I’ve been away on vacation and haven’t had a chance to play the game. So I watched twitch to see how it looked and played. Stopped watching cause it was burning watching every streamer rock a 99 team of WBC cards day 1 haha

@go4stros25_PSN said in Hot takes for the upcoming season?:
@samguenther1987 said in Hot takes for the upcoming season?:
The Jays come storming out of the gate have 60 wins by the all star game and finish in first just ahead of the Yankees, the Rays come in 4th behind the Jays, Yankees and a up and coming Orioles team, the Red Sox finish a distant 5th.
Judge hits 45 home runs. Hows that for a hit take lol
Judge is going to fall off a cliff this year. The league will start testing for roids again, he won't get juiced baseballs, and he will give up once the yankees are 22-44.
His contract will be worse than pujols.
I think ur gonna see with the pitch clock and no shift thet his average will be over .300 and still will hit 40+ HRs if healthy. Haha love the roids testing line tho as if the dude who is 6’8 260 hasn’t been tested. Weird that the mlb has stopped testing tho, don’t let tatis know that.
So probably a stupid question but haven’t been able to play the game yet and when I haven’t been able to hear the people I’ve watched on twitch. So I’m curious are these WBC players that every single streamer already has that are 90+ in the game forever? Just seems like it be stupid to gift people 90+ rosters on day. But if it’s just a short time thing like what fifa did that’s cool.
It’s a fantasy team based game. Happens in almost every competitive based game. Ur gonna always play the best most OP players cause everyone wants to win. Play MUT for a few weeks and count how many times u play either Mike Vick, Lamar Jackson, or Mahomes at QB. Or play the exact lineup game after game. It sucks yes but at the same time no one wants to lose so they won’t put a worse pitcher in just because. Just buckle in and get used to it.
Haha can’t even get any information from this thread. Thought I’d watch a streamer see how the hitting was. Just so toxic, all they do is complain. So I’m sure a new patch will be out soon to keep the steamers happy. Meanwhile I’m watching and out of like swings on a ball 3 arnt squared and ball doesn’t have huge exit velo so it’s the games Fault. But doesn’t say a word when they hit an early ok HR. Streamers are the toxicity of the community.
Haha I think at this point he’s just trying to see how man responses he can get in his thread. Everything has been answered as perfect as it can be but he just keeps saying we are defending cheaters and blah blah can’t keep up with it all. He won’t be satisfied until one of the SDS guys gets on here and says “omg we are so sorry you got two losses u didn’t deserve, we are rectifying that. And while we are at it for your hardship you had to endur during these two losses here’s a 1 million stubs and a free mike trout” even then from what I’ve read he would find a way to like be mad about it.
Because some streamer convinced people it causes people to throw more balls. If anything just makes the person get caught off guard so they throw a ball by accident. That’s it tho it’s just for try Hards who worship streamers.
@Nats19Champions said in Online play has become a disaster:
It’s not just one game.
Haha it still a video game at the end of the day. Do you get paid to play it? If the answer is no then it’s ok. It sucks I know but still it’s a VIDEO GAME. We all feel the same as u but there’s nothing else to do. Maybe one day they will solve the problem but as of now u either sit there and wait it out and play Zero games until the other person quits or u say [censored] that sucks and move on. Trust me I’m as competitive as the next person but I remind myself daily that I’m not getting paid to play and it will be ok.
@Rabid55Wolverine said in Online play has become a disaster:
@Nats19Champions said in Online play has become a disaster:
Funny how you guys blame everyone except the actual cheaters.
You skipped my question earlier and who exactly is cheating? Are you saying the other guy made the freeze off happen? Everything you've talked about in this thread has been answered and you've been told why. As far as defending cheaters, no one is doing that at all,at least not from what I have read
Haha this kid just isn’t getting it. End of the day needs to realize it’s one freaking game that he lost. It sucks we get it. What do you want us all to do write a petition and get it signed by the entire community and sent to SDS to get you your win for a connection issue. We all understand and have been in ur shoes dude. No one cheated u experienced poor server issues. You didn’t want to wait which I wouldn’t blame you but the way the game works that gives u a loss. End of conversation end of thread. It sucks and u lost when u should have won. But guess what it’s a video game and ur still breathing. It’s ok.
To be honest you should feel lucky this is ur first time in years experiencing this. Haha
@Nats19Champions said in Online play has become a disaster:
No, I didn't "lose." I was winning handily. And you make it seem like I just turned the game off the moment it froze; I waited a FULL HOUR. Amazing that anyone would defend this garbage.
Haha he’s not defending anything. These so called freeze outs happen once and awhile. The game doesn’t take into account whose winning or losing. The game still thinks both players are connected despite the freeze. So which ever player decides to just say screw this and turn there game off or reset loses the game. Score has no merit. It’s really just a cheeky way for a person losing to snag a W because normally they have 0 life and will just leave there PS4 on that frozen screen for hours if not days until the other gives up. It sucks but that’s what happen. Been in ur shoes before.
Haha my favorite is Chapman having a sinker. Don’t know when he developed that since I watch every Yankee game.
It’s the equivalent on twitch of the dudes using dual pistoles and c4 every round now haha
I’ve said this for months now. I think your guys solutions are a little extreme. It still needs to come down to increased time for getting a starter warmed and that’s when the penalties should incur. Such as lose of control when brought in not brought in fully warmed. Getting a starter to full warm should take 3-4 innings. I do agree energy should be drained faster with starters when used as a reliever but still it’s a choice that is made in the MLB even if it’s at extreme times. So a pitcher who comes in after warming 3-4 innings then pitches 2-3 should have energy drained as if they pitched a 9 inning game. I agree it gets abused but some teams don’t even use a starter like the rays for a lot of games so it is a tactic. I think locking players out and stuff is to extreme and hard of a solution but making it longer to warm up and having a lot more penalty to control and the increase fatigue is the best fix
Maybe it’s just me thinking to much but since the update I’m still getting good Oks and those crappy outs on solid hits and things that make no sense with pitch speed to exit velocity, but that being said I am getting Soooo many more perfect perfects all of a sudden. Was getting like 4-6 in a 9 inning game and getting 4-6 in 3 inning games now.
@janoosh said in You're down by three...:
@domdw99 said in You're down by three...:
My thought still hasn’t changed on this. Easy fix, take 2-3 full innings to warm a SP up fully and if they put him in before that his energy is super low along with confidence. And if u do want him up fully to use him his energy should get drained by double the normal speed to account for it. Simple easy fix. It’s ok to use a SP out of the bullpen but let’s handicapt it so it makes some sense in the long run.
Excep players will eventually adap to it.
Adapt or not adapt it’s still a reasonable answer to the problem. Don’t see how u can adapt. Adapting is using a bullpen arm
My thought still hasn’t changed on this. Easy fix, take 2-3 full innings to warm a SP up fully and if they put him in before that his energy is super low along with confidence. And if u do want him up fully to use him his energy should get drained by double the normal speed to account for it. Simple easy fix. It’s ok to use a SP out of the bullpen but let’s handicapt it so it makes some sense in the long run.
@Collin_SDS said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Going to post this here. Let's try to keep all discussion about 1.09 in this thread.
Just curious what does “Performance and stability improvements” mean
@jhutch805 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
I am getting sick and tired of getting Good Timing and Okay contact. I cannot for the life of me center up the PCI. I noticed that when I hold the PCI up in the zone it kinda jumps back and forth and doesn't sit still. Does anyone else PCI do this or might there be something wrong with my controller? Also, and tips to f'n square something up, I seem to always miss with the ball in the upper right part of the PCI, so I miss just under and to the right.
If ur pci is jumping on its own ur controller is doing something called “drifting” which’s means it needs to be replaced. I’ve had it happen a few times
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@domdw99 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
Cause I'm not playing Duck Hunt or Sniper Elite...I'm not trying to shoot at a baseball I'm trying to hit it by swinging a bat with a stride and timing, you know like baseball?
So when a player swings a bat to hit a ball in real life he only has to stride and swing the bat on time? Last I checked they need to track the ball and swing with great timing and aim there bat to hit it. So if anything ur further from truly having any real play over the ball. Ur argument is pretty invalid because if anything a swing is stride, timing, placement of the bat. So ur doing 66% of the work. And someone who uses a PCI is doing 66% of the work as well. But I would say the 66% when ur actually aiming to hit the ball on time is a lot harder then striding and timing and having the game put bat on ball for u. Just like to use some type of logic when I talk.
Cards too good?
Hot takes for the upcoming season?
Question about WBC players
If you use Kluber & Newhouser every game, you're part of the problem
Update 1.11 Discussion
Online play has become a disaster
Fake bunt
Online play has become a disaster
Online play has become a disaster
Online play has become a disaster
Online play has become a disaster
Mlb the Sinker 20
The Starter out of the pen problem and how to fix it.
The Starter out of the pen problem and how to fix it.
Update 1.10 Discussion
You're down by three...
You're down by three...
1.09 Patch Discussion
Zone hitting, PCI jumping
Zone hitting, PCI jumping