1.09 Patch Discussion
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@ThatRawChino said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@Collin_SDS One thing that I haven't seen many people talk about is pickoffs. In one day I had "successfully" picked off runners on 3 separate occasions (that is, the runner either tried to steal second on a lefty pick off or he was just caught on his heels). However, all 3 times the button accuracy was cued up even though I would never get the opportunity to make sure that I got the bar in the green for an accurate throw. This resulted in errors that would ultimately give the runner an extra base when they should have been out.
I don't know if this is a change to this year from past years where pick offs didn't require buttons-accuracy input, but I think it's more likely a bug that needs to be fixed. The fact that it pretty much defaults to bad throws has made me hesitant to pickoff which gives baserunners a strong advantage as they know I won't be doing much to hold them on.
I too ran into this issue in a game today cost me a run and extended the inning which my opponent hit a hr.
I played 2 games today and routine fly balls seemed good but there were 2 times where my outfielders had a play at the wall and they didn’t even put there gives up.
as the old saying goes one step forward. lets hope the next patch isnt 2 steps back like 1.04 was
@GOtexas1 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
and another...
That's okay, he just pulled a Jose Canseco...totally normal, game is very realistic.
@jimmy_polski said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Still not pulling diamonds and my credit card is maxed what should I so SDS pleas help I am a diamond pack pulling addict
Online Casual noobs always falls for microtransactions with video games.
@CapnBob78 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@Ron_DiGittie said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Just lost an events game because of the fielding issues. Luckily it’s not anything that has been complained about but here we go for the first time.
I’m on defense, runner on 1st 1 out. Batter smokes a ball to Rizzo at first and he snags it, steps on the bag at first for the first out. I throw the ball to second, not to get the double play, but for the tag out, which should have happened. It didn’t. Gleyber got the ball, tagged the bag (not a force so no out) and continued his animation turning 2 towards first. Played baseball from age 5-23 and I’ve always wanted to scream “TAG” during this play and I did at home in this situation. Guy was obviously safe, so alright we move on, 2 out guy on second.
Next batter fotf Santana goes deep over the wall in RF.
Should’ve gotten the 3rd out of the inning but I guess the “TAG” play from 1B to 2B isn’t a “unique fielding situation” that this patch is trying to fix.
Let’s get the main fielding issues fixed and maybe someone in future patches the “TAG” situation can work
Did you preload the throw back to 1st? If so, then that’s why he didn’t tag the runner... not a game issue as you say, but as the user you can’t use the normal double play button sequence for an unusual play.
I did not preload the throw. The animation of Rizzo stepping on first was weird because his momentum was carried so much Cuz the ball was smoked. Saw that that first play was made and just pressed triangle to throw second and there was never a tag animation
@DriveByTrucker17 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@JustASeal0 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
It's much better, not perfect, but definitely better
This is a step in the right direction
It seems people are completely ignoring the part where they said fielding was improved (not fixed) and that there’s still more fielding patches to be released.
It's not designed to be perfect
@phillydave35 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@Ron_DiGittie said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
Just lost an events game because of the fielding issues. Luckily it’s not anything that has been complained about but here we go for the first time.
I’m on defense, runner on 1st 1 out. Batter smokes a ball to Rizzo at first and he snags it, steps on the bag at first for the first out. I throw the ball to second, not to get the double play, but for the tag out, which should have happened. It didn’t. Gleyber got the ball, tagged the bag (not a force so no out) and continued his animation turning 2 towards first. Played baseball from age 5-23 and I’ve always wanted to scream “TAG” during this play and I did at home in this situation. Guy was obviously safe, so alright we move on, 2 out guy on second.
Next batter fotf Santana goes deep over the wall in RF.
Should’ve gotten the 3rd out of the inning but I guess the “TAG” play from 1B to 2B isn’t a “unique fielding situation” that this patch is trying to fix.
Let’s get the main fielding issues fixed and maybe someone in future patches the “TAG” situation can work
how about waiting until the patch is live before making the assumption this scenario wasn't included
Saw the patch notes last night and didn’t see anything about that situation. Assumption, guess, inference, all the same and don’t matter.
@GOtexas1 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
I just had a situation in an events game on a blooper that was hit between the second baseman and right fielder.
My second baseman was sprinting towards the ball (from his position to RF) and easily got to it in time, but failed to react and it hit him in the back. Unfortunately, I don't record every game because of storage capacity, but I think you get the picture.
I had this happen too in a conquest game. Still way too many ground balls being bobbled or not fielded at all, in my time time playing showdown, conquest and MTO today.
@Captain_Chegster said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@T-Rox_09 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
See guys?, the ones complaining and making silly posts about fielding will never get fixed?.....use this post to apologize
Please ban this hot pocket eating, offline playing wannabe troll.
How is this trolling?, the majority of you guys complained constantly that the game is garbage and made multiple threads screaming from the hilltops wanting refunds and saying SDS is slacking off and don't care bla bla bla. Now what are you gonna complain about now? go head, make something up. Why don't you man up and use this post to apologize for all the doubts and accusations you guys made.
Are you serious? They released a patch last time saying it would fix fielding and they didn’t.
You say what else is there to complain about?
- Inconsistent hitting feedback
- Pitching accuracy issues - serving up meatball homeruns on good input
- High sinkers
- Facing 99 Kluber every friggin game!
- Homerun or Bust feeling
- Perfect/Perfect is a double play/warning track shot but a Good/Okay is a homerun blast into the upper deck
- Base-runners running like they’re on ice
- Changing hitting when it was near perfect in beta / 1st week.
- Lying to us that skill will matter more than ever this year.
There’s more to complain about but I’m tired of it at this point.
That number 9 tho
This game has been a disappointment since the start. My ketel marte just randomly floats by a ball in the outfield no attempt at even stopping under the ball indicator. Then my opponent gets a similar fly ball with bronze fielder Reggie Jackson and has no trouble ? I’m not asking for perfection just some sense of continuity and consistency in gameplay. It’s getting ridiculous.
@Captain_Chegster said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@T-Rox_09 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
@joshjays44 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
See guys?, the ones complaining and making silly posts about fielding will never get fixed?.....use this post to apologize
Please ban this hot pocket eating, offline playing wannabe troll.
How is this trolling?, the majority of you guys complained constantly that the game is garbage and made multiple threads screaming from the hilltops wanting refunds and saying SDS is slacking off and don't care bla bla bla. Now what are you gonna complain about now? go head, make something up. Why don't you man up and use this post to apologize for all the doubts and accusations you guys made.
Are you serious? They released a patch last time saying it would fix fielding and they didn’t.
You say what else is there to complain about?
- Inconsistent hitting feedback
- Pitching accuracy issues - serving up meatball homeruns on good input
- High sinkers
- Facing 99 Kluber every friggin game!
- Homerun or Bust feeling
- Perfect/Perfect is a double play/warning track shot but a Good/Okay is a homerun blast into the upper deck
- Base-runners running like they’re on ice
- Changing hitting when it was near perfect in beta / 1st week.
- Lying to us that skill will matter more than ever this year.
There’s more to complain about but I’m tired of it at this point.
- Turn that silly hitting feedback box off, its misleading and triggers noobs, you should feel when you're late or behind on a pitch not look at a box to tell you.
- That's baseball, suck it up.
- Whats wrong with high Sinkers?, lol okay high sinkers shouldn't be a thing
- Stop playing online and start a Franchise like a real man.
- You haven't tested the game enough to find realistic Sliders yet.
- See number 1.
- Whats wrong with that?, that's how Canadians run when they play baseball.
- Cause they realize it would be too easy and online casual noobs would feel too entitled and Sim players wouldn't want to play The Show.
- Skill matters that's why noobs don't like this year's game.
my pitcher just dropped an easy pop up following a fielding error at SS wich cost me the game. I dont feel that anything was fixed with this patch.
I haven't noticed any difference since the patch. Online or offline.
Outfielders and infielders are still morons, making consistent errors on routine plays.
Once or twice a game, a fielder won't even realize a baseball is coming his way, and it falls harmlessly to the ground.
Infielders still spike throws into the dirt, even with a perfect button release. They still throw lollipops to first base and outfielders still push against the wall for no reason.
Fielders still have no 'internal clock' and as such, their animations/movements remain lethargic, allowing runners to be safe for no reason. These are just a few of the several fielding issues I've noticed today.
@theCRIMSON_4_2_0 said in 1.09 Patch Discussion:
my pitcher just dropped an easy pop up following a fielding error at SS wich cost me the game. I dont feel that anything was fixed with this patch.
Yeah its amazing how The Show 2020 can simulate nervousness with pressure situations in the game, so realistic...I love it!
I just had 3 bad animations (or lack of) in a single game. 1 with Face of the franchise Soto in LF and 2 by Baez in CF. Soto just ran past it at the last second even though I was directly underneath the indicator. And Baez let one hit him in the shoulder while attempting to make a running catch. He didn’t even put his glove up and attempt to catch it. He also let one hit him in the chest while running in on the ball. Almost cost me the game. All 3 of them came with RISP and allowed 3 runs to score.
My fielders glitched twice in 1 play, first Gleyber not moving then Soto not locking on: