DD would be much better if they chose one difficulty for all pvp and stick to it. My recommendation would be HOF.

@Dolenz_PSN said in I Have Zero Interest:
Come on, it should be fun with chat losing their minds.
- Complaining that some average player on their favorite team should be a diamond.
- Complaining that players on their most hated teams are rated too highly.
- Not realizing there is more to pitcher ratings that ERA and Wins.
- Not realizing that there is more hitter ratings than Average and HRs.
- Accusing SDS of hating their team.
- and thousands of chat lines that are nothing more than "L"
To be honest I see cardinals fans doing the first one more than anyone else by far haha.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Two way player besides Ohtani:
I've been hoping to get Ricky Ankiel back, I know he is not a superstar, but he was a very solid overall
He was in the game a while back I’m pretty sure.
So you can’t get players without opening packs and can spend 1000 dollars without pulling the main card on a given weekend.
@soonermagic78_XBL said in Beta is up for pre download:
There are 2 different ones for Xbox one and Xbox x/s.
They need to stop with the last Gen. Just update the rosters on the old game for people that don’t go next Gen.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Gotta Give Credit When Due:
This community is still gonna be the same people complaining about new things on top of the old things they've been complaining about for years anyway.
Nah, the game has been the same or worse for years and years. Sure people will complain, but you can’t just throw that blanket statement out when SDS has been complacent as F.
@CCARR77_PSN said in Gotta Give Credit When Due:
The user didn't gain any more control. The new throwing meter is just more RNG. It looked the same to me except for the outfielders acting more stupid.
We'll see
They always talk a good game pre release and put the same product out. Maybe it will finally be different?
@DiddyKlunk_PSN said in New Console:
@go4stros25_PSN said in New Console:
@DiddyKlunk_PSN said in New Console:
@go4stros25_PSN said in New Console:
@Blind_Bleeder said in New Console:
I’ve never played on an Xbox so I can’t give you a suggestion based on gameplay. Since this is the only game you play, you may want to take into consideration that this is a Sony game.
That means absolutely nothing. Remember when we all found out that Xbox players were playing at 120hz, and ps5 players werent? The game is also basically free on gamepass.
I would go Xbox. If you would have told me that Xbox was going to buy Bethesda and that there would be only like 10 actual ps5 games over 2 years after release I wouldn't have bought a ps5. Right now the ps5 feels like a ps4 pro².
Any opinion on Xbox S vs X?
Idk I forget which one Is newer, but the newer one.
I think X is newer, my only concern is, is it worth it to shell out the extra couple hundred when I really play one or two games.
Depends on the screen you are playing on. If you are playing on a 1080P monitor the S is fine. If you have a 4K 120 Hz tv or monitor go Series X.
@ItsAmeMario64_MLBTS said in This will be the best experience we have ever had in The Show history.:
Not only because Jeter is now in the game but with the shift being gone and now being able to use a DH. The game will be flawless, I also think they will add attribute for theme teams kinda like Madden. I hope the gameplay team can get it together make the necessary changes.
I am against the theme team boosts and that type of thing. I enjoy the simplicity of the team building in MLB.
@kovz88_MLBTS said in New legends for 23:
Probably won’t get everyone excited but my top 2 would be David Wright and Johan Santana.
Yes, would love to see former Minnesota Twins great Johan Santana.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Do god Squads Ruin the Game?:
@eatyum_PSN said in Do god Squads Ruin the Game?:
No, it's the culmination of what we have been building all year, it just feels more empty bc we have nothing left to grind for
That’s what bugs me. You build all year and once you’ve collected all that you want, there’s nothing to do with them. I really like DD and am not as bothered by the gameplay because I’m not very skilled and don’t play online as much. But I do wish there was something to do in these last few months before the new game comes out.
Literally the only thing to do is go for top 50 in ranked seasons if you haven’t done that already.
To be honest it has for me. Not sure if I care to play next year after they killed the game with four months to go.
Could have had some intern hit the submit button on a new card for BR, RS and events every cycle.
Good grief…they really want you to play other games.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Looks like the end of new cards:
My guess is there will be no more Frank. His Award is great. If anyone deserves a better 99 it's Willie Mays. Maybe Gehrig.
But I am guessing the free gift will be a Finest Realmuto, Acuna, or Devers.
I disagree…with all these other cards with 125/125 contact power Big Frank needs a new card.
@eatyum_PSN said in Hopefully they are able to remove all of the slow game influencing animations for next year.:
If anything, fielder movement needs to be tuned down. If all fielders played at 100% hussle every play, it would turn into a miserable game tbh.
Super fielding and incorrect glitchy tag and throw animation are two separate issues.
Im not talking about every shortstop having the range of prime Ozzie, I am talking about when you are playing guys that run the bases aggressively and your players act like tee ball players the way they throw and tag. As someone else mentioned when throwing home the ball home the ball bounces got he first base side of the plate and the catcher receives the ball like a moron and waves has extended arm all the way out from the opposite side of the body to apply the tag.
It’s simple baseball stuff that would irritate anyone that had sniffed a Diamond passed grade school. No reason for it to still be in the game.
Still too many idiotic animations in the infield. Still awesome compared to five years ago but why can’t they get rid of all of the slow stupid tag/throw animations?
@TheHungryHole said in People are cheating somehow. I know they are.:
@BANGyourSOUL_XBL said in People are cheating somehow. I know they are.:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in People are cheating somehow. I know they are.:
“People are better at a video game than I am, must be cheating.”
Kovz is a whopping 2-0 in ranked seasons this year. His opinion rivals a cockroach’s opinion.
lol you're such a crybaby - expecting strangers on the internet to agree with you - everyone is laughing at you in this thread and you deserve to be walloped in RS again
Yeah no issues with 11 pci homeruns that make up all of the scoring. I guess it’s just bad luck, but I remember someone on here saying 12 pci rating and below means the ball isn’t even in the pci.
The ten guys on this [censored] forum that have been on here for ten years absolutely refuse to discuss this game’s shortcomings.
I don’t believe I have ever had a non pci bomb in ranked seasons let alone three straight to make up all the scoring in one game.
You morons realize some people do cheat and there are devices that cause the pci your cursor to vibrate or move rapidly which may confuse the game….ie cheating.
No I’m a cry baby that can’t take a loss and there is nothing to discuss ever.
@McNuggies600_MLBTS said in Why are all these elite WS players playing down?:
@TheHungryHole said in Why are all these elite WS players playing down?:
@pootiecat_PSN said in Why are all these elite WS players playing down?:
I’m not very good at the game and I’m currently grinding Randy. I usually sit in the 500s. Lately all I’ve been seeing is World Series banners and guys that smash. It’s very frustrating as I enjoy the games with opponents of my skill level. But because I need the innings I continue to get pounded. I’ve played RS since 17 and I’ve never seen craziness like this.
i've been doing this all year - it's because i hardly play at all - and it is super fun to feel like God for a minute and crush you guys in RS - i can barely get 9 innings in you all quit so fast out - 23-1 this year in RS so far lol
Be careful, you'll have all the women swooning, and the men straight 6 to midnight with game like that. I am half turned on myself by just how sexy your flex was.
I Have Zero Interest
Two way player besides Ohtani
I hope MLB turns in to 2K
Beta is up for pre download
Gotta Give Credit When Due
Gotta Give Credit When Due
New Console
This will be the best experience we have ever had in The Show history.
New legends for 23
Do god Squads Ruin the Game?
Has this horrid end to 2022 impacted your excitement for next season?
PS4 vs PS5?
How hard would it have been for SDS to create some cards in advance to keep the game interesting all year.
How hard would it have been for SDS to create some cards in advance to keep the game interesting all year.
Looks like the end of new cards
Hopefully they are able to remove all of the slow game influencing animations for next year.
Hopefully they are able to remove all of the slow game influencing animations for next year.
People are cheating somehow. I know they are.
Why are all these elite WS players playing down?