535 with captain Greg Vaughn in Lichtenstein's stadium. You hit absolute bombs there.

Just had 2 conquest games crash back to back...in between innings I believe.
As of yesterday stats weren't accumulating for certain players for TA season 1. Looked like certain players I'd be able to compete but the 42 series players stats were stuck.
Aaron Hicks for me
@go4stros25_psn said in Bunting seems so much worse this year:
@raesone_psn said in Bunting seems so much worse this year:
Bunt defense never worked. You gotta manually bring the 2B down to play 'in' and bring the 3B down the play 'bunt defense'. Nobody will successfully bunt to get on this way. Thank me later.
Awesome advice. Quick question however. So I know how to shift into bunt defense, but how do I switch to bunt defense and then manually move my second baseman in?
Press down to bring up the menu, then press triangle on PS. Not sure about Xbox. Then on that menu you can scroll over to individual batters and arrange your infield accordingly.
If he goes diamond, does is price go up from here? Or do we think there are going to be too many in circulation and he will be a quicksell?
Bogaerts to diamond for sure. I'm hoping woodruff and Lynn too.
I wouldn't trust anything in the game right now, I'd just enjoy that vacation! But to answer, yes I have pulled diamonds on my phone in the past. It's the same as the console.
The line out to first base double play happens so much, especially in showdown lol. I would love to know how many times that happens yearly in real life out of curiosity.
Yep. Even after the program ends, you can complete the collection and the xp will go towards 1st inning.
Yea just had a conquest game not count, can't imagine losing a showdown like that ugh. I'm putting the game down for a few days until everything gets ironed out.
Just happened to me as of 1030 am est
I just found this late last night so you're probably right.
Try backing out to the main menu, then go back to the player you canceled and view completed orders and the stubs come back. Tried it with a few bronzes on the live collection page. Canceled and the stubs didn't come back. Backed out then went back in to the live collection page, found the player I canceled, and went to complete orders. Sorry it's hard to explain when I type it.
Someone said it won't come up until the 20th when everyone has access.
Injury Shminjury
@rsmithdome735 said in All I have left is the three homer game, so close:
@derfturf0530 said in All I have left is the three homer game, so close:
You can do it! I just sat middle low and crushed his sinker. It took me a bunch of tries but I used these fails to really see the strike zone and have a better eye because of how wild he is. Also dont quit after 1st at bat. IMO, it adds more pressure.
Hit mine on first third and fourth at bat.
You can do it! I just sat middle low and crushed his sinker. It took me a bunch of tries but I used these fails to really see the strike zone and have a better eye because of how wild he is. Also dont quit after 1st at bat. IMO, it adds more pressure.
Getting hit by pitches during moments is infuriating lol. I'm willing to bet no one has ever been hbp on moments where you just need to get on base X amount of times.
They bumped him down against lefties last update and since then he's homered off of madbum and last night had a hit or two with an rbi vs An astros lefty. I believe he will get those attribute points back and go diamond.
Your longest HR this year
Bug report ?
K’s online for TA points not working
Cap swing
Bunting seems so much worse this year
Time to speculate
Packs online
Those line out double plays
Team Affinity
Showdowns not counting
2 Conquest games lost
When you lose stubs from canceling orders
When you lose stubs from canceling orders
Offline Market
Eric Gagne King of Blown Leads
All I have left is the three homer game, so close
All I have left is the three homer game, so close
Extreme! Walk edition
Corey Seager