CPU on Rookie
Why is the CPU either throwing a dot or a pitch that misses the plate by a lot?
If I wanted to work counts I’d be playing Ranked. SMH!
That sums up the cpu on rookie. Miss by a little or dot after dot. Again, it’s not difficult just much more tedious than it should be if you just want to get on and mash.
We mustn't forget that purpose of Rookie Difficulty isn't to give DD players an easy way to grind XP, PXP or stats by grooving every pitch. It is a mode to onboard new players. If the CPU just grooved every pitch then the new players would never learn to read the pitches and probably never progress past rookie difficulty because they became dependant on Pitchers grooving the majority of their pitches.
TripleH-4481replied to Dolenz on Jul 30, 2024, 9:05 PM last edited by TripleH-4481_PSN Jul 30, 2024, 9:05 PM
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
Its mlb that fails to grab young fans, not the show.
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
That sums up the cpu on rookie. Miss by a little or dot after dot. Again, it’s not difficult just much more tedious than it should be if you just want to get on and mash.
Yeah, SDS is forcing me to do missions with cards I don’t want to use to unlock cards I’ll never use.
Makes me sick to have to work counts on top of it, I just want the stats and be done with it -
The only time rookie starts throwing outside the middle for me is if I am swinging at everything. Other than that it’s mostly pitches grooved done the middle. There should be at least a little bit a challenge other than pushing one button with your right hand not moving your pci at all with your left
@iBonafideScrub_ said in CPU on Rookie:
Yeah, SDS is forcing me to do missions with cards I don’t want to use to unlock cards I’ll never use.
How are they "forcing" you to do anything?
You choose how you want to approach the game. If you have decided that you must complete every program, earn every card and complete every collection then that is a choice you have made. SDS did not force you to do so.
And, before I get called an SDS apologist, I will say that I have not been a fan of being asked to constantly use cards that I had no desire to use all the way back to MLB 18. I quit MLB The Show 18 in May of that year because those were the only programs we got. I never feel "forced" to do any content that I don't want to do.
As an example, those Hall of Fame cards look nice but when I saw those stat missions for all the different teams I decided that it did not look like fun so I am skipping those programs.
@Dolenz said in CPU on Rookie:
@iBonafideScrub_ said in CPU on Rookie:
Yeah, SDS is forcing me to do missions with cards I don’t want to use to unlock cards I’ll never use.
How are they "forcing" you to do anything?
You choose how you want to approach the game. If you have decided that you must complete every program, earn every card and complete every collection then that is a choice you have made. SDS did not force you to do so.
And, before I get called an SDS apologist, I will say that I have not been a fan of being asked to constantly use cards that I had no desire to use all the way back to MLB 18. I quit MLB The Show 18 in May of that year because those were the only programs we got. I never feel "forced" to do any content that I don't want to do.
As an example, those Hall of Fame cards look nice but when I saw those stat missions for all the different teams I decided that it did not look like fun so I am skipping those programs.
I don’t want to quit the game, if I don’t complete the weekly award programs I’ll miss out on the POTM, will also miss out on the potential head start for Season 3.
So yes, I’m not forced to do anything this is true, but, it is in my best interest to do. If I don’t I will put myself at a competitive disadvantage when I play online.
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
Dolenzreplied to dr_zoidberg25 on Jul 31, 2024, 5:18 PM last edited by Dolenz_PSN Jul 31, 2024, 5:18 PM
@dr_zoidberg25 said in CPU on Rookie:
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
But aren't there other ways to make it easier for them?
Rookie may be the lowest difficulty you can play vs CPU in DD games but there are even easier difficulties. Beneath Rookie there is Minors, Amateur and I think Beginner (And Dynamic)
Granted, It has been a long time since I looked into or played these easier difficulties. I think the last time I was using Dynamic Difficulty on a RTTS player but even that was many years ago.
@Dolenz said in CPU on Rookie:
@dr_zoidberg25 said in CPU on Rookie:
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
But aren't there other ways to make it easier for them?
Rookie may be the lowest difficulty you can play vs CPU in DD games but there are even easier difficulties. Beneath Rookie there is Minors, Amateur and I think Beginner (And Dynamic)
Granted, It has been a long time since I looked into or played these easier difficulties. I think the last time I was using Dynamic Difficulty on a RTTS player but even that was many years ago.
Try a game on Rookie, you’ll be surprised by how annoying it is. It’s not difficult, it’s just very annoying watching the cpu throw absolute dots or balls that are so far out of the zone, Rookie should be swing and mash.
Dolenzreplied to iBonafideScrub_ on Jul 31, 2024, 5:55 PM last edited by Dolenz_PSN Jul 31, 2024, 5:57 PM
@iBonafideScrub_ said in CPU on Rookie:
@Dolenz said in CPU on Rookie:
@dr_zoidberg25 said in CPU on Rookie:
@TripleH-4481 said in CPU on Rookie:
That’s exactly why what you described should be veteran difficulty and not rookie. I’ve said the learning curve is way too steep for new players. Just allowing them to time up pitches should be the goal, not hunting their pitch right out of the gate. Many of us long time players forget just how hard this game is for new players. The show fails to grab new players and kids because rookie plays way too challenging compared to rookie in all other sports titles.
I second this. My son loves baseball and wants to play this game every year. But each year, he tries a few games on rookie and it is too hard for him to pick up. It isn't fun for him playing 1-0 games on the easiest setting. Rookie should be something anyone can have success on right out of the gate. Once they get the hang of how the game works, they can move up to veteran and so on. Right now, that isn't the way it plays.
But aren't there other ways to make it easier for them?
Rookie may be the lowest difficulty you can play vs CPU in DD games but there are even easier difficulties. Beneath Rookie there is Minors, Amateur and I think Beginner (And Dynamic)
Granted, It has been a long time since I looked into or played these easier difficulties. I think the last time I was using Dynamic Difficulty on a RTTS player but even that was many years ago.
Try a game on Rookie, you’ll be surprised by how annoying it is. It’s not difficult, it’s just very annoying watching the cpu throw absolute dots or balls that are so far out of the zone, Rookie should be swing and mash.
I play the game on rookie quite often, probably moreso this year than any other year as a means to complete programs. I'm fine with it.
I don't get the point of making rookie any easier when there are already easier modes in the game (Just not in DD). Why, in a year when people complain that they blow through new content in a matter of hours or days do we want to make it even faster, and I say that as a casual player who probably takes longer to finish missions than most.
Let me look up one of my recent Rookie vs CPU games. This was also my best 9 innning game vs CPU (and yes, it was at a cheese ballpark)
The CPU threw 119 pitches in 8 innings for an average of 14.8 pitches per inning
I had 58 At bats
I had 35 hits and 24 HRs
1 walkThat works out to only 2.05 pitches per at bat.
https://mlb24.theshow.com/games/817350248?platform=xbl&username=Dolenz64 -
Yes, you are right. It is the diamond dynasty modes he sees me play that interests him. I hadn't thought to have him try modes outside of diamond dynasty.
Try road to the show or march to october on variable difficulty
Exactly. I’ve said over and over it’s not hard just obnoxiously tedious. It should be an easy and stress free way to play and get new players into DD.
While you can choose lower difficulty on those modes that isn’t the same as playing DD and getting to earn and open packs. I’d venture to say the majority of people that play DD do it for fun and not to compete in an all out sweat fest. I don’t knock those that do if that’s your thing but just wish the game was more player friendly for the newbies and people that just want to get on to unwind and mash after a long day of work.
I'm actually fine with CPU on rookie in any mode... except conquest. Then it's ball after ball and weak contact, conquest use to be one of my favorite modes, now i would rather play mini seasons.