@bayareaj1991 said in Clemente:
@ikasnu_psn said in Clemente:
I know nothing about him.
If you're talking about Clemente, then as a baseball fan you definitely should look him up. He was a great player (had exactly 3,000 hits and 12 gold gloves) but was a better person off the field. Did a lot of great things for people and even died in a pane crash, cutting his career short, while trying to help people in Nicaragua after a huge earthquake.
I looked into his stats a bit, the amount of consecutive GGs and MVP votes is crazy
@ikasnu_psn said in Clemente:
@bayareaj1991 said in Clemente:
@ikasnu_psn said in Clemente:
I know nothing about him.
If you're talking about Clemente, then as a baseball fan you definitely should look him up. He was a great player (had exactly 3,000 hits and 12 gold gloves) but was a better person off the field. Did a lot of great things for people and even died in a pane crash, cutting his career short, while trying to help people in Nicaragua after a huge earthquake.
I looked into his stats a bit, the amount of consecutive GGs and MVP votes is crazy
Ya he was a beast. He was getting up there in age (baseball wise at least) but even his last season he did well. It's too bad his career got cut short.
The only concern I have with clemente and its no knock on the player he is an all time great and lost his life far too soon but I'm not sure he will translate well into the game because I haven't seen anything to suggest getting singles and doubles matter hell they even mentioned bloopers will be caught more
@c7susb9_psn said in Clemente:
Would love to see:
NL: Clemente
AL: Mauer
MLB: AaronIt was funny as good as Mauer was in game alot of people were using the Gary Sanchez monthly (i think was same year might've been sanchez gold?) or Salvy, and Molina. But yeah Mauer was my go too he raked for me!!
@wynsanity318 said in Clemente:
The only concern I have with clemente and its no knock on the player he is an all time great and lost his life far too soon but I'm not sure he will translate well into the game because I haven't seen anything to suggest getting singles and doubles matter hell they even mentioned bloopers will be caught more
I think you will see more base hits this year. They are aware some players aren't getting used the way game is designed.
Plus with z axis fielding and throwing meter adjustment it looks like possibly best game to date. Yes they did say more catches for those types of plays, but they did make improvements to the hitting as well.
yankblanreplied to GrizzBear55 on Mar 22, 2021, 4:50 PM last edited by yankblan_PSN Mar 22, 2021, 4:51 PM
@grizzbear55_psn said in Clemente:
@wynsanity318 said in Clemente:
The only concern I have with clemente and its no knock on the player he is an all time great and lost his life far too soon but I'm not sure he will translate well into the game because I haven't seen anything to suggest getting singles and doubles matter hell they even mentioned bloopers will be caught more
I think you will see more base hits this year. They are aware some players aren't getting used the way game is designed.
Plus with z axis fielding and throwing meter adjustment it looks like possibly best game to date. Yes they did say more catches for those types of plays, but they did make improvements to the hitting as well.
19 was great at the start of the year with hit variety; unfortunately as more and more diamonds came out, it all canceled out. The best gameplay is always the first month since most teams have holes because you have to sacrifice defense to put in Nelson Cruz, or power to get Tony Gwynn rookie defense and speed. By June most teams have 5-tools players at every position. It has to have undesired effects on the engine.
GrizzBear55replied to yankblan on Mar 22, 2021, 5:04 PM last edited by GrizzBear55_PSN Mar 22, 2021, 5:07 PM
@yankblan_psn said in Clemente:
@grizzbear55_psn said in Clemente:
@wynsanity318 said in Clemente:
The only concern I have with clemente and its no knock on the player he is an all time great and lost his life far too soon but I'm not sure he will translate well into the game because I haven't seen anything to suggest getting singles and doubles matter hell they even mentioned bloopers will be caught more
I think you will see more base hits this year. They are aware some players aren't getting used the way game is designed.
Plus with z axis fielding and throwing meter adjustment it looks like possibly best game to date. Yes they did say more catches for those types of plays, but they did make improvements to the hitting as well.
19 was great at the start of the year with hit variety; unfortunately as more and more diamonds came out, it all canceled out. The best gameplay is always the first month since most teams have holes because you have to sacrifice defense to put in Nelson Cruz, or power to get Tony Gwynn rookie defense and speed. By June most teams have 5-tools players at every position. It has to have undesired effects on the engine.
I get that. Which is why i would like to see RS have a mandatory lineup like BR kinda with limited amount of diamonds gold and silvers even if it is just til AS Break. I dunno that promotes diversity more, maybe it would make card values go up, but also see more use of TA rewards like prospects being used not just in event specific scenarios.
And this would open up possibilities of various Topps now cards as well?
@lucas8181 said in Clemente:
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in Clemente:
@lucas8181 said in Clemente:
@htonsecurity5x said in Clemente:
I’d say nl collection. Thinking he’s a biggio type card, less speed, bigger arm, and a couple notches up in power.
I won't be collecting this year, as every year the collection rewards end up collecting dust. But, it's good to know he's in the game finally.
so mickey has collected dust? And Trout?
Trout is not a LS reward. Yes, Mickie does not play for me anymore.
So Mays in 19 wasy an end game card?
I will agree with Mickey has been collecting dust since Griffey came out. He is good but I think if they get Hank Aaron he will have less power than mickey higher contact. and Lower fielding. Aaron was a great player but not a great all around player. He broke records because of his longevity and ability to consistently get 30+ HR in a season. He only hit higher then 45 2 times and never hit 50. According to Baseball Reference he was more like Miggie.
You're talking about age comps. If you look at overall career, his best comps according to baseballreference...
Willie Mays (782.1) *
Barry Bonds (748.7)
Albert Pujols (745.7)
Alex Rodriguez (714.9)
Frank Robinson (667.7) *
Stan Musial (666.7) *
Babe Ruth (645.9) *
Ken Griffey Jr. (629.0) *
Carl Yastrzemski (627.3) *
Rafael Palmeiro (611.1)That ain't a bad list to be on!
@lucas8181 said in Clemente:
@joeythebigboss said in Clemente:
I hope the live series Collection is 1 of three guys . either DiMaggio probably won’t be since Another all time Yankee was the live series reward last year in Mantle , Hank Aaron or they go crazy and get the rights to Juicy Pun intended Bonds .
Bonds will never sell his rights. Even when he was a player, he retained his own rights instead of being part of the MLBPA. Hopefully one day, people will stop repeating this impossibility on forums.
Or, people like to have positive attitudes and since he’s the most asked for player in the entire DD community, a lot of people don’t mind having hope that he will one day be in the game. If you personally would like to hold that negative attitude be my guest but don’t get mad at others for being joyful and positive
As great of a player Clemente was in real life I just don’t think he’ll transition well in the show. He’ll basically be the 99 Gwynn card but MUCH slower.
@ikasnu_psn said in Clemente:
I know nothing about him.
Roberto Clemente has been a huge want for a long time for us "older" baseball fans. He paved the way for Latinos in the MLB and truly changed the "color" of the game.
Hot take:
LS Collection reward: A - Rod prime card from seattle.
L&F Collection reward: Roy Campenella
Now that we know Clemente is in, there's less than 0% chance ARod joins the party this year. They need to space out the remaining legends so that future Show iterations will have someone to sell. And ARod is on the short list of remaining potential system-sellers (like Joe D, Randy J, and Pedro M).
Campy: Not sure #644 in Career WAR is the best choice for L&F. Honus is top 10 and Trout is already at 81 with a shot at Top 20 all time.
Might be a good sport for Pujols considering this is the last card we're gonna get from him before his hiatus.
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in Clemente:
Hot take:
LS Collection reward: A - Rod prime card from seattle.
L&F Collection reward: Roy Campenella
I think they take a year off from the big collections reward this year and do something different.
@gradekthebard said in Clemente:
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in Clemente:
Hot take:
LS Collection reward: A - Rod prime card from seattle.
L&F Collection reward: Roy Campenella
I think they take a year off from the big collections reward this year and do something different.
I somewhat disagree. I think it’s a fan favourite, and it may sell stubs. So ya know sds be all for it
Well, if power is still meta in 21, then yes Clemente will be a bit lackluster.
However if fielding is important, and I know they keep trying to make it matter more, he should be the best defensive RF in the game.
I never saw Clemente play, but my understanding is that he was a tremendous outfielder with a rocket throwing arm. He might end up as one of the best fielding cards in the game. Unfortunately he didn’t have much power, so I think pwr in the 70s is probably the max. He didn’t really steal bases either. I’m interested to see what his stats will look like.
@jellyroll198 said in Clemente:
@c7susb9_psn said in Clemente:
Would love to see:
NL: Clemente
AL: Mauer
MLB: AaronOh yeah, that Mauer card a few years ago was incredible. I would love for them to bring that card back. Not a lot of end game left handed catchers available the last few years.
Hello! That's a good point. Having 2 great catcher options, one RHB and one LHB, is a good idea for a Diamond Dynasty team. It's the main reason the 96 switch-hitting Jorge Posada card is still useful in 2020's game.
@tinstaapp_psn said in Clemente:
I never saw Clemente play, but my understanding is that he was a tremendous outfielder with a rocket throwing arm. He might end up as one of the best fielding cards in the game. Unfortunately he didn’t have much power, so I think pwr in the 70s is probably the max. He didn’t really steal bases either. I’m interested to see what his stats will look like.
You are probably right on the power but if they do an mvp card they could boost his power up over 100. Morgan’s card this year had 108 power from a 27 hr season. Clemente hit 29 in his mvp season. Without a power boost he may not be all that usable depending on how the game plays.