Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I might be able to get him but I really don’t want to spend all those stubs to get him. He was way more expensive that I expected.
What else is there to spend stubs on? Batting gloves?
I’m not saying I won’t buy him but I’m not in a rush. I’m gonna see what the market does in the next week or so. I’m definitely not trying to buy a Takashi card for almost a million stubs that won’t even touch the field.
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
well ok then. Tell us how you really feel.
u might want to delete this.
@the_dragon1912 said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
For people that have been playing for months and don't have a single collection done, what are you doing with all the stubs you've gotten for free just playing the game?
I have used some to buy cards that I wanted that were either in packs or online rewards. I probably paid a premium for them by buying them quickly. I bought a couple of the All Star and HR packs but no others.
I have played since release. I play offline only. I have done all of the main programs but only up until the last boss pack. I did about half of the Other Programs.
Mostly I have been pretty frugal with my stubs. I have 1.4 million right now. As a Cardinals fan I will be doing the Finest Collection to get Goldschmidt. At current prices that alone will use about a 3rd of my stubs.
What will I do with the rest (roughly 1 million)? I honestly don't know but I know it is not enough to chase Mantle with.
Ok follow up question, have you completed programs? How many players do you need? Genuinely interested. It seems like at this point in the year if you've completed all the programs even only playing offline you should be really close
Not necessarily. Offline programs Only get you so fat when pretty much the entirety of the allstar, breakout, rookie, veteran, and 2nd half collection are BR or event rewards. If one stops at the boss pack and doesn't sell any cards they would only be about halfway close on Future Stars, FOTF, and Jackie. The only collections you are likely to have from entirely offline play with no flipping or buying cards specifically for collections are POTM , most of topps now, and postseason.
The only real way to be close without specifically preparing for it is to have completed every event and BR program. Combine those 2 with flipping and you have people like me who have every single card(and I've flipped a whole lot less than last year, events is a massive stub maker)
Fair enough. I guess I play enough online to have collected just about every player. I haven't flipped any cards since completing the LS collection 3 weeks into the game. I'm doing a little experiment to see how many stubs you can get from 1,000 packs. I have 663 right now from programs and mini-seasons. Should have 1,000 by the end of next week and 1 million stubs. So if I can sell everything I pull I might be able to hit 5 million stubs and look at getting every player I'm missing.
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
well ok then. Tell us how you really feel.
u might want to delete this.
lol why did i offend you? i actually have been loving the game this year - i play hardly at all, no need to stress about collections, just Ranked and Events for me and i love my team
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@Dolenz_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
For people that have been playing for months and don't have a single collection done, what are you doing with all the stubs you've gotten for free just playing the game?
I have used some to buy cards that I wanted that were either in packs or online rewards. I probably paid a premium for them by buying them quickly. I bought a couple of the All Star and HR packs but no others.
I have played since release. I play offline only. I have done all of the main programs but only up until the last boss pack. I did about half of the Other Programs.
Mostly I have been pretty frugal with my stubs. I have 1.4 million right now. As a Cardinals fan I will be doing the Finest Collection to get Goldschmidt. At current prices that alone will use about a 3rd of my stubs.
What will I do with the rest (roughly 1 million)? I honestly don't know but I know it is not enough to chase Mantle with.
Ok follow up question, have you completed programs? How many players do you need? Genuinely interested. It seems like at this point in the year if you've completed all the programs even only playing offline you should be really close
I have done the main programs up until the final boss pack. Sometimes I get a few rewards beyond that but it is not a priority for me. I think the very first program was the only one I got to the very end of.
Of the Other programs I have done maybe half of them. But I'll be honest, I got tired of being asked to earn PXP with cards I had no desire to use while the cards I wanted to use got ignored.
I did go through the collections a few days ago. For most of them I was maybe around the half way point.
It takes some effort and dedication to earn those final collection rewards, as it should. I just don't have that dedication. And as a extra data point. I only sell my duplicate cards on the market. I have no desire to flip cards or risk my stubs on investing in players getting upgraded.
Yeah I don't see how, since all of the cards I still need are like 200K+.
I'll probably get him eventually just for lack of anything better to do, but definitely not in a rush. I didn't start playing until around All Star break and play almost exclusively offline, literally only online i've done is BR over the past week for the stubs (I'm genuinely terrible, but turns out BR is just compiling stats even if you get smoked every game lol. It's honestly worth giving it a shot for the rewards. I wish I'd checked it out sooner). I just play a couple hours every night but have finished every Other Program except yesterday's new stuff and Extreme (which I'll have done as soon as I finish 25k PXP mission two more times) and usually max out featured program.
Most of the time I've only cared about having all the Cubs cards and enough cards to field a team to grind out any PXP mission that might pop up, so haven't chased a lot of the top cards. But over the past month or so have worked on collections for lack of anything better to do with stubs. Have Brett and Cutch done. Just need to finish the postseason program to get 3 more cards for last voucher for Rollins, then I'll start working on Mantle for the hell of it. Currently have about 4.3M stubs and all the Cubs cards, so might as well do something with em lol.
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
well ok then. Tell us how you really feel.
u might want to delete this.
lol why did i offend you? i actually have been loving the game this year - i play hardly at all, no need to stress about collections, just Ranked and Events for me and i love my team
Noooo you don’t didn’t offend me. I actually thought it was funny. I just didn’t want you to get kicked out of here for the last part.
@SakAttack87_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
Something that I did this year which really helped me bank a good amount of stubs was to make quick progress with the reward path and sell off the program boss/bosses as early as possible. Do the moments and exchanges right out of the gate. I would then buy them back later on right before the program ended. For example, sold off Billy Wagner for 350k as soon as I unlocked him and then was able to pick him up when all of the bosses were 160k a few weeks later. This was the program that also included Chipper and Gehrig. With the profit of that one transaction, I was able to scoop up another boss for "free" essentially and have some stubs leftover.
This method was also super effective with the previous Legends of the Franchise program. I remember selling off Hank Aaron for over 200k and when I repurchased him later on he was around 35k and now you can get him for 10k. Patience definitely pays off with this approach.
As an offline grinder exclusively, it worked well for me playing with this strategy. I understand competitive head-to-head players probably have a different mindset as their goal is usually to insert these boss cards into their lineups as fast as they can to keep a competitive edge since they are usually the best cards available at that given time. That isn't a concern for me so I just flip them immediately to maximize stubs.
This 100 percent. I hate flipping and stink at online play but knocking out programs early gives you ton of stubbs and then you can buy back the card you sold at a fraction of the cost. I also found knocking LS to be very helpful because then I could just sell every LS card from the free packs. I started yesterday with 1 million stubbs, right now I'm sitting on 2.9 and I have Mantle. Just over preparing allowed me to sell cards I didn't need in the sets for sometimes close to 200k. But I will concede that some people don't enjoy the collecting aspect of it.
For those who will ot get Mantle no worries. Small sample size but I like Trout and Griffey much better than Mantle. Reynolds could be a solid replacement for Mantle. I also like Finest Julio Rodriguez and MS Bellinger has a great swing. So their are other options out there that don't cost 22 mil.
I am always nms. Haven't played hardly any h2h this year and last time was in April I think. I should have him in about a few days to a week. I am just waiting for prices to drop because right now everyone is paying top price during the rush.
So far each collection reward I am a little closer to getting upon release. Brett I had a ways to go when he was released. Mc Cutchen I was a little closer, and a bit closer and closer on the nest ones.
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
well ok then. Tell us how you really feel.
u might want to delete this.
lol why did i offend you? i actually have been loving the game this year - i play hardly at all, no need to stress about collections, just Ranked and Events for me and i love my team
Noooo you don’t didn’t offend me. I actually thought it was funny. I just didn’t want you to get kicked out of here for the last part.
lol i hear ya !!! have a great weekend
@the_dragon1912 said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
Offline programs Only get you so fat
I've managed to stay slim and trim by playing offline. I sometimes do sets of push-ups between innings.
Online is a different story. I usually snack on Oreos. Regular Oreos, to be clear. NOT Double-Stuff. There's WAY too much "stuff" in Double Stuff. The ratio of "stuff" to the cookie is all off.
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@MRAD2010_XBL said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@TheHungryHole said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
@esmlb_rop_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
I'm a "no money spent" player and haven't put in as many hours this year as in the past. Showzone estimates 20-27 million stubs needed if starting the collection from scratch, sure beats out the 2.2 million I had saved up lmao. At the moment, Mantle seems unattainable for anyone who hasn't done extensive grinding\flipping from the start
lol mate ive got around 68K stubs and no collections done either other than randy johnson - i could care less they can bl0w me
well ok then. Tell us how you really feel.
u might want to delete this.
lol why did i offend you? i actually have been loving the game this year - i play hardly at all, no need to stress about collections, just Ranked and Events for me and i love my team
Noooo you don’t didn’t offend me. I actually thought it was funny. I just didn’t want you to get kicked out of here for the last part.
lol i hear ya !!! have a great weekend
You too man
. Have a good one. -
I won't be. I don't even have Brett.
So as a player missing only 3 cards in the game. Johnson deGrom and Harris ( which I had both and sold them for around a millions stubs cause I’ll get them next weekend.). Play what you play, I’m OCD, so I grind hard. My 13 year old plays and doesn’t even have Brett but like I tell him, you can be good at the game and win with Gold level players if you see the ball well. I mean a guy with 125 power is nice but a guy with 85 will hit home runs too. Do you play to be happy. But I will say, the mantle card is stupid good
I was able to get Mantle right away this year. Playing BR helped immensely for me to build up stubs and buy cards.
24 Milestone program points away from Mantle!!
@hoboadam_PSN said in Anyone else probably not getting Mantle?:
It also isn't a reward for people who have spent RL cash vs people that haven't.
I’m just curious what you mean by this. I didn’t spend cash to get him, I just don’t know what your saying here.
Edit: I agree with what you are saying for the most part. I don’t want you to think I am trying to attack you or anything.