
It might not be a user issue.
I’ve seen more posts then usual about disconnects, and I’ve NEVER had disconnect issues.
Until the last few days. My speeds are always very good and my Xbox Series S is wired.
I’ve disconnected my last 3 games. Zero issues all game than 6 or 7 innings in, I get one long freeze…then I’m back for about 39 seconds…then disconnect.
Has never happened before.
@Tuke7-1_MLBTS said in Would removing Outlier improve the game?:
To really improve the game, SDS needs to do away with the 125 attributes. I understand some of these cards are based on the individual player's best season but it has gotten WAY out of hand. Instead of basing a card on a player's best single season, use an aggregate of their best 3 or 5 seasons. If you want to keep the 125 attribute that's fine but only a handful of cards should have a attribute of 100 and above. Ruth, Cobb, Mantle, etc..are players who merit a high attribute rating. Ji-Man Choi should NEVER have 116 contact & 115 power. The game has become very watered down with cards carrying highly unrealistic attribute ratings IMO.
I agree. Maybe…maybe allow it to go to 110. With that being for Hall of Fame level ability.
Like Gwynn and Boggs would have 105-110 Vison. Ruth and Aaron 105-110 Pow depending on the card.
All the juiced ratings makes most LS cards unplayable. Even if you don’t mind a small disadvantage…
But…they are playing the the community. Let’s face it the majority still like to play this game as a HR Derby simulator.
They like “nukes” and they like Strikeouts.
@nymets1987_PSN said in I think they messed up giving 99s as early as they did.:
The only issue I see with 99s is everyone thinks every program should be 99s now which it seems more so programs are now there to help build set collections more so than god squads
Yes. Too many people assumed that 99s at launch would also mean that the game would have the same progression it had before. That’s not possible and completely illogical. But…some of these dudes aren’t exactly rocket surgeons.
You can’t start with 99s and then progress to better 99s and even better 99s after that.
But some people are stuck in that same mindset…and when things change, they get mad.
They did 99s at launch for one reason…to make more money.
More specifically, they did it to increase revenue at the beginning of the game cycle right after launch.
Let me explain what I mean…
Remember when this game comes out…
End of March/early April. That’s 6 months after NBA 2K comes out, so it’s run it’s course by then with most players.
Madden comes out about 4.5 months later.
That gives them a solid 4 months to really make profits as the newest sports game/ultimate teams mode out there.
99s at launch created excitement and interest…and likely increased sales of the game and Game Pass downloads.
Just speaking about the sales part of things, it’s always better for SDS to sell a copy of the game (especially digital) for $70 at launch then it is to sell a copy of the game later at a sale price.
Revenue also comes from selling Stubs. The early 99 cards enticed people to spend more on Stubs at launch. They had to in order to buy some of the best cards without grinding their life away.
They also bought Stubs to complete the LS collections. The best time to sell Stubs for that is early in the game cycle when LS cards still have the most value.
This is also the reason they took some of the most popular players and made them the LS rewards like Jeter, McGwire, and Sosa.
Doing it like this, they try to MAXIMIZE their profits before a large portion of the player BASE jumps over to Madden. The most loyal Show players will stick around after that, and the ones who spend money, will continue to do so. But If they don’t get money from the players who jump ship in August in that “window” they won’t have a chance to until MLB 24.
@genopolanco_PSN said in Agree or disagree?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Agree or disagree?:
@genopolanco_PSN said in Agree or disagree?:
I actually like this more “pay to win” structure. I think it’s a lot better than anyone being able to get any card by just putting in a few hours of grinding. It makes certain cards actually mean something to have and it makes people have to sacrifice to use certain cards. This is one of the few ways to actually get some lineup diversity for most people (the highly competitive will always use similar cards). I prefer this way much more than everyone getting a 99 Kluber or Kershaw day one and only competing because they were getting overpowered cards, free and easy.
My issue with content is this Set structure and having cards expire. That was only implemented to force people to spend more stubs. I won’t be convinced otherwise. If they left the Sets out of it, I would have no issue with how much cards cost.
Do you really feel like it’s increased lineup diversity, though?
Is that why I play against WBC Lindor every game since launch? And why I’ve faced Bob Gibson too many times to count?
I get it. The best players are going to get used the most.
These new changes were supposed to increase lineup diversity…but I’m not sure they have. I guess when Season 3 hits…we won’t see many Set 1 cards. But…we’all all just see the same Meta cards from Sets 2 and 3.
Why not find a way to increase lineup diversity without putting an expiration date on cards?
A capped mode would do that. Not in Ranked but for anyone else who wants to play a baseball video game where roster construction strategy actually matters and lineups aren’t just 13 5-tool 99s and 13 unhittable 99 pitchers.
There will never be that much lineup diversity in these games because people are sheep. Monkey see, monkey do. But I can say it was a lot worse when everyone was given guys like 99 JRam and 99 Kluber.
I don’t support the expiration of the cards though. I’ve been vocal about that since March. I’m just supporting the more pay to win system rather than everyone get any card they want for little to nothing.
I’m with you. The changes do fix “problems” that existed in previous years of DD.
But they fail to fix the bigger problem where 98% of cards are basically just binder fodder/filler.
A capped mode solves that issue and levels the playing field, while also allowing us to build teams around a certain play “style”.
Without restrictions, a meta forms and almost everyone feels forced to follow it. With a cap or restrictions you could actually try different rosters built around different styles.
Speed and defense. Power hitters and power pitchers. Ground ball pitchers with slick fielding infielders and maybe lots of contact hitters in a large home ballpark.
5 dominant starters. Or guys who can get you 5 solid innings and with a loaded bullpen. Or just your average everyday “balanced” team.
It brings a “Moneyball” aspect to building a DD roster for online play that doesn’t currently exist in the game.
@Dolenz_PSN said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
@genopolanco_PSN said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
@DoIHearBossMusic_MLBTS said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
@eatyum_PSN said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
I love to grind, I love to chase after things, I need goals to keep me entertained. Now I don't think the gameplay itself is awful, but it's not enough to keep me playing like I used to. Some people love the new reward structure, some don't.
I'm in the camp of I like the attempt of something different, but when they pulled the line, "We noticed people were finishing the ws program and selling the rewards to use the stubs elsewhere", I get it, that was happening and you want to reward players who make it to WS by getting to 900 but it's obviously between the lines to was 'well they didn't need to buy stubs they were getting it from rewards".
I still play, I don't think I'll ever quit, but my days don't consist of 5-7 hours on my day off playing mlbts anymore
Doesn't help that the Cardinals are absolute cheeks this year, it's bleeding into my lack of enthusiasm for the game lol
This is part of my problem too.
I may tap out on July the 7th or soon afterwards when I see what the options are for the new season. Right now I am looking at such a downgrade to my Cardinals Theme team that it is disheartening.
There are only four set 2 Cardinals cards that I don't have yet.
Miles Mikolas - I have failed miserably on the Incognito Showdowns which I feel is mandatory to get him since he is later in the program. It is a No Sell card so I can't buy it.
Joe Torre - Same issue. I tried the Kaiju showdown three times tonight and failed all three times and lost stubs in the process since you now need to defeat 6 bosses to break even (earlier this season it was 4). This is another No Sell card.
I will be honest and say that, even as a lifelong cardinal fan, neither of the two above players move the needle much for me which makes the thought of grinding for them painful.
Paul Goldschmidt (Gold Captain) - At least I can buy this one as I am not sure that a complete Mini Season run is grind worthy of a 92 overall Gold Captain.
90 Stan Musial - I already have the 99 version.
I am losing
99 Edmonds
99 Gibson
99 Smith
99 Walker
99 Wainwright (and Captain Wainwright at P4)
97 Lee Smith
97 Tommy Edman
95 Paul Goldschmidt
95 Nolan Arenado
95 Matt Carpenter
90 Tyler O'Neill (one of the few with a replacement card)
90 Lars NootbaarSet two has given us one 99 (Musial), two 97s (Brock and Helsley), one 96 (Mikolas), one 95 (Torre) and six cards between 90-94 (Graceffo, Contreras, O'Neill, McGwire (he of sub 80 contact and 53 vision), Gorman, Goldschmidt)
I feel you man. My Rockies TT is going to take a massive hit too. 9 position players and my 2 best bullpen arms.
I have a little faith because we’re guaranteed to get at least 3 new players with TA and still some time left in Season 2. But only 1 wildcard is a letdown and idk if it’s just me or the Rockies content but Set 2 feels a lot weaker than Set 1 was for me.
Set 2 looks definitely weaker. I mean just look at the difference in 99 overall players that I list above. Cardinals had five in Set 1 and only one in Set 2.
Set 1 was definitely helped by so many Cardinal Players going to the WBC and getting diamond cards. There were six of them.
Honesty, I think this is because they decided to do 99s from day 1 at the last minute and just pushed out the cards and programs they had planned for later on. What else explains having a HR Derby set months before the actual HR Derby?
If I had to guess, they also did some of this strategically to try and boost sales of the game and Stubs.
They know they have a window for this game…right as baseball starts and the NBA winds down…and before people jump into NFL.
In the video game world, that means rolling out as NBA 2K and MyTeam starts to fade out and before Madden and Ultimate Team launches.
I’m sure SDS has all the metrics and analytics of when and who buys the game and Stubs. Plus they are obviously going to make more money on copies of the game sold at FULL price at launch then they will months later at a discount.
As far as Stubs go, it’s likely the same. Front load the drops of the best cards at the start…because that is when the largest amount of players are most engaged…and it’s before LS cards flood the market and still have some value.
The harder and more Stub intensive it is to lock in all the LS cards, the more likely players will buy Stubs. That way they get Sosa, McGwire, Jeter before everyone else…and have an advantage.
I also expect to see something we don’t expect with Season 3. Something that will try to encourage players to buy Stubs, but it will be done stealthily and sold to everyone that it’s being done for a different reason.
Most of us already realize that coming up on the end of Season 2, we’re likely going to see a run on Set 1 cards flooding the market as players try to cash out on Set 1 cards they own but haven’t collected. And once it starts, the market will likely move very quickly. That’s just supply and demand.
The amount of value in the DD “economy” that will be destroyed in a matter of days will be huge.
What I mean is this…Set 1 cards that have consistently sold for a high Stub amount will drop exponentially in value.
A player who paid 150k Stubs for a card a few weeks ago, will then only be able to sell that card for maybe 50k. Meaning the basically paid 100k Stubs to RENT that card for a few weeks.
Players will then have to decide whether to eat the Stub loss or just keep the card.
This destruction of value is nothing but a good thing for SDS. Partner that with it being harder to make Stubs just playing the game, harder to make Stubs flipping, and harder to make Stubs by pulling a high value card from a pack…and you don’t have to be a genius to see what’s going on.
@genopolanco_PSN said in Agree or disagree?:
I actually like this more “pay to win” structure. I think it’s a lot better than anyone being able to get any card by just putting in a few hours of grinding. It makes certain cards actually mean something to have and it makes people have to sacrifice to use certain cards. This is one of the few ways to actually get some lineup diversity for most people (the highly competitive will always use similar cards). I prefer this way much more than everyone getting a 99 Kluber or Kershaw day one and only competing because they were getting overpowered cards, free and easy.
My issue with content is this Set structure and having cards expire. That was only implemented to force people to spend more stubs. I won’t be convinced otherwise. If they left the Sets out of it, I would have no issue with how much cards cost.
Do you really feel like it’s increased lineup diversity, though?
Is that why I play against WBC Lindor every game since launch? And why I’ve faced Bob Gibson too many times to count?
I get it. The best players are going to get used the most.
These new changes were supposed to increase lineup diversity…but I’m not sure they have. I guess when Season 3 hits…we won’t see many Set 1 cards. But…we’all all just see the same Meta cards from Sets 2 and 3.
Why not find a way to increase lineup diversity without putting an expiration date on cards?
A capped mode would do that. Not in Ranked but for anyone else who wants to play a baseball video game where roster construction strategy actually matters and lineups aren’t just 13 5-tool 99s and 13 unhittable 99 pitchers.
The fact that some Captains kinda suck with the boosts they give is one issue with theme teams.
And NO Captain boost at ANY tier should give you a NEGATIVE to an attribute.
I have no issue with them being on the long side.
But…when you make them long AND you put a deadline on when the cards can be used (Sets)…then I think that’s a problem.
@allday9128_PSN said in Legends Event is an awful setup:
Yeah I really wish they would get more creative with the event setups. I think for this considering that the top overall from the fathers day program is a 97 and the 12 win reward for this event is a 97, that this would've been a good event to cap the max overall for player at 97.
And maybe even cap the team overall at 95. To actually get people to use different cards, which they basically said was a main focus of the game mode this year.
Agree. What’s the point of these Events if everyone basically uses the SAME lineups?
Exactly why we need more CAPPED Events…and a Capped 9 inning mode.
Would bring a level of actual strategy to the roster construction part of DD.
And if people don’t like it…they can just stick with Ranked.
BR is popular. Events can be popular. Why not give us a 9 inning version of BR where instead of drafting, we build a lineup with the cards we have but with an OVR cap or some type of restrictions?
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in Kerry Wood:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Kerry Wood:
Just use the Wood LS captain and load your staff with Cubs LS pitchers for one game…and you get a better Kerry Wood.
Holy poo. I had to check this. 35k per 9, 25 pclutch, 15 hit per 9. This maxes k per 9 at 125, pclt 125, h/9 105. Too bad ya gotta use 9 live series pitchers to get this bonus
True. But…Wood counts as one, I think.
And if you put 4 starters on the roster, you only need 4 in the pen…which still gives you 4 solid bullpen options. And if Wood doesn’t count, you still have 3.
And with the boosts, you could probably steal an inning here or there with Stroman, Steele, Smyly, Leiter, or Alzolay…if Wood got rocked. Or just quit.
Then leave Wood in your rotation…and take all the LS Cubs out. Or have a lineup set with all the Cubs and just bounce between every 5th game.
That Wood is really good. Plus, you’re probably gonna P3 him quickly…and likely P5 him after less than 10 games. And then he’s even better.
Just use the Wood LS captain and load your staff with Cubs LS pitchers for one game…and you get a better Kerry Wood.
We can’t see them…they’re “incognito”.
The other thing we can’t see is their names on the screen when it shows who is coming up next inning!
@eatyum_PSN said in Some stuff I'm slowly realizing:
I love to grind, I love to chase after things, I need goals to keep me entertained. Now I don't think the gameplay itself is awful, but it's not enough to keep me playing like I used to. Some people love the new reward structure, some don't.
I'm in the camp of I like the attempt of something different, but when they pulled the line, "We noticed people were finishing the ws program and selling the rewards to use the stubs elsewhere", I get it, that was happening and you want to reward players who make it to WS by getting to 900 but it's obviously between the lines to was 'well they didn't need to buy stubs they were getting it from rewards".
I still play, I don't think I'll ever quit, but my days don't consist of 5-7 hours on my day off playing mlbts anymore
Their poor decisions have made this mode stale and boring.
They’ve created a mode that even some of their most loyal fans don’t have FUN PLAYING.
The mode needs to be FUN.
The common theme I keep reading here and elsewhere like Reddit and Twitter is that players don’t find it fun.
Monetize the game all you want…as long as some of the profits are going back into the game to make it BETTER, it’s a good thing for all of us.
But if it’s not fun…strategic…interesting…immersive…entertaining…etc…people aren’t going to enjoy it. And then they aren’t going to play.
They’ve taken the whole “comp” thing way to seriously and catered to the top 2% of players who play this game and mode far too heavily.
That’s what happens when you decide at the last minute to drop 99s on day 1 and push up the timeline on a bunch of players.
I’m more and more convinced this is what happened.
Loved Grace and how he played the game.
His interviews on Jim Rome were epic…which is where the “slump buster” story came from, I’m like 99% sure.
And Slump Buster would be the ONLY “Incognito” card I’d ever use.
Not sure his card would be popular though. Didn’t have much power.
@Pergo_MLBTS said in Major Misses by SDS in 23: A Show Lover's Take:
If we're now at the point where the complaint is that every Perfect/Perfect should result in a hit then what you are saying is that you don't think The Show should be a baseball game.
I just don't understand the argument from some of these people at all.
The same thing happens in baseball. You barrel one with perfect timing and it's an OUT. And sometimes you miss one and it's a hit.
Even the best players in the world FAIL to get a hit roughly 70% of the time.
I understand that some people have never actually PLAYED baseball and might not understand how this works. But then you have people who claim to have played the game for "20 years" who don't like it?
That literally makes my brain hurt.
Let's just play Devil's Advocate...
If they did rely ONLY on input, the game would have to make major changes. Those changes would be in the direction of making the game much HARDER.
That would make the game almost unplayable for a large percentage of the player base. That's NOT a good thing.
And it would make the game completely UNLIKE baseball...which is the game it's supposed to be trying to mimic.
And for what...?
So a few hundred "comp" players can figure out who the best in the world is at moving a PCI and timing a swing.
Hard pass.
It feels like they have Speed worked out well for baserunning, but it is overpowered when it comes to fielding.
It almost feels like they need a separate rating for Fielding Speed….or even better…call it Range.
Anyone else feel like this is a problem?
Even with infielders it feels like Speed has too big of an effect.
Especially at 2B and SS. No matter how slick a fielder is, if his speed is low…he becomes almost unplayable.
The truth is these streamers don’t care about anything but MONEY.
Just look at how many of them posted videos the last couple days for Super Mega Baseball 4…
They took the bag from EA and even got their own likeness in the game too!
HR Derby Simulator
Loss connection
Would removing Outlier improve the game?
I think they messed up giving 99s as early as they did.
I think they messed up giving 99s as early as they did.
Agree or disagree?
Some stuff I'm slowly realizing
Agree or disagree?
Anyone else doing theme team?
Remember what REAL grinds were like?
Legends Event is an awful setup
Kerry Wood
Kerry Wood
Incognito players we might see…
Some stuff I'm slowly realizing
Where's Mark Grace?
Major Misses by SDS in 23: A Show Lover's Take
Speed and Fielding
NMS YouTubers