I am probably the worst online hitter in the show and I have played guys with 600 more wins than loses. I know before the first pitch is over I am going to lose. I play them until it's getting me upset to the point where I am not having fun and/or know I can't advance any of my programs. I won't dashboard anyone, but when I know it's over with zero chance I quit, wait until I have calmed down and start again.
I know when I first started posting on this site that I probably complained way too much. Not because I was looking for sympathy, but I wanted to vent. I realized I wasn't doing myself any favors and stopped. Perhaps it's time OP looked in the mirror and decided that maybe it's time to either accept he isn't very good and either move on to another game or do what actual major leaguers have to do. Adjust his gameplay. I know from personal experience it's not always easy, and sometimes not possible.
I stopped caring about my W-L record and instead am working on what I need to complete programs. At the end of the day this is not anywhere as important as some people make it out to be.