@papafat_psn said in TheShow22 Tech test:
Of course NO RTTS in the Tech Test. I have bought, pre ordered The Show for over 10 years. I like playing RTTS. I want more then ONE player I DONT WANT, to have a two way player that one day is an Ace who can’t hit or run or field. Then the next day he is a speed daemon stealing bases and slugging 500. It is stupid unrealistic and just flat out suck. Despite pre ordering the most expensive edition last year, I stoped playing it in a month their was no way to make TWO players. Dont say their is. No matter what do you have one player that you can start over. STUIP because you are so much better then anyone in the minors.
I know the Diamond dynasty is the $$ maker but for god sake, dont take features away from RTTS, just add other option. Not buying 22 until I read the comments and watch for a monthly trial
Pissed Off RTTS Player
We’ll see what they do with RTTS. They really wanted people to test out co-op mode. If they allow too many options it would just reduce the feedback for what they’re looking for.