Prestiging players in 2021
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
Since SDS staff has returned to the forums: can we please remove this feature altogether or find a different way to prestige players? Specifically one that doesn't allow my opponent to sabotage my progress?
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system. Giving your opponent the power to sabotage your progress by a simple dashboard is not only a shameful oversight, but could have (and probably even should have) been prevented since they had this exact same problem in MLBTS 17.
Back then you had to get a certain statline with BO Ken Griffey JR to be able to advance the program towards unlocking 99 Griffey. Needless to say, everybody knew what that statline was and it resulted in intentional walks for the duration of the game whenever Griffey was up to prevent you from completing it. I thought they learned from this disastrous approach right then and there, until it came back this year with the prestige system.
So can we move on from this and save us all the frustration, mean PSN messages and angry forum rants? Pretty please?
I have been a stern supporter of keeping the stats as online only, however after spending some time away from the game and recently coming back the mission need to be tweaked.
I am all for a an approach of 1 to 5 so for example for every 1 at bat online 5 are required offline so on the case of Trout he need 250 at bats offline would require 1250 at bats.
Idk man, that makes it so grindy. I would support a system where you can earn prestige tokens (additional to the 'default' rewards we get now) by playing RS/BR/Events where 1 token can be used to prestige a player of your choice and every player is eligible by default. The amount of tokens you earn will be based on the succes that you have.
So for example let's say for RS, every season you make WS, you'd earn 3 tokens. If you make CS, you earn 1 token. Plenty of tokens to earn that way throughout the year by just playing ranked, it also invites people to keep playing ranked and make a run for WS.
For BR it could be something like 1 token for going 12-1 and 3 tokens for going flawless.
For events you'd have to accumulate an X amount of wins for an X amount of tokens (based on difficulty and wins needed).
This way the prestige ability can not be sabotaged, its still somewhat exclusive but not too exclusive, and you can earn plenty throughout the year. Sometimes you'd have to make smart choices too, like "am I gonna use it now or am I gonna wait for this certain player who I know will be coming at some point?".
This reminds me of the Stan Musial immortal from 18. I dont hate this but the one thing I would say about your system is that it's more team base and not player use base so in theory you could prestige a player with ever having to use them.
I'm starting to think ABs should be the stat that this is based one just do 500AB and you get that Red Diamond.
Well you could literally use that prestige token on anyone the way I suggested it. So not just 1 player like Stan Musial. If you wanna prestige LS Trout, then go ahead. I think that would be a waste of a token because there'll be a better version of him, but hey nobody stopping you from doing what you want. I don't really like the grindy type of stuff, whether it's online or offline. It feels like a chore, while winning them feels like a reward.
I would have two ideas for offline grinding prestige stats:
- Do some kind of Solo Battles mode and count it here (this mode is in my opinion very needed for offline players)
- Or make it count only in conquest games
In both options offline players would not play hit and quit style like you can do it in play vs cpu
@raesONE said in Prestiging players in 2021:
The big takeaway from this year is that the developers apparently didn't anticipate on this dashboarding phenomenon when they introduced the whole prestige system.
Then they have not been paying attention to previous years. Losing stats, specifically HR's, to dashboarding is not a new issue that was introduced with prestige cards.
@jcassaro44 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
They just have to make home runs quicker. Every time I hit one in an event with a player I want to prestige it’s takes 9 years to get out and I get dashboarded... If it gets out quicker and not a slow dramatic moon shoot I think it will help solve this.
Write to server as soon as the HR outcome is determined. Problem solved. Hitter gets their HR stat, pitcher gets their quit. Everybody happy. The end.
@ChuckCLC said in Prestiging players in 2021:
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
I have 2 and one is the free ones they give you once you get to the prestige xp. Other is Nick Anderson that takes a little bit of time. They need to add in the offline mode if they are going to keep it. They figured out how to block dashboarding for the showdown but not for online stat?
I posted on this before. Most people dashboard after a HR. SDS should simply make the HR count as soon as it is hit (with the exception of those you can rob), therefore the player hitting the HR gets the stats and win. No incentive for the person dashboarding to do it, unless they're done playing for the day. Even then, you still only have one upset player instead of two.
I would also like the option to add the stats wherever I want and not just a +3 to every stat. Let me customize it to my liking...
An easy fix would be to get rid of that prestiging player nonsense for 2021.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in Prestiging players in 2021:
They already have the solution. Some of the various programs had online and offline components you could pick and choose from. The online missions were generally worth more program points.
I think a combination could be achieved. For example let's say to Prestige Mike Trout you need 100 program points. Create 150 points worth of program missions so the user has control over how they get there. If you want to knock out all the online programs you should get closer faster.
Online stats if needed should be vague only like 200 ABs or innings pitched.
It would have to be PA otherwise you would just get walked which does not count as an AB.
@ChuckCLC said in Prestiging players in 2021:
I would love to have prestige removed. I prestiged zero players this year. Isn't worth it anyways.
The pitching is fun, easy and worth it. not so much the hitters.
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only. The attribute boosts by and large aren’t huge and it’s more a reflection of how much you use a certain card (which is the same online or offline) than how good you are. I just can’t see too many people mindlessly grinding out prestige stats offline like in 18. In 18 you went from like a 90 OVR to a 99. With prestige you already have the 99 and it’s just +3.
@GradektheBard said in Prestiging players in 2021:
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only.
To drive players to play online?
I had an idea awhile back: earning prestige points via Programs, Event/RS/BR Rewards, however. And those prestige points could be applied once to any card in the game. It's a simple +3 across the board, after all.
@SaveFarris said in Prestiging players in 2021:
@GradektheBard said in Prestiging players in 2021:
There is really no reason to make prestige stats online only.
To drive players to play online?
There would have been some resistance from some of the devs when the idea of online grinding was proposed (they had even admitted previously it was a bad idea). So there must have been some reason it was brought back. Maybe online numbers went down. Maybe they needed to test some new code or something. Maybe the online games target was set higher and it was a shortcut...
The resistance originated in 17 when A) the servers were hot garbage and B) nearly impossible one-game missions frustrated everyone.
They over-corrected in 18 when the seemingly unending any-mode stat grinds for the Career Arcs and Immortals were greeted with less than enthusiastic fanfare (by some. I didn't mind.)19 was (to me) the perfect balance.
Whether the metrics went down precipitating the push for online prestiging in 20, we'll never know. I'm not over the moon about the required online play but I get it from a business decision. They are, after all, in the business of driving PS+ subscriptions. And they need something to incentivize play.