Remember everyone BB/9 is still the main factor for accuracy so please dont be mad when you get perfect pitch input with a 50 BB/9 pitcher and it doesn't go where you want it to go.
@ComebackLogic said in Fielding is Awesome!!:
There you go, check it out.BuT tHaT hAppEnS iN bASebALl
Getting hit by pitches during moments is infuriating lol. I'm willing to bet no one has ever been hbp on moments where you just need to get on base X amount of times.
If you finish the Nationals collection, you get Vlad and I think he's great. I have alot of bad Batting averages on my team online, but I'm batting 360+ with him in a pretty good sample size. Decent speed and cannon arm of course.
Nothing about outfielders not locking in and missing easy flyballs? This happened last year and they fixed it, why is it taking so long to fix this?
I was hoping for some flashbacks, like postseason, allstar, etc. Some future stars is good too but not all but that's just my opinion. I dont really care for prospects. It's cool what we have now but I like playing with the known live players and throwback players.
Yea just had a conquest game not count, can't imagine losing a showdown like that ugh. I'm putting the game down for a few days until everything gets ironed out.
Happened alot today. I thought maybe because it was soto and vlad and they aren't the best fielders but it happened to grandy in center on a routine flyball. So frustrating. It's happened to my opponents also and I feel for them lol
I would love if we can choose an inning to work on down the road. Choose inning and all program stars you get from RS, BR, conquest etc go towards it. This way people dont feel rushed and can play at their pace. I just make sure to get the 300, everything after that is bonus.
@bhall09 said in Patch 1.05:
I mentioned this somewhere else, but if they want to make perfect-perfect tough to do, I'm fine with that. And whatever they want to call the next best outcome (good-good, I think, or good-squared up?) that is fine too. But hopefully this exit velocity switch makes those good-good, and good-squared up a bit more rewarding. I think that's the thing. I still get perfect-perfect a few times a game. I'm OK with that. But if good-good is the next best thing, it should still be giving us some good exit velocities; hard hits and decent results.
I agree but the attributes are all in play. All things equal, then yes, a good/good or whatever should have a higher percentage hit. Otherwise what is the point of all of the per 9's.
I needed 1 more hit and Garrett hits me and I fail the mission lol. Had to put it out there because my wife didn't care.
Another Trout, Salmon, and Catfish
The line out to first base double play happens so much, especially in showdown lol. I would love to know how many times that happens yearly in real life out of curiosity.
You can exchange or quick sell duplicates now! Patch tonight. Also fixing missions that weren't tracking.
Have to appease all of the people crying over not being rewarded enough last year.
@DirtySixThirty91 said in Do NOT download the new patch if your Offline Franchise players!:
Your argument is invalid you can see the window you have to change the setting off of auto. It clearly says that in the patch notes that I read every time one drops. You know so I know what changes and how to fix it if something changes.
Some offline franchise players like playing auto fielding, that is what he is talking about I think.
You can sell him back when you're done so why not. He's doing good for me so far in center and RF.
I was pitching with plesac and commentary plesac was hyping himself up so hard, was hilarious
Mr big ol bucket of sassy himself
I can't stand Virgil Discount, it's such a terrible song
Patch 1.05
Fielding is Awesome!!
Extreme! Walk edition
I need a new RF
Update alert.
Future Stars
Showdowns not counting
Lost again because CF didnt lock on to a fly ball
How are you supposed to hit 1000 stars?
Patch 1.05
Jackie Robinson Moment
7th inning program
Those line out double plays
This game has the worst pitching ever
Do NOT download the new patch if your Offline Franchise players!
RF placeholder
88 mph changeup.
Best LH Relievers?
That deleter song