Haha my favorite is Chapman having a sinker. Don’t know when he developed that since I watch every Yankee game.

Stop listening to cry babies that didn’t want to learn how to hit. Game was perfect in terms of hitting. If anything they should have patched more strike calls on boarder pitches, that would have helped even out hitting. Instead make a new patch that just ruined hitting. And I know some hero gonna get on here and say “dude hitting so easy do this do that” idc I’m a very solid player and it’s an opinion.
Guy comes on here to say there was an issue and they are investigating it and lotterally the comments after are people saying “I didn’t get anything”. Yea they know they just said that
I’m sick of striking kids out looking only to have it be called a ball then later in the at bat my pitcher hangs a pitch cause u have to throw in the strike zone and it gets hit out. Stop adjusting the hitting and fix the pitching and strike zones. It’s not hard
To be honest you should feel lucky this is ur first time in years experiencing this. Haha
My thought still hasn’t changed on this. Easy fix, take 2-3 full innings to warm a SP up fully and if they put him in before that his energy is super low along with confidence. And if u do want him up fully to use him his energy should get drained by double the normal speed to account for it. Simple easy fix. It’s ok to use a SP out of the bullpen but let’s handicapt it so it makes some sense in the long run.
New patch is brutal
@joshjays44 said in Zone hitting, PCI jumping:
No tips from me, I'm not a child, I don't play with the PCI on..let me go ask my little cousin, he might know...I'll be back.
Just curious why the PCI makes a player a child? Last I checked zone hitting is the highest skill level of hitting. I know it’s an attempt at trolling just don’t understand it.
Yea I have to agree with the caronavirus stuff. I work in health care and it took my a second to stop and be like Oo yea they don’t have a job that’s considered essential so they are probably not able to get into the office where they might to more patching and talking together. Do I think they could still do a lot of this from home? Absolutely. But do I think we all need to just realize it may take till after April 30th or when these bans get lifted to get some better patches. I have my moments of getting mad but end of the day it’s just a game, non of us are making money off of it, so take a breath and wait. We have months of gaming to come. Just a two cents thought
I more just get annoyed that the second you get confortable hitting and start being consistent they change everything so that the guys on twitch who dictate the game complain about stupid stuff and they drop everything to fix it for them. If you don’t listen to me at all SDS I wouldn’t care but please just add a patch that adds more strike calls. I’ll always Be a good hitter but u need to help pitching out cause anything in the zone gets roped as it should. But it allows ppl to just sit sit sit and never have to like react to a 2 strike count on a ball close
Haha just lost a game to a dude was up 4-0 on him in an event game. He battled back to 4-2 bottom 3. Had one out guys on first and second forced him into an easy fly out to center field. He noticed that my Center fielder wasn’t locking on to the fly ball so he sent everyone home and guy who hit it ovb was mondesi so sent him to third. So 1 out guy on third now I walk next guy. He has Glayber up pinch hits to yelich on the bench cause when u are already a gold player u have no life and every player. I even requested a friendly when he tied it 4-4 to counter the error he made no attempt. So I forced him to pop out but u can’t throw mondosi out from CF so he won. Just such a grimy way to win. I get it’s a game and what ever but are people that thirsty for a win they can’t even accept friendlys on that type of [censored] anymore. Haha but I knew I wasn’t gonna get a friendly from him anyway cause he started 99 Kline’s and only threw high sinkers so u know he’s a plug. Haha that being said it be nice if the community would recognize when the game fucks someone and like accept a friendly or ask for it. And please fix OF lock on
Lol where’s the trolls in the chat to drop the “happens in real baseball” line to all the real baseball guys right now
It’s April 14th just breath ppl. Be thankful that your healthy and having the opportunity to play this game at an unreal pace because of the stay at home orders. Problems are there but they will be fixed. They would have been better off dropping another beta then the full game right now. We will all be ok I’d say if this game is in the same place by May then it’s time to demand answers. End of the day everyone it’s a video game, enjoy it or don’t but don’t make it something u dwell on constantly. Two cents stay healthy mentally and physically.
@Nats19Champions said in Online play has become a disaster:
No, I didn't "lose." I was winning handily. And you make it seem like I just turned the game off the moment it froze; I waited a FULL HOUR. Amazing that anyone would defend this garbage.
Haha he’s not defending anything. These so called freeze outs happen once and awhile. The game doesn’t take into account whose winning or losing. The game still thinks both players are connected despite the freeze. So which ever player decides to just say screw this and turn there game off or reset loses the game. Score has no merit. It’s really just a cheeky way for a person losing to snag a W because normally they have 0 life and will just leave there PS4 on that frozen screen for hours if not days until the other gives up. It sucks but that’s what happen. Been in ur shoes before.
@Nats19Champions said in Online play has become a disaster:
It’s not just one game.
Haha it still a video game at the end of the day. Do you get paid to play it? If the answer is no then it’s ok. It sucks I know but still it’s a VIDEO GAME. We all feel the same as u but there’s nothing else to do. Maybe one day they will solve the problem but as of now u either sit there and wait it out and play Zero games until the other person quits or u say [censored] that sucks and move on. Trust me I’m as competitive as the next person but I remind myself daily that I’m not getting paid to play and it will be ok.
@GradektheBard said in #1 Player in the World's Thoughts on MLB The Show 20:
So, the biggest critic of 1.04 all of a sudden (even yesterday he was critical during stream) all of a sudden has a change of heart? Hmmmm, that’s not fishy.
Haha SDS prob through him a couple million stubs to change his mind.
@squishiesgirl said in PATCH THE STRIKE ZONE:
Get used to it...their preparing for robot umps
But if they were prepping for Robot umps then when u dot the line or even a thread crosses the plate it’s a strike. Ur agreeing by not agreeing haha
My thoughts on why strike zone tweaking would have a big effect is, ppl complain pitchers don’t hit there spots and guys just blast everything but by tweaking strikezone guys who sit on anything close and get rewarded cause it’s never a strike cal on the black will have to start swinging and reacting which in turn helps to fix hitting as a whole.
To make an argument always in these chats that “happens in real baseball” is kinda worthless when more then half the things that do happen in this VIDEO GAME arnt like real life. I like this game a lot def has is downsides more then upsides right now but just a few patches a fixes away. I was just stating how the hr was funny and how my guys just got robbed right after on a lot better contact.
Yea I honestly think the output they are giving isn’t what the input is. Like I think those early squared ul hRs are actually perfects. I think they changed something with there hitting algorithm and it’s spitting out incorrect outputs. So it’s kind of a catch 22 because people aren’t getting the results they want from the outputs they are seeing but I think it’s just not what there input was. They need to fix it at some point.
Mlb the Sinker 20
Inconsistent hitting is back with update 1.04
Twitch Drops Update for 4/13 Players League Streams
Online play has become a disaster
You're down by three...
Inconsistent hitting is back with update 1.04
Zone hitting, PCI jumping
No way SDS does much testing on game or patches
Inconsistent hitting is back with update 1.04
Outfielder lock on
Players tournament
Twitch Drops Update for 4/13 Players League Streams
Online play has become a disaster
Online play has become a disaster
#1 Player in the World's Thoughts on MLB The Show 20
Forum as a whole
Haha comical
Perfect/Perfect Foul Ball