So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?
We all continue to try and have fun playing this game while devs continue to roll out a hitting engine that’s worse than 2ks shot meter. Seriously no word from the dev team talking about non pci home runs or how every game is a roll of the dice as to who wins. Instead we all just talk about content dropping on here rather than the real issue. The hitting engine is broken and has been for a while. Why will this never be addressed?????
It's almost November, no way they put any more resources into something like that.
@eatyum_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
It's almost November, no way they put any more resources into something like that.
Maybe they should try putting any resources because it’s clearly not a concern for them. It’s not like there’s any effort. It’s really bad at this point
@eatyum_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
It's almost November, no way they put any more resources into something like that.
Considering they made it even worse just a few weeks ago...we can still hope for the best.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
We all continue to try and have fun playing this game while devs continue to roll out a hitting engine that’s worse than 2ks shot meter. Seriously no word from the dev team talking about non pci home runs or how every game is a roll of the dice as to who wins. Instead we all just talk about content dropping on here rather than the real issue. The hitting engine is broken and has been for a while. Why will this never be addressed?????
They have been adjusting it for years it seems to work how they have designed it we may be entering Madden territory with this game and that is terrifying knew it was downhill when 18 came out
You really are posting this in the wrong place. All gameplay changes for the show are run through McGunski.
Considering how few changes there's been to hitting this year, I think we can safely assume that it's playing pretty much exactly how SDS wants it to. If you're not enjoying the game in its current state, then it's time to accept that you most likely never will.
Or you could continue living in an alternate reality where making major changes to the most important part of a game is something that a designer might do after they've created one of the best selling games of the year.
@whitejw98_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
Considering how few changes there's been to hitting this year, I think we can safely assume that it's playing pretty much exactly how SDS wants it to. If you're not enjoying the game in its current state, then it's time to accept that you most likely never will.
Or you could continue living in an alternate reality where making major changes to the most important part of a game is something that a designer might do after they've created one of the best selling games of the year.
Are you living in an alternate reality where they didn’t make a major change to the most important part of the game (a part that hadn’t been changed since 18) based on a video by a random YouTuber?
@whitejw98_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
Or you could continue living in an alternate reality where making major changes to the most important part of a game is something that a designer might do after they've created one of the best selling games of the year.
This game wouldn't sell that well if there was competition. That is the point of having competition. Innovation. Putting out a better product than someone else. They know that they can put 21 out again in 22 and still sell millions of copies. SDS lost a customer this year.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
We all continue to try and have fun playing this game while devs continue to roll out a hitting engine that’s worse than 2ks shot meter. Seriously no word from the dev team talking about non pci home runs or how every game is a roll of the dice as to who wins. Instead we all just talk about content dropping on here rather than the real issue. The hitting engine is broken and has been for a while. Why will this never be addressed?????
Most likely not. I am sure they are knee deep into programming the The Show 22.
The only hope is really that it will be better next year, but based on all my years of playing I can guarantee that whatever changes they may make will be criticized heavily by one group or another.
If next year is yet another direct port from the previous year, like it has been for the past several years - especially with next-gen out for an entire year cycle - it'll be immensely disappointing. I won't be pre-ordering for the first time ever as I plan to wait and see. This 'engine' is old and every year is just added visuals and tweaks to said engine, even though the 'new game' is just edits to the engine and a roster change. The jump from PS3 to PS4 was bumpy for a bit. I hope gameplay gets better next year, but judging on how the game has regressed the past few years, I don't have much confidence in this company to pull it off. Hope they prove me wrong.
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
We all continue to try and have fun playing this game while devs continue to roll out a hitting engine that’s worse than 2ks shot meter. Seriously no word from the dev team talking about non pci home runs or how every game is a roll of the dice as to who wins. Instead we all just talk about content dropping on here rather than the real issue. The hitting engine is broken and has been for a while. Why will this never be addressed?????
I suggest having anyone who has played the game at the High School level or above as a consultant.
It's baseball, not astrophysics.
The swings LOOK pretty, but they don't function according to the laws of physics.
Early swings going foul to the opposite field, late swings being pulled, etc., Einstein would be weeping if he saw these things. -
Screaming line outs shouldn’t happen twice an inning when they tend to happen in big league games maybe once or twice a game. A lot of balls that we see hit in real life are never in the game. The physics of the ball of the bat is terrible. There’s like 8 places the ball can go off the bat in this game
@eatyum_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
It's almost November, no way they put any more resources into something like that.
A lot of games now will update the engine toward the end of a life cycle to test fixes for the next year since it is the same exact game.
@gradekthebard said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
@whitejw98_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
Considering how few changes there's been to hitting this year, I think we can safely assume that it's playing pretty much exactly how SDS wants it to. If you're not enjoying the game in its current state, then it's time to accept that you most likely never will.
Or you could continue living in an alternate reality where making major changes to the most important part of a game is something that a designer might do after they've created one of the best selling games of the year.
Are you living in an alternate reality where they didn’t make a major change to the most important part of the game (a part that hadn’t been changed since 18) based on a video by a random YouTuber?
Well, it is very important that those 100 people be able to reach the corners of the plate. Don't worry about the people that have to deal with the laggy trash connections which feature 120 mph wiffle balls but now you get an oversensitive pci to try to put on those warping pitches.
I honestly don't think these people have a clue about the issues connections cause in this game. You can add oversensitive pci to that extensive list. Do they ever wonder why in general the people with the most time and success in this game is people who live near the server locations? It's because the game generally plays like it should.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
@eatyum_psn said in So is the hitting engine ever gonna be addressed or?:
It's almost November, no way they put any more resources into something like that.
A lot of games now will update the engine toward the end of a life cycle to test fixes for the next year since it is the same exact game.
True, but going off SDS's past, they never have done that up to this point.
Anyone blaming mgunskis for state of this game are idiots. The game was already a dumpster fire, he pointed out a exploit that was hurting the game. SDS is just incompetent and doesn’t know how to make a game playable in every facet of the game. So don’t blame him for trying to help.
I love how defensive people get of content creators