depending on the mode. Events at all star difficulty are often different as well depending on how they have adjusted the sliders. If you look at the sliders in the settings, you will see that pitch speed is one of them.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
I played a guy that did this the entire game. No matter what defense I selected, the pitcher, 2b and 1b all would go after the ball and no one would cover. I reported it as a bug as well as an email/report. All I got was a confirmation that they received it and would contact me if they needed further info. Thankfully has only happened once.
I don't think the difficulty was upped, I think they nerfed contact and exit velocities. I played 4 rounds since the last patch. 2 3rd inning and 2 National League. I was 4-18 on perfect perfects and only had 3 of those with exit velocity above 100 MPH. Before patch it was a homerun fest on most of the missions and now I hardly homer at all.
I think connection definitely affects pitch speeds. I have had a couple games this event where I could push the x button as the pitcher releases the ball and still be late. The games that the pitch speeds seem crazy fast are also the ones with all the other lag glitches and also happen to be in MLB stadiums.
I like the idea of moments but for some reason SDS decided to lower the sliders to the point you feel like you are playing with a common rather than the diamond it's supposed to be. If they played honest, I would enjoy them.
Their automated ticket received response says 5 business days but I put a ticket regarding missing stubs and items in on 4/20 and another regarding missing xp on 4/26. Neither has received more that the automated ticket received response.
I don't think it is scripted as far as who wins vs who loses but rather gives one side the advantage or breaks. In my opinion, the top players are just good enough to overcome it. For us mid/upper level guys, it makes games we should win handily close and often causes us losses that we shouldn't have. The elite guys it might make them win by a couple rather than mercy.
I play at Shippet because I feel it plays smoothly and has the best batter's eye. I don't feel like I am better offensively there. In fact, I win more of my games away than I do at home (a lot of them are still at Shippet though)
I just played an event game and got a program reward ballin pack. The notification said it was a reward from Baseball's Back program. I looked and I don't have any program or anything called that. I also don't have any reward active that was a ballin pack. I think the previous even might have been called that?
Content wise, this game is far and away the best ever. Unfortunately, online play is my favorite part of this game and this year's gameplay is competing with 18 for the worst. Playing the computer over and over again is boring. I would probably love showdown and moments if they played honestly. I feel like they are just meant to frustrate you. If they played their normal difficulty without the sliders being screwed up, they would be a lot of fun.
I really hate online play.
About to hang em up for the year.
Have you ever...
What’s the longest diamond pack drought you’ve had this year?
Long list of best cards at each position
Unpopular opinion it seems
Does anyone even like moments? Can we get rid of this junk
SDS Quit Changing Difficulties, Sliders, Pitch Speeds.
CPU on Rookie
Drag bunts are being abused and need to be looked at
Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast
Has anyone had fun playing moments?
Support ticket response time
From what I've read
Why does everyone play at Shippet?
Hidden Program or Glitch?
An Unpopular (but I think secretly popular) Opinion