@ICantHelpFalling said in I cant hit. Its depressing. I'm stating to hate this game.:
I posted this is in the MLB the Show Reddit, but I'm trying to get as much feedback because I hope its not just me.
Hitting is hard right now. It feels almost impossible after recent patches.
When I came over from 19 - my first MLB the Show - I sucked at hitting but managed to pitch pretty well. Now in 20, I cant do either - with the exception of the first week of the game where I could manage a few runs before that horrid patch.
Now I know I suck at hitting in 20. On RS I linger between 370 to 470 and have yet to break 500.
Im lucky if I score one run in a game. I played a 13 inning game where me any my opponent only had 2 hits a piece up until the 9th inning and neither of us were using any OP pitchers. (My lineup is almost all diamonds)
Its depressing. I feel like I'm trying to hit a golfball that's remote controlled to deliberately and precisely avoid coming close to my bat.
I got so fed up I changed to directional so I could just forget about the PCI and I got a lucky home run off it. Changed back to zone and I can't get a hit.
Late on low 90s fastballs and above. Early on high 90s fastballs. Late on offspeed. Popping up virtually every pitch regardless. To top it off I'll give up a solo or something on an actual good located pitch and that's all my opponent needs to win.
It's so depressing that I have to wonder... What's the actual point of grinding or even buying great players if I can barely get any hits? What's the fcking point in wasting all that time for no fcking tangible reward?
You might as well not even bother with online play. Feels like a gut punch every single [censored] game.
It's already affecting how I feel about the rest of the game. Flipping stubs is very time consuming with the current margins, but I keep at it so i can save up to slowly finish collections. But if I cant hit at all, no matter the player, why am I wasting my time?
I'm at the point where I dont want to actually play this game at all anymore. Never thought I'd get to this point.
I used to look forward to logging on and grinding out some daily challenges. It was fun. Playing as a crappy all Rangers team on RS even though I'd knew I'd lose almost every game was enjoyable because I knew I'd get Gallo. Same for the Padres to get Tahtis.
Now it feels like a minimum wage job that you cant wait to leave and rush home to play video games. I'm now tempted to play just about anything else.
I'm a casual, but I like grinding to get better players so I can have a chance at some actual fun - like scoring a few runs in a game even if I lose. With these recent patches that's getting harder and harder to do, let alone be a possibility.
Can you imagine how someone just starting off with a bronze team in RS will feel after a few games?
Every game is now basically going to be that feeling of a despairing fail that makes you want to simply stop playing. It really sucks because theres so much great stuff in this game, but that seems to irrelevant when I cant actually do the two things you are supposed to be able to do in a baseball game; hit and pitch.
Try suddenly not being able to hit after years of competing with and beating top ranked players.
This game was everything, now it almost does nothing to scratch the baseball or video game itch.
The fluke HR when u switched to directional says a lot... The only way to stay fresh and clean the RNG slate sometimes is to switch various settings like that and also camera views and stuff.
Also, don’t know worry about newbies struggling to pickup the game. One, because they don’t know any better, and 2 Two, the game will reward them at an equal or greater rate than somebody who has mastered the inputs.
The best way to play this game is with no expectations of how it “should” play... just accept the randomness. Yes, anti-competitive as hell, but so “sim” they get away with it.